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1:1 Private Voice Lessons With a Certified Voice Teacher; 4 Live Lessons + HW

This hybrid class includes 1 live vocal lesson a week for 4 weeks in addition personalized homework, tailored exercises, and relevant resources to review and practice in-between lessons throughout the week.
Anne Martin: Voice Teacher, Singer, & V.O. Artist
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What's included

4 live meetings
2 in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. After each lesson there will be a lesson summary with detailed feedback and an assignment. Often there will be specific exercises given to practice that they can do accapella, in addition to video links sent with vocal exercises for them to sing along with. Sometimes I will ask them to watch video lessons on specific vocal functions that other professional music educators have made if I feel it pertains to a specific skill they are working on. How much time they practice per week is a personal family decision, though I recommend at least 15 minutes a day in-between classes, or 30 minutes every other day etc... The more a student rehearses specifics mentioned in class, (both live and through posts), the quicker their musical abilities will grow. I am also always able to give more homework to those who request it.
My notes will highlight areas that are going well, and others that still need some work. These are informal assessments in the form of encouraging feedback.

Class Experience

US Grade 5 - 9
Beginner - Advanced Level
Welcome and thank you for your interest in private voice lessons. 

Whether your singer is a beginning just starting out, or has been training with other professionals for years, my desire is to help them meet their personal musical goals while discovering more about their own unique voice.  As a certified voice teacher and performer, I focus on teaching students a variety of techniques and skills that apply to  several different singing styles.  As a vocal coach, I predominately guide those seeking improved vocal skills in the Musical Theater, Jazz, Classical, and crossover pop genres. 

When booking please choose one option from below: 

Option A: My student has a specific song or songs, that they would like to practice for this course. (If this option is chosen, please upload the sheet music to their song(s) before the first lesson). 

Option B: My student would like guidance on songs that best fit their current range, abilities, personal style, and musical goals. (If this option is chosen I will determine the information needed and make suggestions in the first lesson and have some sheet music that I can share if needed). 

*Make-Up Lessons* If at the time of booking you know that one class would need to be missed or rescheduled, please write me and let me know.  If I can accommodate another time I will adjust the class schedule to reflect one class being at a different day/ time due to a needed absence. 

*Devices To Use* Students need to be at a computer desktop, laptop, or iPad to take this course.  I cannot properly teach students who long in on a phone as we would not be able to utilize sheet music, powerpoint slides, or the best audio settings via a phone.
Learning Goals
Students will further their understanding of how our voices work with voice science while also practicing how to be artistic with their voice through these lessons
learning goal


4 Lessons
over 4 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Voice Lesson Tailored For Student
 If this is their first lesson with me, the lesson will determine student abilities and goals and teach vocal terminology, techniques, or exercises that the student has not yet learned (what this is will vary student to student).  After lesson one, a student will a detailed summary of what was taught/reviewed will be posted alongside of a homework assignment tailored to their needs and goals.  Returning students will jump right into their work. 
30 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Voice Lesson Tailored For Student
 This lesson will review the prior lesson and homework outcomes before we begin to develop more personalized exercises tailored to your student's needs.  If your student chose "Option A"  I will listen to them sing it, and began to take notes and provide live feedback.  If they chose "Option B" we will began learning a song selection I feel would suite the student best based upon their current range, abilities, and goals.  Afterwards, homework will once again be assigned in the online classroom. 
30 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Voice Lesson Tailored For Student
 This lesson will focus on what is needed specifically to sing their specific song artistically and with skill.  We will discuss several music elements within the song, and break the song down piece by piece as it is practiced.  ( Some students may also work on two songs if they are doing well and practicing more in-between lessons). Afterwards more specific homework will be assigned. 
30 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Voice Lesson Tailored For Student
 Students will begin with a new set of more challenging vocal exercises and notes will be taken to see how much improvement has occurred over the four weeks.  Then they will apply all that they have practiced live and via homework each week by attempting to perform their song(s) with skill. 
30 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Learning Needs
I am willing to make any accommodations necessary. Please feel free to send me a message to discuss learning options availble that can meet your student's needs.
Parental Guidance
No pre-requisites required.
Teacher expertise and credentials
Florida Teaching Certificate in Music/Theater/Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Music from Mount Vernon Nazarene University
*Professional Summary* 
Anne Martin began her career as a singing at the age of 13, recorded 3 CD's before her 21st birthday and has sung in several professional choirs, musical theater productions, and special events in multiple states across the US over the course of the last 25 years. She graduated with a degree in Music with a focus in Voice, and has been teaching music for over 10 years, both privately and in the Florida Public Schools.  

Since earning her degree, she has also received the Voice Teacher Certification from New York Vocal Coaching after training 50 hours with renowned founder Justin Stoney. 

She currently resides in Florida and has appeared twice at the Tampa Bay Rays stadium to sing the National Anthem, has been in productions at both Manatee and Sarasota Players Theaters, was a member of Sarasota's professional Choral Artists, and in 2021 sang in Epcot's Candlelight Processional at Walt Disney World. 

 In addition to those solo endeavors, she has been singing around the state for special events with her husband since 2018 and they are known as "The Martin Duo".  They work as voice-over artists for Worldbook where she can be heard voicing several characters for children's graphic novel audiobooks. 


Live Private Course


for 4 classes
1x per week, 4 weeks
30 min

Completed by 22 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 10-16

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