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Weekly Creative Writing (Horror): Create a New Scary Story Each Week!

Jackson Pearce Classes: Love Writing
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Rising Star
Taught by a published author! Join fellow horror/scary/creepy story authors! Each week, students get a new creative writing lesson that focuses on a specific element of horror fiction, then spend in-class time writing their own scary story.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Saundra Mitchell has been a phone psychic, a car salesperson, a denture-deliverer and a layout waxer. She’s dodged trains, endured basic training, and hitchhiked from Montana to California. The author of nearly twenty books for tweens and teens, Mitchell’s work includes Edgar Award nominee SHADOWED SUMMER and Indiana Author Award Winner and Lambda Nominee ALL THE THINGS WE DO IN THE DARK. She is the editor of four anthologies for teens, DEFY THE DARK, ALL OUT, OUT NOW and OUT THERE. She always picks truth; dares are too easy.
Please note that as this is a teen horror writing class, a certain amount of violence and drama is to be expected! We do ask that all students let peers know about the content of their story before they begin reading it aloud-- those who would prefer not to hear a given story are welcome to turn their volume down until it's complete. That said, we strictly do not allow students to share stories that involve hate crimes, sexual assault, or animal abuse.

Below are my general classroom rules and policies. These will also be explained to students when we begin class!
-For everyone's safety, and to ensure an engaging and social experience, students are required to have working microphones and video for the entirety of this class, positioned such that we can both hear and see them. Please be sure to prepare your student for this requirement before class begins!
-Students are asked not to use filters or virtual backgrounds-- though if there is an important reason to use a virtual background, please just let me know ahead of time that your student will be using one (no questions asked!).
-Students will be asked to introduce themselves by sharing their name, pronoun, and a favorite book.
-The Zoom text chat is set to "host only", meaning students can chat with me, but not to one another or the entire classroom.
Joined November, 2018
Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education from Lehigh University
Tiffany Schmidt M.Ed.
Bachelor's Degree in English Language and Literature from Davidson College
Tracy Banghart
Bachelor's Degree in English from The University of Georgia
Jackson Pearce
Bachelor's Degree in English from Agnes Scott College
Anna Dodds
Hello! My name is Jackson Pearce, and I'm the owner of Love Writing-- an organization dedicated to inspiring kids to love writing, reading, and all things language arts.

After teaching on Outschool by myself for three years, I decided to bring in... 
Group Class


1x per week
50 min

Completed by 6 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-17
3-6 learners per class

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