for 16 classes包含什麼
16 現場會議
12 上課時間作業
每週 1-2 小時. There will be no formal homework assigned, but students will be expected to watch the tutorial videos and practice what they learned in each class in order to gain proficiency, and to help them ask questions about techniques they may be struggling with. I will send out tutorial videos after most classes to help consolidate learning of new techniques.評估
Students are assessed on an individual basis, and will not be compared to other students in class. I will take notes of each student's progress in each class and verbally share with each student during classes, and will provide a formal report card at the end of the Orange Belt Level Three. Specific feedback for this course will be given upon request.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
*** Before signing up for this class, all students must complete the White and Yellow belt programs.*** Hello, karateka (the Japanese word for "karate student")! Congratulations on making to the Orange Belt program! This is the first course of the Orange Belt program. It will build upon skills that you learned in the Yellow Belt Level program, and introduce new techniques, as well as introduce the first half of the next kata: Heian Sandan ("Peaceful Mind Level Three"). Unlike previous courses, the final class will NOT be Grading Day; instead, we will review everything learned since the beginning of the course. [My teaching style: I will demonstrate each technique slowly first, explaining a couple of key points. I'll count the students through 10 or 20 of each technique slowly, making corrections along the way, and then we'll do another 10 or 20 at about 50% speed, and then the final 10 will be at 100% speed and power, so the students can work up a sweat and show themselves, and me, how hard and fast they can do their moves. Also, in karate, typically when the teacher counts the 10th technique, all the students verbally show their energy and spirit by shouting "Kiai!" I refer to this as the 20-20-10 counting approach. I like to use lots of positive reinforcement, and to "say a lot with a little" when it comes to explaining the techniques, so we can spend as much time as possible actually training, rather than lecturing. *** I strive to perform the majority of the techniques with the students, so they can follow along with me, but there will also be times when I will give them a couple of minutes of independent practice time, so that I can give individual feedback.] Wearing a karate uniform will not be required, but it is encouraged that a white uniform and orange belt be purchased, available online for very reasonable prices (e.g., approximately $25 for the uniform set, or $6-9 for just the orange belt), or at a local martial arts supply store. Course Outline: (Please note that this is just a basic and malleable outline of each class, and the amount of material covered in each class will depend on how everyone progresses.) All classes will have the same structure: introductions & expectations; warm-up; basics; main lesson; fun finishing drill; sign-off 1 Review of previous curricula 2 Review self-defenses 3 Sparring combinations, focusing on kicks 4 Heian Nidan review/assessment; opening sequence of Heian Sandan 5 Kickboxing drills - introducing uppercut punch 6 Line drills and turning drills 7 Review Heian Sandan opening, learn half; review all katas 8 SD - kihon ippon review; learn mawashi geri #2 9 Kata - "kumite style" 10 Sparring - learn back leg hook kick 11 Strength and conditioning 12 Jiyu kumite review; learn chudan #2 13 Circuit training 14 Create your own kata! 15 Review day 16 Testing day
It is strongly recommended that a parent/guardian is present to ensure the student's safety (e.g., clear training area - free of toys, nearby furniture, pets, siblings, etc), and that a parent/guardian help the student to set up their device so that the Sensei can have a clear view of the student. It is also recommended that the device have as large a screen as possible, or be hooked up to a television with an HDMI cable. Also, please note that it is Outschool's policy that only the registered student is allowed to be on camera (e.g., no parents, siblings, etc, should be on camera during class time).
Students must wear appropriate athletic clothing (a karate uniform may be purchased separately if desired) - sweatpants/trackpants or tights are recommended, whereas shorts/dresses/skirts are inappropriate for karate training, and students will be asked to change if they are dressed inappropriately.
Finally, having a water bottle nearby is highly suggested.
Various household items will be used in certain classes (e.g., chair, pillow). As stated above, parents may choose to purchase a karate uniform and belt. It is preferred that the uniform be a white karate uniform (as opposed to Judo, Tae Kwon Do, etc). There are various online sellers to choose from.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
Various links for YouTube videos will be shared for students to watch to enhance their learning.
Hi! Welcome to our page! Our director and chief instructor is Sensei Rick. He has been training in martial arts for nearly 30 years and has earned the rank of 4th degree black belt in Shotokan Karate. He’s been teaching karate for about 20 years, and even owned and operated a local karate school for a number of years pre-Covid. He was bullied as a kid, and karate helped him greatly with his confidence, and his goal is to share the many physical and mental benefits of martial arts with as many kids as possible!
In order for classes to be fun, Sensei Rick thinks that kids should always learn something new, and be moving as much as possible. His classes are geared towards children aged 6-12, are fast-paced and challenging, and focus on traditional martial arts values such as respect, discipline, and perseverance.
Sensei Rick loves learning about how the human body and mind operate, and so he earned a Bachelors degree with a double major in Biology and Psychology. He then furthered his education by obtaining a Master of Arts degree in "Child Study & Education” - a combination of a masters degree and teachers college, with additional qualifications in Special Education as well as Early Childhood Education.
Sensei Rick also spent many years working as an independent contractor for SAFE International, one of the top reality-based self-defense companies in the world, where he specialized in teaching girls and boys in 9th grade Phys. Ed. classes how to verbally de-escalate and avoid conflict, and how to protect themselves if they were ever physically assaulted.
When he is not teaching or training, Sensei Rick enjoys spending time with his family and friends, cuddling his two dogs, doing archery, trading in the financial markets, and watching tv/movies.
We are looking forward to seeing you in class!
Sensei Rick: Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Wellness的其他課程
Sensei Rick: Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Wellness的其他課程
Master Mark
US$15 每班
下次會議在 12 AM Wednesday
1/週, 30 分鐘
Silly School With Teacher Greg
US$17 每班
下次會議在 7 PM Thursday
1/週, 45 分鐘
跆拳道俱樂部 ~ 武術小忍者、健身與生活技能
Teacher Mónica - BMusEd
US$15 每班
下次會議在 6:15 PM Mon 6/2
1/週, 35 分鐘
空手道聚焦 |初級武術班| 5-8歲
Sensei Jess
US$20 每班
下次會議在 6 PM Tuesday
1/週, 40 分鐘
像忍者一樣踢腿 - Kinderkicker 綜合格鬥
Maryam Braun, M.Ed.
US$12 每班
下次會議在 10:30 PM Monday
1/週, 30 分鐘
綜合格鬥 (MMA) 健身、專注和樂趣! (大眾班)
Mr. Braun
US$14 每班
下次會議在 6:45 PM Monday
1/週, 30 分鐘
綜合格鬥 (MMA):青少年的健身、專注和樂趣!
Mr. Braun
US$14 每班
下次會議在 9 PM Monday
1/週, 35 分鐘
Jess 教師的私人課程 |進行中
Sensei Jess
US$50 每堂課
空手道 - 所有級別
Danny Jordan-Land
US$14 每班
下次會議在 9:45 PM Wednesday
1/週, 35 分鐘
Groovy 兒童俱樂部:巴西卡波耶拉基礎知識 1
Ms. Yvonne
US$10 每班
下次會議在 9 PM Tuesday
1/週, 25 分鐘
Kickin, It:跆拳道兒童有氧運動俱樂部!健身鍛鍊、肌力鍛鍊
Ready Set Fitness Kids- Let's Exercise!
US$11 每班
下次會議在 7:30 PM Monday
1/週, 30 分鐘
5 天如何像專業忍者一樣旋轉杖 - 馬戲團杖旋轉簡介 + 免費練習冊
Explosive Learning Jo Reynolds Life Skill Teachers
US$40 每班
下次會議在 3 PM Mon 3/17
1 週, 5/週, 50 分鐘
巴西柔術 |線上課程 |體育|家庭學校友好
Calum Crichton, CA, BA (Hons), MRes
US$10 每班
下次會議在 1 PM Monday
1/週, 30 分鐘
初級空手道課程 |黃色至橙色帶
Sensei Jess
US$25 每班
12 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
Danny Jordan-Land
US$40 每堂課
Mr. Braun
US$14 每班
下次會議在 8:15 PM Thursday
1/週, 30 分鐘