

or $224 for 16 classes

Pet Nutrition Course - Dog Edition With Kitty Tips Too!

New class
Ages 11-16
Live Group Class
Veggie snacks, fermented goat milk, and saltless sardines, oh my! In this 16 week course, students will learn all about pet nutrition!
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Live video meetings
1x per week, 16 weeks
1-6 learners per class
30 min

What's included

16 live meetings
8 in-class hours

Class Experience

This course looks at the nutritional needs of our favorite canine companions! From healthy veggie snacks to fun protein options, and healthy supplements. We'll dive into what their bodies and minds need and ways to bond with them over food! 

You'll see my own dogs on camera in class trying the same foods we are talking about that week! Taste test time!! 

* Class runs reviews each week so students may join, pause, leave, and come back without missing any information. *

(I will also be adding in tips for our kitty friends too on topic days where those foods are also recommended for felines.)

This class follows through the nutrition guide by Dr. Karen Becker and my own holistic vet that we've used for our pets over the last 3 years. I have completed several nutrition courses and animal communication courses myself as well. 

This class is meant to be educational in nature, talking about nutrition in general and is not intended to be veterinary advice. 

***Please keep in mind the safety and concern of your own pets. Feed treats in small bite-sized pieces, and only introduce one new food at a time in case of allergic reaction or GI upset. 

Class 1: The basics! From wolves to domesticated pets. Just how close are they to wolves still? Interview with Dr. Becker day! What is a sniffari anyway??
Class 2: New food bingo boards will be assigned: Veggie board edition
Class 3: The science behind green beans, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. What makes these foods healthy? 
Class 4: Animal communication day - Learning their body language and social cues

Class 5  Intro and fun fact day! New food bingo boards will be assigned: Fruit board edition
Class 6: The science behind pomegranates, apples, bananas, watermelon, blueberries, and mango. What makes these foods healthy? 
Class 7: Interview with a dog trainer day + 2 new tricks to teach your dog
Class 8:  Animal communication day - Learning their body language and social cues

Class 9:  Intro and fun fact day! New food bingo boards will be assigned: Protein board edition
Class 10: The science behind chicken, beef, duck, sardines, salmon, and turkey. What ratio of protein to carbs is best? What makes these foods healthy? 
Class 11: Interview with a zoologist day - Wolf edition 
Class 12: Animal communication day - Learning their body language and social cues

Class 13:  Intro and fun fact day! New food bingo boards will be assigned: Seeds and oils board edition
Class 14: The science behind pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seed, olive oil, and fish oil. What makes these foods healthy? 
Class 15: Bonus science day!: The science behind kefir, bone broth, goat milk, and quail eggs! Recipes included!
Class 16: Animal communication day - Learning their body language and social cues

Learning Goals

Learn ways to bond with pets
Learn about the nutritional needs of dogs and cats

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Please keep in mind the safety and concern of your own pets. Feed treats in small bite-sized pieces, and only introduce one new food at a time in case of allergic reaction or GI upset. Consult your vet before adding foods into your pet's diet if you are unsure. This class is meant to talk about the nutritional benefits of adding fruits, vegetables, seeds, milks, and oils into a pet's bowl. There is no medical advice given in this class.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Dr. Karen Becker - The Forever Dog I will be pulling nutritional lessons from two books, links are added below but students do not need them for class. YouTube videos for interviews and science lessons https://www.amazon.com/Forever-Dog-Life-Longevity-Healthier-ebook/dp/B0CFM3KBDX/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=U87TX7UQM4RI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3qnrmZEIpdvGBPFp7eluU4avenZRVZMGW2ORHPZN1xb1fynUyA_xgFlHxXw-sPO2HcNt8OcekBrX5RkNYx5XkDdSMqncXbX-DWiOFP-_ENJiZ_J_7nEuuIINx_MHQcSSmSUmUjY8UppYTkGX5CdPSYH3g8ymhAJb8TAFShHkrdWWXQE8xb_c5_VO2JmZk1HnoO8Pmx04GhDHvAMGu5pG2JsSmMjBcs3l_qWmQ7DkcGc.dLvfLN_seU-udNOfC1xWIc_bb14ECOQ0bIRUvzj7zJs&dib_tag=se&keywords=forever+dog&qid=1720043705&sprefix=forever+dog%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Forever-Dog-Blueprint-Exceptionally-Companions/dp/B08TP8M44P/ref=sr_1_3?crid=C93FEKUSXUS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3qnrmZEIpdvGBPFp7eluU4avenZRVZMGW2ORHPZN1xb1fynUyA_xgFlHxXw-sPO2HcNt8OcekBrX5RkNYx5XkDdSMqncXbX-DWiOFP-_ENJiZ_J_7nEuuIINx_MHQcSSmSUmUjY8UppYTkGX5CdPSYH3g8ymhAJb8TAFShHkrdWWXQE8xb_c5_VO2JmZk1HnoO8Pmx04GhDHvAMGu5pG2JsSmMjBcs3l_qWmQ7DkcGc.dLvfLN_seU-udNOfC1xWIc_bb14ECOQ0bIRUvzj7zJs&dib_tag=se&keywords=forever+dog&qid=1720043743&sprefix=forever+dog%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-3

Meet the teacher

Joined February, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have 3 dogs - we use our holistic vet for our crazy weird nutritional plan! 
Our vet went to college with Dr. Karen Becker who is now a world-renowned vet who just published 2 of her own books breaking down the detailed needs of pets, what to feed them, and why! Fascinating topics deserve a class all of their own! 


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