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American / United States History

This is an ongoing course that will cover American history starting from the migration during the Ice Age and concluding in the 21st century.
Sarah Wood
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What's included

72 live meetings
60 in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. Sometimes homework will be assigned in the form of a worksheet to be completed, an informative essay to be written, or a project to be made.
If you would like a formal assessment, please let me know.

Class Experience

US Grade 8 - 11
This course is designed to teach American history from the earliest settlers to current times. It will be taught through lectures and slides (through NearPod) for those who are auditory and/or visual learners. It will also have interactive activities, videos, discussions, and games to help students remember the material being taught. These will be through the apps/websites NearPod and Blooket (neither need existing accounts). Each lesson will cover something new, so students may join in anytime without feeling lost. Sometimes homework will be assigned as a worksheet (through NearPod) to be completed, an informative essay to be written, or a project to be made. 

Unit 1: Prehistory-Early 1600s (Early people in America, Indigenous Peoples in North America, The Price of Expansion, The Atlantic World)

Unit 2: Colonial America (Virginia, 13 Colonies, Regional Differences, Rising Tensions, Parliament & Protests, Beginnings of War)

Unit 3: 1776-1791 (American Revolution, A New Government, President Precedents)

Unit 4: American Expansion 1801-1861 (Presidents, The War of 1812, Growing a Nation, Westward Expansion, Texas secedes, The Mexican-American War, Reform)

Unit 5: Civil War, & Reconstruction (1850s-1870s)

Unit 6: Reshaping the  Nation (1850-1917) - (Collision of Cultures, 2nd Industrial Revolution, New Immigrants & New Cities, Progressivism, Expansion, Spanish-American War, Imperialism)

Unit 7: Modern America 1900s-1930s (WWI, The Roaring '20s, The Great Depression)

Unit 8: WWII (1930s-1945) - WWII Begins, US Home Front, America Enters the War in Europe, War in the Pacific

Unit 9: Post-WWII Era (1945-1990) - Korean War, Baby Boom, The Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Grow, Space Race, The Cold War, New Presidents

Unit 10: Current-ish Events - (The '90s, '00s, and 2020)


10 Units
72 Lessons
over 36 Weeks
Unit 1: Prehistory - Early 1600s
Lesson 1:
Early People in America
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Early People in America
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Indigenous People in North America
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Indigenous People in North America
50 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Because history is filled with victories and losses of lands, sensitive topics will occur. The mistreatment and genocide of Indigenous People, slavery, Jim Crow laws, and racism will be covered.
Language of Instruction
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Archived documents and letters will be used as well as archeological records and artifacts/information from various museums and historians. Students will watch clips from PBS, the History Channel, as well as archived interviews from certain museum websites. Sources that are used include (but are not limited to) "The Declaration of Independence," "Constitution of the United States" (and its amendments), "The Bill of Rights," "The Magna Carta," "The Treaty of Versailles," "Articles of Confederation," "Treaty of Paris," "Washington's Farewell Address," "Louisiana Purchase Treaty," "Monroe Doctrine," "Emancipation Proclomation," "Pacific Railway Act," "Homestead Act," "Chinese Exclusion Act," "1491," "A Short History of the United States," "Oxford History of the United States," "This Republic of Suffering," "The Republic for Which It Stands," "A Black Women’s History of the United States," "Voices of Freedom," "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West," "The Best and the Brightest," "Fire in the Lake," An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States for Young People (ReVisioning History for Young People), and Big Fat Notebook American History 2nd Edition (which includes new accounts from the minority point of view). NearPod will be used for all the slides and links. Blooket will be used at the end as a fun game to reinforce what was learned in that lesson. You will not need an account for these.
Joined May, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have a degree in history and spend several years taking various history classes (US history, WWI & WWII studies, Texas, California, New Mexico, New York, theology, economics, government, civics, ethics, and American Civil Rights).


Live Group Course



2x per week, 36 weeks
50 min
Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-17
1-10 learners per class

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