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Introduction to Gothic Literature

Completed by 3 learners
Ages 12-18
Self-Paced Class
In this four week course we will examine four works of Gothic literature. This is a reading class designed to introduce learners to one of the most beloved continuing literary genres: Gothic Literature 1760s to present.
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4 pre-recorded lessons
4 weeks of teacher support
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1 year of access to the content

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Go at your own pace
Your learner can start learning when they want and progress at the speed that works best for them.
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Learn at your own pace
Access course material for a full year.
Get hands-on support from teacher.

What's included

4 pre-recorded lessons
average 88 mins per video
4 weeks
of teacher support
5 hrs 52 mins
total video learning hours
1 year access
to the content
2-4 hours per week. The homework will be in the form of reading selections of Gothic Literature. They should be read before the lesson following.
Certificate of Completion
This is a completion class. Once all the videos are watched and reading selections are read in order, it is completed.

Class Experience

US Grade 8 - 12
Beginner - Intermediate Level
This is an introduction to the genre of Gothic Literature. All assignments are reading assignments. All assignments are short stories or shorter works so that the learner may get a feel for the Gothic before tackling the longer works like Frankenstein or Dracula. Learners who enjoy lore about vampires, witches, and ghosts etc. will enjoy this introduction to the Gothic. 

I have included three videos in each lesson. One video is about the topic (Vampires, witches, ghosts) one is about the author of the work that fits within that topic, and finally the last video is about the story I assigned which includes the learned topic. The first lesson is about the genre and a reading of Poe's "The Raven."
The classes are presented in lectures. Learners can watch them, start, and stop them as they please. 

I encourage learners to leave me messages in the classroom about the short stories or topics for which I will respond. I would love to read the learner's thoughts and answer any questions or read any ghost stories the learner may have.

Learning Goals

In this introductory class, I expect the learner to learn the many elements and tropes present in classic Gothic Literature, as well as learn the subtype of metaphor called the metonymy. (Such as gloom and rain at a funeral symbolizing sorrow.)


4 Lessons
over 4 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Introduction to Gothic Literature
 This lesson is a lecture introducing Gothic Literature and its many works. This class covers how the genre got started, discusses what makes the literature Gothic, and introduces the Gothic authors. Instructor will read the poem "The Raven." The first independent reading assignment is given at the end of class video. "The Vampyre" by John William Polidori. 
1 assignment
88 mins of video lessons
Lesson 2:
The Vampyre by John William Polidori
 This lesson includes a lecture on the year without a summer, John William Polidori and his relationship to Lord Byron and Mary Shelley. After I explain the year without a summer, I will give some history of Vampires and Vampire lore. I will discuss the main points of the reading assigned last week, "The Vampyre" by John William Polidori. I will assign "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne to be read for the next lesson. 
1 assignment
100 mins of video lessons
Lesson 3:
Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne
 In this lesson learn about Nathaniel Hawthorne and his connection to witches and the Salem With Trials of the 1690s. I will discuss witches and witchcraft though the ages followed by a brief discussion of the main points of the lastest reading assignment "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I will assign "The Old Nurse's Story" by Elizabeth Gaskell to be read for the next lesson. 
1 assignment
88 mins of video lessons
Lesson 4:
The Old Nurse's Story by Elizabeth Gaskell
 In this lesson learn about Elizabeth Gaskell and her connection to Charles Dickens.  I will be discussing the theme of the short story 
 "The Old Nurse's Story" which is the existence of ghosts, specters, and spirits. The instructor with discuss the main points of the short story "The Old Nurse's Story" before the end of class. 
76 mins of video lessons

Other Details

Learning Needs
Leaners will have all the time they need to read the selections. Since this is a self-paced class, there should be no problems with reading speed.
Parental Guidance
This is a Gothic (horror based) class so the reading selections might contain mild violence and things of a horrific nature. There is nothing in the class that is overly gory or disturbing. Vampires and witch lore is discussed, Because vampires are undead, there is some discussion of the dead and the misinterpretation of bodily decomposition.
Supply List
All the stories are supplied to the class via an attachment by the teacher.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
All stories read in this class will be supplied by the teacher and are posted. Learners will need to be able to open .doc (MS word or PDF files) to read the selections.

Meet the teacher

Joined August, 2017
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in English from National University
Bachelor's Degree in English from New York Institute of Technology
Mark Tyson holds both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from accredited Universities. He has taught in public and private schools as well as online for nearly twenty years. His academic specialty is Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Gothic Literature. 


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