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Elementary Art: The Basics

In this 12 week flexible schedule class, students will have fun making messy and interesting artwork. Different mediums will be used, and basic elementary art principals will be covered.
Ms. Kristin Riffe
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What's included

12 pre-recorded lessons
12 weeks
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content

Class Experience

This 12 week flexible schedule art class will have videos hosted through Youtube (link only) of me teaching.  You will be able to access the link from the Outschool classroom. This class is intended to be fun and introduce some basic art principals and artists.  Some of the projects are more child led and some are projects you follow along with the video to complete. 

This class will require you to have some art supplies that you may need to purchase.  Supplies will be listed below. For each class students will be asked to watch the video and complete the art project.  Students should post their creations in the classroom for their classmates to see.  We will comment on each other's artwork, share, and give feedback.  

The 12 weeks of class titles are: 
Monochromatic Art: We will learn what monochromatic means, look at other artwork, and then create our own 
Tessellations: A quick study of MC Esher and his artwork, a look at tessellations found in nature and architecture, a tutorial on how to make your own 
Sleepy Turtle watercolor Resists: Learn about watercolor resists and follow a tutorial to make a sleepy turtle picture 
Saltdough Textures: a child led exploration of salt dough with some option on presentation 
Pointillism: Students will explore pointillism, and create some similar art with qtips and paint 
Dragon Egg: Let's look at animal eyes and create an egg with a mysterious eye peeking through a crack 
Lilypad Life: This art project using water color.  Let's learn about Monet! 
Neurons: Your neurons in your brain make you who you are!  Let's explore watercolors, neurons, and drawing emotional faces 
Rainbow Dance: This project picks back up on watercolor resists.  We will also learn how to blend oil pastels and draw some 3D shapes.  
Up Up and Away: A hot air balloon flies past Big Ben in this UK inspired project.  Get out your washi tape and paint for some fun! 
Pacita Abad Felt Trees: Learn about the famous artist Pacita Abad and then create a felt tree stuffed with pillow stuffing
Whimsical Windmill: Ever visit Holland? Learn about the famous windmills and create your own 

Look in the supply area to find a list of supplies you need.

Learning Goals

Students will learn some elementary basics of art instruction.  Hopefully, they will be excited about art and enjoy themselves!
learning goal


12 Lessons
over 12 Weeks
Lesson 1:
monochromatic art
 Monochromatic Art: We will learn what monochromatic means, look at other artwork, and then create our own 
Lesson 2:
 Tessellations: A quick study of MC Esher and his artwork, a look at tessellations found in nature and architecture, a tutorial on how to make your own 
Lesson 3:
sleepy turtle
 Sleepy Turtle watercolor Resists: Learn about watercolor resists and follow a tutorial to make a sleepy turtle picture 
Lesson 4:
saltdough textures
 Saltdough Textures: a child led exploration of salt dough with some option on presentation 

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Adults may need to supervise use of art supplies, especially scissors and glue and paint. You should set your child up to succeed in an area where a mess can be made, and your screen won't be destroyed in the process if something spills. Videos I made are hosted through Youtube and embedded in the classroom as a link.
Supply List
Basic supplies like crayons, colored pencils, markers, gluestick, scissors, pencil
White paper and white cardstock 
Some printed handouts 
Watercolor paints and brush
Oil pastels (crayons can be substituted, but they just aren't as good)
Salt (large amount), flour, water 
Found objects (sticks, leaves, small plastic items, etc.) 
Tempera paint (washable kid paint) 
a straw
Black permanent marker 
Washi tapes of various colors 
Felt and fiberfill (pillow stuffing)(Cotton balls will work great as a fiber fill alternative too if you don't have any pillow stuffing laying around)
Ruler, metal brad, and a white paint pen or white acrylic paint and brush 
Small paintbrushes 
1" tissue paper
pipe cleaners
liquid glue 
a piece of cardboard bigger than the paper and masking tape
a place in your house to have a screen and create at the same time

Some links: 
precut tissue: https://www.amazon.com/Spectra-Deluxe-Bleeding-P0058506-Assorted/dp/B000PAIDS6/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=bleeding+tissue+paper&qid=1635886220&sr=8-12
Oil Pastels: https://www.amazon.com/Sakura-Cray-Pas-Junior-Pastels-Assorted/dp/B0017D5XO2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=10JP3J98V4IOJ&dchild=1&keywords=oil+pastels&qid=1635886294&sprefix=oil+pastels%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1
Washi Tape: https://www.amazon.com/Cheerlyhood-Glitter-Washi-Tape-Set/dp/B091JSVH59/ref=sr_1_22_sspa?crid=6ZRFOYVBVZ4W&dchild=1&keywords=washi+tape+assortment&qid=1635886351&sprefix=washi+tape+asssortment%2Caps%2C105&sr=8-22-spons&psc=1&smid=AQYAYFD2T9NL3&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFFVVRaUzdSTE5CRTImZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA5NjM0NjcySU1KNlZWSjZQSFNXJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1MTgwNDQxMUMzWFBVT0tCMEUyJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYnRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
Language of Instruction
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • Youtube
Joined November, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Oklahoma Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
I am an elementary teacher of 18 years. 


Self-Paced Class



12 pre-recorded lessons
12 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content
Completed by 14 learners
Choose your start date
Ages: 7-12

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