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Mindfulness & Meditation (1:1, Ongoing Format)

Breathe, focus, connect! This class offers individualized mindfulness, yoga, and meditation instruction for relaxation and general well-being.
Beth-Ann Slivinski's
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What's included

1 live meeting
45 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

This class offers age-appropriate, enjoyable, mindfulness practice so students have a positive experience with mindfulness from an early age. 
To get a good sense of what mindfulness is and start deepening their mindfulness skills, I encourage new students to work with me through a series of 10 introductory lessons. Working through these lessons, they will discover: 
-what mindfulness is (and isn't) through a series of experiential exercises
-how to do sitting meditation (and observe the benefits almost immediately)
-how to connect mind, body and breath with simple yoga sequences 
Over 10 weeks, students begin to experience the many benefits of mindfulness for themselves AND learn how to apply mindfulness in their daily lives. This is a solid foundation for a life-long mindfulness practice that can enrich your child's life in many ways. 

By taking this class, your child will learn: 
-to better understand their minds, bodies, and emotions 
-to use the breath to calm the mind and body
-to self-regulate our physical and mental states
-to do a kid-friendly sitting meditation 
-to using yoga poses to quiet the mind and emotions and bring a sense of calm and security
-to use thoughts and imagination in helpful ways (guided meditation, positive self-talk and affirmations)
-to applying what they learn in class to daily life 

Each class is 45 minutes long and includes a variety of activities including some times of silence and some times for discussion. A typical class might include:
-sitting meditation (starting with just a few minutes and working up to 10-15 minutes)
-yoga (10-15 minute)*
-mini lessons and discussion

*Yoga poses will be suitable for all levels and abilities. Students should bring comfortable clothes. Many poses will be done sitting (on chair or floor). Some poses will be standing and some may be lying down. Students should have clear space and a carpet or mat. 

Have questions? Still unsure if this program is a perfect fit for you learner? I would also love to hear from you. Feel free to message me here on Outschool to discuss! 

More about Me:
Mindfulness and meditation has helped me and my family navigate life's ups and downs with more resilience, peace, and joy. I would love to share what I have learned with your family. For more information about me and my teaching style, you can check out the 'teacher expertise' section of this class listing as well as my Outschool teacher profile.  I am looking forward to helping your learner gain mindfulness skills that can benefit them for the rest of their life!

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Mindful movement and mediation may include sitting, lying down, standing, balancing and stretching parts. Please ensure your learner has some space to move. Please bring a yoga mat or carpet to sit on. Please consult with your primary care physician if you have any doubt about the suitability of exercise like yoga for your learner and let me know if there are any accommodations that could help your learner make the most out of this class. Thanks!
Supply List
Please bring 4 pebbles to class. One can remind you of a mountain. One can remind you of a flower. One can remind you of calm water. One can remind you of space.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined December, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have a special interest in mindfulness and sharing it with others. I am sensitive to mental health and wellness issues with a Post-Baccalaureate Diploma from the University of Manitoba including counseling and Universal Design courses.  I have practiced mindfulness personally for over 20 years and with my kids for the past two years and am currently working though a Mindfulness Based Fitness Training (MMFT) course with Elizabeth Stanley. I am also influenced and inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh, Sharon Salzberg, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Dan Siegel, among others. I work mindfulness and meditation into my daily life and have also participated in several meditation retreats ranging from one day to 10 days! I have also completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course. 


Live Private Class


1x per week
45 min

Completed by 9 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-18

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