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Fracciones, decimales, porcentajes y más ~ Operaciones y aplicaciones prácticas

Más allá del aprendizaje de memoria de las tablas de multiplicación, los estudiantes ingresan al mundo de las fracciones, decimales, porcentajes y cómo se relacionan; encuentran problemas de palabras sobre perímetro, área, formas estándar e irregulares, dinero y tiempo aplicados a situaciones de la vida real.
Paula Reid
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
40 minutos horas de clase por semana
1 hora por semana. ○ Learners will be given mathematical problems to draw [represent], demonstrate and explain ○ Learners will be given worksheets from the Teacher from time-to-time

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés - B1
Grado de EE. UU. 5 - 7
Nivel Intermediate
Beyond rote learning of multiplication facts, learners enter the world of fractions, decimals, percentages and how they relate; find perimeter, area, standard & irregular shapes, money, time word problems applied to real life situations. 

This course is designed for learners with knowledge of multiplication & division facts, processes [2, 3 & 4-digit multiplication and division] adding, subtraction, multiplying and dividing. With that knowledge, learners in Fractions, Decimals, Percents & Beyond  ~ Operations & Practical Application use that already acquired knowledge and step up to more complex mathematical operations. It's the goal of this course to advance learners' math skills and make the newly acquired skills applicable to their every day life.

Each week, learners will practice and apply how to use fractions, decimals, percentage in all four operations and learn beginning geometry. 

***NOTE: Learners needing a concentrated course in learning ways to master multiplication and division facts should enroll in "Mastering Multiplication Facts - A Fast and Easy Way to Learn Multiplication Facts [https://outschool.com/classes/mastering-multiplication-facts-a-fast-easy-way-to-learn-multiplication-facts-a5UUcjrw?refuid=ZvKivPMt] OR MATH Fact Families: Learn Multiplication & Division Facts the FUN Way [https://outschool.com/classes/math-fact-families-learn-multiplication-division-facts-the-fun-way-Q0QMyMnZ?refuid=ZvKivPMt].

This is where the "real world" application comes in to play. Learners practice word & money problems, explore fractions, decimals, percentages. Learners will focus on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Your learner will become fluent with computing these types of numbers and understanding the relationship between them. They will multiply using square models, multiply fractions and whole numbers using expanded form, and multiply fractions using number lines. When ready, learners will explore beginning geometry and perhaps a little algebra, too, and recognize that geometry is all around us.

Learners can use this as an addition to their homeschool math curriculum, a remote learning supplement, in depth understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages or even as a review of these concepts. 

The end goal is for each learner to be able to apply these concepts to real life, answer word problems, solve real-life scenarios, draw and identify lines and angles, measurement conversions, applying their knowledge to understanding fractions, including equal (equivalent) fractions and ordering fractions, decimals, and beginning geometry. These skills will not only help them in their academic future but also in their daily lives.

📌 Course Prerequisites: 
○ Learners should know how to add, subtract, multiply, divide 1, 2, and 3 digit numbers
○ Learners should understand place value
○ Learners should know their times tables [multiplication and division facts up to 144 memorized]. Learners will review facts 0-12 in this course
○ Learners should have completed Small Group Remedial Math Skills Class for Older Learners
○ Learners may have completed MATH Fact Families: Learn Multiplication & Division Facts the FUN Way [not required but highly recommended]
○ Learners may have completed MATH Fact Families Rock: A Multiplication & Division MATH Summer Camp [not required but highly recommended]
○ Learners may have completed Mastering Multiplication Facts - A Fast and Easy Way to Learn Multiplication Facts  [not required but highly recommended]
*** This course is the next course that mathematically follows "Small Group Remedial Math Skills Class for Older Learners."

Week of September 2nd: What Do You Already Know?  
                Introductions, class structure, initial assessment
                What Do You Already Know? Fractions review
Week of September 9th:  Fractions and Mixed Numbers
                Equivalent fractions
                Writing fractions in their lowest terms
                Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
                Least common denominators
                Round Mixed Numbers
Week of September 16th: Compare Fractions
                Graph and compare fractions on number lines
                Compare fractions using benchmarks
                Compare fractions and mixed numbers
        	Put fractions in order
Week of September 23rd: Add and Subtract Fractions
               Add fractions with unlike denominators using models
               Add fractions with unlike denominators
               Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models
      	       Subtract fractions with unlike denominators
               Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators
	       Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problems
               Add 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators
               Add 3 or more fractions: word problems
               Complete addition and subtraction sentences with fractions
               Compare sums and differences of fractions
Week of September 30th:  Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
               	Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers
                Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators: without regrouping
                Add mixed numbers with unlike denominators
                Subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators
                Add and subtract mixed numbers
                Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems	
                Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers in recipes
                Complete addition and subtraction sentences with mixed numbers
                Compare sums and differences of mixed numbers
Week of October 7th: Understand Fraction Multiplication
               	Multiply fractions by whole numbers: choose the model
                Multiply fractions by whole numbers using models: complete the equation
                Multiply fractions by whole numbers using number lines
                Multiples of fractions: find the missing numbers
                Multiply fractions by whole numbers using arrays
                Fractions of a number: model and multiply
               	Multiply two fractions using models
Week of October 14th: Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers
                Multiply fractions by whole numbers I & II
                Multiply fractions by whole numbers: word problems
                Multiply fractions and whole numbers: sorting
                Fractions of a number: word problems
Week of October 21st: Multiply Fractions
               Multiply two fractions
               Multiply two fractions: word problems
               Multiply three fractions and whole numbers
               Complete the fraction multiplication sentence I
               Complete the fraction multiplication sentence II
               Understand fraction multiplication and area
               Multiply fractions to find area
Week of October 28th: Understand Multiplication with Mixed Numbers
               Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using a model I
               Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using a model II
               Multiply with mixed numbers using area models 
Week of November 4th: Multiply Mixed Numbers
               Estimate products of mixed numbers
               Multiply a mixed number by a whole number
               Multiply a mixed number by a fraction
               Multiply two mixed numbers
               Multiply mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers
               Multiply three mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers
               Multiplication with mixed numbers: word problems
               Multiply fractions and mixed numbers in recipes
Week of November 11th: Scaling by Fractions
               	Scaling whole numbers by fractions: justify your answer
                Scaling whole numbers by fractions
                Scaling fractions by fractions
                Scaling mixed numbers by fractions
                Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers
Week of November 18th: Understand Fraction Division
                Relate division and fractions
                Understand fractions as division: word problems
                Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models
                Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using area models
                Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models
                Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using area models
                Divide unit fractions and whole numbers using area models
                Divide unit fractions and whole numbers using number lines
Week of November 25th: Divide Unit Fractions and Whole Numbers
                Divide unit fractions by whole numbers
                Divide whole numbers by unit fractions
                Divide unit fractions and whole numbers
                Divide unit fractions and whole numbers: word problems
Week of December 2nd: Mixed Operations: Fractions
               Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers
               Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems
Week of December 9th: Decimal Place Value
                What decimal number is illustrated?
                Place value models for decimal numbers
                Understanding decimals expressed in words
                Place values in decimal numbers
                Relationship between decimal place values
                Convert decimals between standard and expanded form
                Convert decimals between standard and expanded form using fractions
                Compose and decompose decimals in multiple ways
                Round decimals
                Decimal number lines
Week of December 16th:  Compare Decimals
                Equivalent decimals
                Compare decimals using grids
                Compare decimals on number lines
                Compare decimal numbers
                Put decimal numbers in order
                Compare, order, and round decimals: word problems
Week of December 23rd: Convert Between Decimals and Fractions
                Model decimals and fractions
                Convert fractions to decimals
                Convert mixed numbers to decimals
                Convert decimals to fractions
                Convert decimals to mixed numbers 
Week of December 30th: Compare Decimals and Fractions
               Compare decimals and fractions on number lines
               Compare decimals and fractions
               Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order
               Put a mix of decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers in order
Week of January 6th 2025: Add and Subtract Decimals
               Add decimal numbers using blocks, manipulatives
               Add decimal numbers
               Use properties to add three decimals
               Subtract decimal numbers using blocks, manipulatives
               Subtract decimal numbers
               Add and subtract decimal numbers
               Use compensation to add and subtract decimals
               Add and subtract decimals: word problems
               Choose decimals with a particular sum or difference
               Complete the decimal addition or subtraction sentence
               Compare sums and differences of decimals
               Number sequences involving decimals
               Estimate sums and differences of decimals using rounding
               Estimate sums and differences of decimals using benchmarks 
Week of January 13th 2025: Multiply Decimals by Powers of Ten
                Multiply a decimal by a power of ten
                Multiply a decimal by a power of ten: with exponents
                Multiply by 0.1 or 0.01
                Multiply by a power of ten with decimals: find the missing number 
Week of January 20th 2025: Multiply Decimals by Whole Numbers
                Estimate products of whole numbers and decimals
                Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number: tenths or hundredths
                Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number using blocks
                Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number using the distributive property
                Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number
                Multiply a decimal by a two-digit whole number using area models
                Multiply a decimal by a multi-digit whole number
                Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems
                Multiply three or more numbers, one of which is a decimal   
Week of January 27th 2025:  Multiply Decimals
                 Estimate products of decimals
                 Complete the decimal multiplication sentence using grids
                 Multiply decimals using grids
                 Multiply two decimals: where does the decimal point go?
                 Multiply decimals using area models
                 Multiply two decimals: products up to hundredths
                 Multiply two decimals: products up to thousandths
                 Decimal multiplication: compare products up to hundredths
                 Decimal multiplication: compare products up to thousandths

Divide Decimals by Powers of Ten
Divide Decimals
Mixed Operations: Decimals
Money and Time
Customary Units of Measurement
Metric Units of Measurement
Number Patterns
Data and Graphs
Statistics: Mode, Mean, Median
Financial Literacy

Ready to go? "Fractions, Decimals, Percents & Beyond  ~ Operations & Practical Application" will give learners a hands-on experience to understanding and "doing" fractions, decimals, per cents and beyond.

*** PARENT NOTE: This course is not a learn your times table / multiplication facts course. This course is a real practical application of fractions, decimals, percents, the understanding of how these three operations work together and how "to do" these operations. Learners should have completed Small Group Remedial Math Skills Class for Older Learners or mastered the skills taught in this course.

Learners needing a concentrated course in learning ways to master multiplication and division facts should enroll in "Mastering Multiplication Facts - A Fast and Easy Way to Learn Multiplication Facts" or "MATH Fact Families: Learn Multiplication & Division Facts the FUN Way," an exciting, engaging way to learn multiplication facts in a uniquely different way.

For academic purposes, cameras and mics must be working and turned on for the duration of each lesson.
Metas de aprendizaje
○ applying their knowledge to understanding fractions
○ multiplying & dividing fractions & decimals
○ measurement conversions
○ beginning geometry
○ build learner's confidence in their math skills
○ enjoy learning math
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
*** PARENT NOTE: This course is not a learn your times table / multiplication facts course. This course is a real practical application of fractions, decimals, the understanding of how these two operations work together and how "to do" these operations. Learners needing a concentrated course in learning ways to master multiplication and division facts should enroll in "Mastering Multiplication Facts - A Fast and Easy Way to Learn Multiplication Facts" or "MATH Fact Families: Learn Multiplication & Division Facts the FUN Way," an exciting, engaging way to learn multiplication facts in a uniquely different way. If a learner is needing a specific skill set review such as fractions or decimals, these two courses are available: Mastering Fractions - A Review Course for Grades 5 & 6 https://outschool.com/classes/mastering-fractions-a-review-course-for-grades-5-and-6-8DZ9Kr1u?refuid=ZvKivPMt Mastering Decimals - A Review Course for Grades 5 & 6 https://outschool.com/classes/mastering-decimals-a-review-course-for-grades-5-6-In9Mv2Lx?refuid=ZvKivPMt Also avail is Mastering Multiplication Facts - A Fast and Easy Way to Learn Multiplication Facts https://outschool.com/classes/mastering-multiplication-facts-a-fast-easy-way-to-learn-multiplication-facts-a5UUcjrw?refuid=ZvKivPMt For academic purposes, cameras and mics must be working and turned on for the duration of each lesson.
Lista de útiles escolares
○ thinking caps / active awake brain
○ magnetic dry erase white board  [11 X 14 minimum], not a small board
○ dry erase markers
○ dry eraser [or clean sock]
○ 100-120 magnetic manipulatives: magnetic magnets, frig magnets: Suggested magnet set: ZDZBLX 100 Pack 10 Colors Refrigerator Magnets available from Amazon
○ Suggested manipulative set: Simply magic 131+4 PCS Jumbo Colorful Magnetic Base Ten Blocks for Math available at Amazon;
○ Simply magic 166 PCS Magnetic Fractions Activities Class Set - Magnetic Fraction Strips & Tiles, Perfect Fraction Manipulatives
○ Math notebook
○ pencil/s
○ eraser
○ colored pencils
○ working camera
○ working mic
○ worksheets provided by Teacher as follow-up activities

*** Additional supplies may be needed as learners progress through various skill levels.

*** For academic purposes, cameras and mics must be working and turned on for the duration of each lesson.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el January, 2023
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Educación desde Indiana University
Being an educator for forty + years, I've taught all subjects to students K-8 which included math classes at all levels. I've taught special needs students and designed full curriculum for K-12 students. In addition, I have taught students online for seven years. When I was a young student, I thought I didn't like math because it was hard for me. The truth was, I didn't understand the fundamentals of math, even though I could calculate and get the right answers. This is why I am so passionate about learners understanding the concept and relationship to numbers and operations, because once they understand that, learners will excel in Math and really begin to love it as I do now.

Credentials, Education & Experience:
BA in Psychology
MS in Education
Post-Graduate work in School Administration & Special Education
Lifelong Teaching Credential K-8
Special Education Department Chair - High School Grades 9-12

Teaching Experience since 1974
Principalships Experience since 1982
Online Teaching in multiple countries since 2017


Clase grupal

21 US$

1x por semana
40 min

Completado por 7 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-13
2-8 alumnos por clase

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