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Crystals and Gems: Identifying Minerals and Gems

In this class we will dig deeper into the world of crystals, minerals and gems using MOHS hardness scale and exploring other geology tests to identify minerals.
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
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What's included

4 live meetings
3 in-class hours
1 hour per week. Students will collect samples, materials and other things to create a test kit of their own.
Certificate of Completion
A game after class one and a game at the end of class 4 will assess the students comprehension and recall of the subject matter.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Class 1: How rocks and minerals are formed will be explored  and the three main types of rock identified: Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. 
Students will learn how to identify these types of rock as a basis for later identifying minerals and gems. 
Knowledge will be assessed through use of a KWL chart and a review game at the end of the lesson. 
No homework for class 1. 
Class 2: 
 Students will be guided through a demonstration using the MOHS scale of hardness.
Students will learn what to collect to create a toolbox of their own. They will be given a handout out of the MOHS scale and instructions to put together their own kit. 
Homework assignment: to collect the materials on the list. Most are easily found in any household. 
Class 3: 
Students will  discover other tests utilized to help identify the properties of various minerals. These will include use of UV light, and chemical tests. They will observe demonstrations of each. A discussion about the reactions and results will conclude the class. Homework Assignment: Collect a few rocks from the ground in your neighborhood to analyze at the last class meeting. add afew items to your testing kit. (Only common, non-toxic, household items will be included). 
Class 4: 
 Students will test stones they have collected and analyze the results, using items in their test kits. The class will collaborate and discuss on the decisions to identify the rocks. 
We will play a game of Jeopardy to review the things we have learned in this class.

Learning Goals

1. to correctly identify the three main types of rock structure.
2. to create a testing kit for mineral identification.
3. to understand the different properties of various minerals through testing and observation.
4. to have fun learning about the natural world around you.
learning goal


Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with State-Specific Standards
4 Lessons
over 1 Week
Lesson 1:
Understanding rock types
 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the physical attributes and types of rocks.
 Become familiar with the classification of rocks as sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
How can we identify rocks?
 Ask questions and analyze data to classify rocks by their physical attributes (color, texture,
luster, and hardness) using simple tests. 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
MOHS Scale and the Streak test
 Plan and carry out investigations to describe the properties of different types of rocks. 
45 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
The Acid test and further study
 Plan and carry out investigations to describe the properties of different types of rocks. 
45 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Supply List
A Handout will be provided after class 2 with the list of needed materials for class three. The Handout can be found in the classroom and down loaded at any time. 
Most materials can be found in your home and should not require an outside expenditure. 
egg carton, eye dropper, vinegar, baking soda, water, small piece of glass (such as from a picture frame), a nail or small pocket knife, small magnet (like one you attach things to your refrigerator) , a pre 1973 copper penny, an empty egg carton, small containers for the soda and vinegar.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined January, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Asbury College (University)
I have been collecting and researching crystals and gemstones for many years. I have an extensive collection of crystals and a deep fascination with learning how crystals have been used throughout history.  My son hunts and polishes stones in his basement workshop so I am very familiar with the process of finding and bringing stones to their polished beauty.  I love crystals and gemstones, both for their beauty and their versatility. 


Live Group Course


for 4 classes

4x per week, 1 week
45 min
Completed by 83 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-12
1-6 learners per class

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