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The Book of Three Weekly Novel Study

In this 6 week course, learners will read The Book of Three, discuss it with friends, and learn to read critically.
Clarissa Beckstead
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What's included

6 live meetings
3 in-class hours
2-4 hours per week. Learners will read 5 chapters of the book each week, complete a worksheet, and complete a final project.
Letter grades can be given upon request, otherwise assessment will be informal and will come through teacher feedback on worksheets and the project.

Class Experience

US Grade 4 - 7
Taran wanted to be a hero, and looking after a pig wasn't exactly heroic, even though Hen Wen was an oracular pig. But the day that Hen Wen vanished, Taran was led into an enchanting and perilous world. With his band of followers, he confronted the Horned King and his terrible Cauldron-Born. These were the forces of evil, and only Hen Wen knew the secret of keeping the kingdom of Prydain safe from them. But who would find her first?

In this class, students will have the opportunity to read The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander! Students will read about 50 pages independently each week. On Monday of each week, I will post one assignment in the classroom that students should complete after they have finished the reading. The assignment will be short, but will help me determine whether students completed the reading and if they understand the concepts we have been working on. Worksheets will be graded and feedback will be sent before the beginning of the next week. Feedback will include a grade for the worksheet, but also more specific feedback on what they did well and follow up questions if necessary! 

During class, we will discuss what we read! Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and to tell us about their favorite parts of the reading. I will also teach a lesson during each class about a different element of literature. These lessons will teach students how to read critically and become better readers. During each lesson, I will present our topic for the week and allow students to talk about what they already know. We will work together as we discuss and learn about the week's topic. Each week's assignment will relate the the element of literature we discussed in class! 

During the last week of class, each student will complete a project of their choice. They will be able to choose a project from a list provided by me or come up with something that is completely their own! The project should reflect what they've learned and gives them a chance to work on their speaking and presentation skills as they present their project in class. 

The time required for this class will vary greatly depending on each student's reading speed. I always recommend that children read for half an hour each day and most students will be able to complete the reading and assignments during that time each week! The Book of Three is recommended for 3rd-7th grade, but it will depend on your child's reading level. Feel free to reach out to me if you're unsure if this book is a good fit for your learner. The assignments can be completed by students of all levels! Some learners will give simpler answers and more advance learners will be able to give me more details.

Here’s our schedule:

Class 1: Genre
After Class: Read chapters 1-5 and complete the posted assignment

Class 2: Character Traits
After Class: Read chapters 6-10 and complete the posted assignment

Class 3:Similes and Metaphors
After class: Read chapters 11-15 and complete the posted assignment

Class 4:Compare and Contrast
After class: Read chapters 16-20 and complete the posted assignment

Class 5: Book wrap up and project introduction
After class: Complete your project

Class 6: Present your projects

Would your learner like to meet me before enrolling? Follow this link for a meet the teacher class: https://outschool.com/classes/meet-the-teacher-jnNcRi5a?usid=MLMKXCuo&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link

Learning Goals

Students will read The Book of Three, learn about genre, character traits, similes and metaphors, and comparing and contrasting, and discuss what they learn.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
The Book of Three is high fantasy, which always contains strong themes of good and evil. The bad guys are bad and could be a little scary for more sensitive readers.
Supply List
Learners will need The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. It can be found at your library, local bookstore, or on Amazon.

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander.
Joined July, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Brigham Young University
*I will be out of town and off the grid January 27-31 and will not be able to respond to messages during that time.

Hello! My name is Mrs. Clarissa. I am a mom of 5, a bookworm, and a certified, experienced in-person and online teacher. I believe in learning through fun and play! I love seeing my students learn and grow as they discover new things on their own. I believe that the most important part of school is learning how to learn and learning to love learning! Once those two goals are met, students can learn anything they want.

I have taught online classes for 6 years and have learned how to engage students virtually. It has been a wonderful experience and I love the opportunity to reach out to kids from all over the world and learn from each other!

I earned a degree in elementary education from Brigham Young University in 2009. My life has been dedicated to helping kids learn and grow.

I also LOVE books! There are bookcases in every room of my house and I wish I had more. I enjoy reading fantasy books and discussing them with my kids and my husband. We all especially love Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I also enjoy reading with my littles. Our favorites are Elephant and Piggie and Mother Bruce.


Live Group Class


for 6 classes

1x per week, 6 weeks
30 min
Completed by 5 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-13
3-8 learners per class

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