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Creative Writing: Tell a Tall Tale with Figurative Language (8-11)

With an emphasis on figurative language, students learn about tall tales and write their own ridiculously exaggerated stories! US Western expansion history, geography, and culture round out this fun class!
Gina Conroy
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Rising Star

What's included

6 live meetings
4 hrs 30 mins in-class hours
1 hour per week. Learners should be able to write on their own or they will need parental help. If learners don't complete the assignments in class, they will need to complete them for homework. Weekly writing assignments will be given and should be turned in via google docs or a Word document. Homework may include watching videos that illustrate what we are learning in class, finishing worksheets, and writing their story. Parental assistance is may be needed to type and submit their work.
Learners are assessed through class participation and application of the writing techniques taught. Learners turn in weekly homework assignments for evaluation. Students can share their stories on the classroom page. This class is designed to foster a love of storytelling, and while good writing and sentences will be addressed, that is not the emphasis. For strong writing techniques, see my "PAINT with your Words" and "Perfectly Powerful Paragraph" classes.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 5
In this 6 lesson interactive live class, the wild western frontier is the setting where your tall tale story comes to life. Each class will start with an interactive lecture where all students are expected to participate. We'll read (and watch videos) of the tall tales of Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, John Henry, Slue Foot Sue, and others, while exploring US history and geography. Through these fun adventures, you'll learn why these exaggerated stories were told in the first place. Before you write your own tall tale, you'll learn what every tall tale story needs to be successful. Finally, you'll P.L.A.Y. with your words to create a dynamic tall tale hero or heroine, craft an exciting plot full of conflict, and write a ridiculously exaggerated tall tale of your own with a satisfying and unbelievable resolution. 


Every class starts out as a lecture then turns interactive to engage learners in conversation and class participation. Questions, discussions, and activities are encouraged for understanding and creating your own tall tale hero and story. Time will be given in class for writing assignments, however the majority of the writing will be done outside of class. 

See syllabus for lesson details.

** This class is designed to foster a love of storytelling, and while good writing and sentences will be addressed, that is not the emphasis or goal of this class. For strong writing techniques, see my "PAINT with your Words" and "Perfectly Powerful Paragraph" classes.

Learning Goals

Introduce learner to the history of tall tales, why the settlers told them, and some of the more popular tall tales. Teach learners how westward expansion and geography contributed to the telling of tall tales. Emphasis will be placed on natural wonders.
*Introduce learners to beginning storytelling (beginning, middle, end) using tall tale stories as a guide and to create original tall tale stories.
learning goal


Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
6 Lessons
over 2 Weeks
Lesson 1:
What is a Tall Tale?
 Students will learn the history of the Tall Tales, who told them and why. They will be introduced to several tall tales like Johnny Appleseed, Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, and more.  By the end of class, they will create their own Tall Tale character. 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Setting: The Wild Wild West
 Students will learn about story setting and how using the 5 senses and show, don't tell makes it come alive. We will explore natural wonders and where your story can take place. 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Identifying Figurative Language in Tall Tales
 We will learn how and why figurative language used in Tall Tales especially hyperboles and similes. Students will practice figurative writing they will use in their story. 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Ready, Set, Action!
 Students will learn that conflict and problems are an essential part of story plots and the Tall Tale. They will learn needs to happen in the beginning of a Tall Tale story? Then they will plot the beginning of their Tale Tale and write the opening of their story. 
45 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
***PARENTS PLEASE READ BEFORE TO REGISTRATION*** CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: I will start each class announcing my class expectations which include: **NOT using the chat box for messages not relative to the discussion and questions **NO drawing and writing on the screen I use for teaching **NO learner sharing their screen for any reason **NO disruptive behavior such as flashing lights in the screen and constantly switching their background While I understand many students are new to online learning, if a student does not respond to correction and continues disruptive behavior, he or she will be asked to leave the class for the day or the rest of the time. Videos may be accessed, however no refund will be issued if learner does not show cooperation in correction and is asked to leave class. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING these rules are in place due to problems in past classes (with younger students) and are enforced to ensure that ALL students have the best experience possible.
Supply List
Students should have a couple of pencils, notebook paper, and a folder or 3 ring binder. Final stories will need to be typed and shared with teacher for input. Worksheets will be provided.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined February, 2018
Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree from Oral Roberts University
I'm a published fiction and nonfiction author, former homeschool mom of four, and have taught and tutored all ages for close to 20 years. I developed these creative writing and storytelling techniques when I started teaching an elective writing course at my kids' school over 10 years ago. This curriculum has developed over time and can be adapted for children of all ages to be successful in storytelling. I'm the author of "Release the Novel in You" workbook: The go-to fiction book for teen authors (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1508555710), and I teach advanced novel writing and storytelling as well as other writing and elective classes on Outschool.

What parents are saying:

Gina is a phenomenal writing teacher! We have loved working with her. We have a range of ages and she is great at adapting to their ages and learning styles. She's very patient and good at helping them focus. My kids have learned so much and been stretched and challenged in the area of writing. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to advance in any area of writing! - Bethany mother of K, 1st, 3rd, 4th grade tutored students.


Live Group Course


3x per week, 2 weeks
45 min

Completed by 13 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-11
5-12 learners per class

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