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Online courses for kids & teens
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Online courses for kids & teens
Find classes and curriculum to support your kid's learning.
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30k+ Courses30k+ Courses

What is Outschool?

See how Outschool offers the widest variety of expert teachers and unique topics, so you can find the right fit for your family.

Why do families love Outschool?

Over 100,000 kids and teens use Outschool to learn new skills, boost their grades, and make friends each month. With top-rated teachers and a wide range of subjects, you can find the perfect class for your child. Mix and match class levels to fit their needs, and rest easy knowing they’ll get personalized feedback from real teachers—not AI. Plus, all Outschool classes are backed by our Learning Experience Pledge.

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I fully outsourced math to Outschool a few years ago when my AuDHD 12yo surpassed my ability to help him progress and it was the best decision we've ever made. In Mr. Malikai, he has found an incredible educator and mentor. I am impressed daily with his confidence and math ability.

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Master essay writing
Master essay writing
Improve math skills
Improve math skills
Boost reading skills with phonics
Boost reading skills with phonics
Support your learner's unique needs
Support your learner's unique needs
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