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First Grade Fun! Full Curriculum Year Long Semester Class for 1st Grade (Part 3)

Completed by 7 learners
Ages 5-7
Live Group Class
This is a complete first grade curriculum to teach skills across all content areas: reading, writing, math, science/STEM and social studies. This is part three of a 4 part year long class.
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Live video meetings
5x per week, 8 weeks
6-8 learners per class
55 min

What's included

40 live meetings
36 hrs 40 mins in-class hours
There may be times when students choose to work on class assignments outside of class. Homework will not typically be assigned.
Assessment will be on-going and formative. The teacher will provide oral feedback in class regularly. Written feedback and progress reports will be provided to parents/guardians upon request.

Class Experience

US Grade 1
***This is part three of a four part class to span the academic year. It is NOT NECESSARY that learners complete parts one-two prior to enrolling in this section.***

This class will provide a stable class of learners. The same students will meet together each day to learn and work together. Friendships and bonds will be created throughout the class. Learners will progress together throughout the academic year. 

This course is designed as a complete first grade core curriculum class which will follow the Common Core Curriculum standards for first grade language arts and math. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will be followed for science/STEM. Various state standards are used to guide social studies objectives. 

Objectives will be taught in a multi-sensory and hands-on method using physical manipulatives and resources readily available in homes. Books and stories used will either be teacher created or books from the learners own personal library. Printouts will seldom be needed for class. Learners will be guided with daily instruction and will work to demonstrate understanding of the objectives by 'doing' and expressing their thoughts and ideas. 

The essential questions and learning targets will build upon each other and will be repeated throughout the course. This allows for review and repetition. Opportunities will be provided regularly for students to apply new and previously taught skills. This strategy will ensure students solidify content. The teacher will spiral up or down for each student as the course progresses and student individual needs are identified. As the course progresses breakout rooms will be used to allow for differentiation of skills and for small group collaborative work.

The class will operate as an academic year long group of learners.  Seasonal themes and activities will be incorporated. Cultural holidays and celebrations of enrolled learners will be celebrated and family involvement will be encouraged as the learner and family are interested. The class will become a community of learners to grow together. 

Each class day will begin with a morning meeting to share, sing and complete an interactive calendar. After morning meeting content will be covered as follows:

Monday-Reading/Phonics/Comprehension Skills/Vocabulary
Tuesday-Writing (multi-sensory strategies will be incorporated)
Wednesday-Math (fluency in addition/subtraction, regrouping, measurement, interpreting data) Teacher created math exemplars will be used weekly. 
Friday-Social Studies, social skills and seasonal/holiday activities
*Note: Breakout rooms will be used at times on Mondays and Tuesdays.*

Week 1: Phonics: en, et, eg
Reading strategies/fluency/individualized work with students. Phonics/vocabulary/responding to reading and comprehension.
Procedural writing introduction. Investigate teacher created procedural texts. 
Length, height and width. 
Natural and artificial light sources. 
How do people spend money?

Week 2: Phonics: ig, it, ip
Reading strategies/fluency/individualized work with students. Phonics/vocabulary/responding to reading and comprehension.
Procedural writing: using transitional words. 
Length, height and width, dive deeper. 
STEM project: Create a model of a device used to solve a problem using light. 
Identify wants and needs. 

Week 3: Phonics: ut, ed, in
Reading strategies/fluency/individualized work with students. Phonics/vocabulary/responding to reading and comprehension. Reading stamina.
Procedural writing: making illustrations clear. 
Compare length and height of three or more objects. Label objects with the correct measurement math vocabulary. 
Identify items in the day and night sky. 
Describe the importance of friendship and ways to be a good friend. 

Week 4: Phonics: Review short vowels. 
Along with reading strategies, stamina and fluency, the comprehension strategy of making connections will be practiced. Text to text connections will be this week's focus. 
Procedural writing:  mechanics practice in writing inclusive of spacing, letter formation, capital letters and sentence structure. 
Demonstrate understanding of non standard measurement. Create a non standard measurement tool for use in class. 
Identify a variety of objects in space (planets, stars, moons).
Identify currency and the use of currency.

Week 5: Phonics: Review long vowels.
Along with reading strategies, stamina and fluency the comprehension strategy of making connections will be practiced. Text to self connections will be this week's focus. 
Identify different types of writing (posters, ads, signs, letter writing). Create a project for one type of writing. 
Identify standard measurement tools using rulers and measuring tapes. 
Create a model to show the phases of the moon. 
Take turns in a group game. 

Week 6: Phonics: Letter/sound practice and review.
Along with reading strategies, stamina and fluency the comprehension strategy of making connections will be practiced. Text to world connections will be this week's focus. 
Writing across pages to create a simple story with a beginning, middle and end. 
Organize data in math with a winter glyph project. 
Sort and organize information in science. 
Identify various landforms.

Week 7: Phonics: Apply learned skills to reading and writing. 
Reading for meaning. Retelling story events to my teacher and classmate. Responding to texts with words and pictures. 
Begin end of section writing project. Choose a procedural writing task or a writing for a purpose task. We will work to complete the writing this week and next week. 
Gather measurement data using our classmates and organize collected data into a picture graph. 
Hands-science experiment to explore surface tension.
Create a model of a landform. 

Week 8
Partner reading in breakout rooms to demonstrate reading progress. 
Completion and sharing of writing project we began last week. 
Math review: addition/subtraction fluency, measurement, understanding data. 
STEM build with materials of your choice. 
Celebrate a great 8 weeks and look ahead to the next section. 

The class will be structured as teacher facilitated and interactive. Learners will be engaged in games, discussions, teacher made stories/videos and hands-on projects. My teaching style is relaxed and inclusive. I encourage learner participation and questions. The classroom is 'ours' not 'mine'. Learners will have many opportunities to interact with me and their classmates each week.

Learning Goals

Daily learning goals are listed in the class description.

Other Details

Parental Guidance
There may be times when a parent or guardian are needed to help the learner in class. The teacher will provide notice the week before when this is a need. When scissors are used in class a parent or guardian should be present to ensure learner safety and correct use of scissors. When science tools or materials are used it recommended an adult is close by for supervision. Safety is paramount and the teacher will be proactive throughout class in monitoring safety and alerting adults to the need for supervision.
Supply List
Each week you will be provided with a material list for the following week. These materials will include whiteboard/markers, paper/writing tools, access to picture books the student owns, manipulatives/counters, maps/globe, recyclable materials and other typical learning tools easily found at home.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
There are no specific books, articles, websites or other sources outside of teacher created materials based on teacher education and experience used in class.

Meet the teacher

Joined May, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Georgia Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
I am certified by the state of Georgia and my certificate is up to date and valid. I am certified to teach grades K-8. I possess an ESOL endorsement and a science endorsement. I have 28 years teaching primary aged students in grades K-5. I have taught students ages 3-12 virtually for 5 years. I have a proven track record for student success. I received Teacher Of the Year honors and have presented at regional and state conferences delivering staff development to teachers. 


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