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It's All Greek (Mythology) to Me: Where Myths and Creative Writing Meet.

Each week we'll take a look at a story from Greek mythology, discuss what we think the important points, theme, or moral may be and write our own myths around them.
Tracy Lambert
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What's included

1 live meeting
55 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

Come and meet the creatures, gods, goddesses, and incredible characters from the mythology of the Ancient Greeks as we explore tales that you may be familiar with and some that will be new to you. 

The mythology of Ancient Greece is more than simply telling a story. Myths reflect the beliefs, aspirations, and warnings of long ago, and usually have a lesson to teach. 
Each week we'll delve into a different myth. After we've heard the story, we'll discuss what we think it has to teach us. An explanation about how something happens? A moral to remember? A piece of advice? What's the 'take-away' from the tale?

After that, we'll move into writing time, when we can create our own myths based on the message. Learners can choose to begin writing straight away or use the time to plan and outline their myth to begin later or in their own time after class. 

Time permitting, students will be encouraged to share their myths. This isn't compulsory, however, and if preferred, learners can upload their myth to the classroom afterward, or choose not to share. 

Please note that we will explore 20 different myths and then will repeat the material. Students can therefore join at any time as previous knowledge of the other classes won't be necessary but it's a good idea to keep a note of when they joined and to check back at our schedule if they don't want to revisit the myths. 

Our schedule for the next few weeks:

WB 18th Mar: Hephaestus 
WB 25th Mar:  Orion
WB 1st Apr: Apollo and Cassandra
WB 8th Apr: Aracne

Learning Goals

Students will learn:
The difference between myths and ordinary stories.
Mythological tales of Ancient Greece and the various gods and goddesses.
How to identify the features of a myth (purpose, etc).
Discussion skills.
Comprehension skills.
Practicing creative writing skills and crafting a myth, using the features discussed.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Greek mythology has its share of unpleasant or slightly gory story elements. Some violence remains in the tales (eg some killing and punishments, etc). However, stories are told in an age-appropriate way and the myths covered are chosen to reflect the stated age range of the class.
Supply List
A notebook or paper and something to write with, or a device to use for writing.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Twinkl.co.uk Greek Myths by Marcia Williams History Channel.com Greek Mythology by Graves May Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton Plus: Various resources over many years of teaching in school.
Joined September, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Writing is my passion and as well as majoring in English at university, along with Theatre Arts, I've almost 20 years of experience in teaching English in primary schools. Over those years, I have worked regularly with groups of children specifically on English writing skills and teaching creative writing online.
Mythology has been a hobby of mine since childhood and I have studied myths and legends over my lifetime. I've been lucky enough to be able to teach the historical context behind Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Viking mythology during my 20+ years as an educator as well as the myths themselves. I've enjoyed guiding students through creative writing using mythical tales as inspiration. I have completed several courses on mythology, which I've thoroughly enjoyed!


Live Group Class



1x per week
55 min
Completed by 24 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-12
1-6 learners per class

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