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Beginning Life Science: The Life of a Bee

Mrs. Thorn, BA-Elem. Ed
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Star Educator
Join me to learn all about the life cycle of a bee! We will also explore lots of fun facts about all types of bees. #academic

Class Experience

US Grade Pre-Kindergarten - 2
  • Students will learn about the life cycle of a bee and many facts about all different types of bees. They will also learn key vocabulary relating to bees (insect, hive, pollen, nectar, larva, life cycle, pupa, drone, and worker bees)
I was a 1st grade teacher for many years.  One of the main science topics I teach every year is all about insects.  I am passionate about insects, animals and nature.  My husband and I have a few bee hives of our own on our little farm.  I have learned so much about bees over the years.  I am excited to share that knowledge with young learners!
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Students may draw the life cycle of a bee and label it. Student may draw a bee and label it.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Assessment will be based on observation during discussion time.
Attached handout (or a plain piece of paper), markers, crayons and/or pencils.

In addition- The book I will be reading is called "From Egg to Bee" by: Camilla de la Bedoyere.  It is not necessary for you to purchase this book for the class.  You are welcome to purchase it or view it before the class if you wish.  It is currently available on Amazon for $18.99.   
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
The key vocabulary that we will be discussing during the class are the words: insect, hive, pollen, nectar, larva, life cycle, pupa, drone, and worker bees.  You are welcome to discuss these words with your child before the class but it is not necessary.
Joined February, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Nevada Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
I am SO excited to be teaching your young learner!

I am an enthusiastic and goal driven teacher with an extensive background in education. I have a BA in elementary education with a minor in history.  I am a certified, K-8 credentialed teacher... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
45 min

Completed by 253 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 4-8
1-6 learners per class

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