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Preschool/Kindergarten Full Curriculum: Circle Time, Music, French, Math, Art

New class
Ages 3-5
Live Group Class
This class meets twice per week and includes Circle Time, Music, French, Math and Art
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Live video meetings
2x per week
3-8 learners per class
30 min

What's included

2 live meetings
1 in-class hours per week

Class Experience

US Grade Preschool - Kindergarten
In each class, we will start with Circle Time (today's day and date and special things happening this week. Usually 5 minutes.) 
Then, we move on to Music where Miss Michele leads the class in a song and dance by singing and playing the harp. Often, songs are sun in English and in French. French comes next. Movement is encouraged but not mandatory. (5 minutes)
French is next where we introduce students to basic words and phrases. (5 minutes)
Math: Number concepts are introduced and reinforced like counting objects, skip counting, recognizing numbers and writing numbers. (5 minutes)
Art: Art ties it all together at the end of each lesson. Students will be guided through a simple art project that includes the topics we have covered in class in some way. (10 minutes)

Sept 5: Circle Time: Let's Make Friends.  Music: Hello, How Are You? Song.  French: Bon jour and Je m'appelle. Math: Counting 1-10 and a song to help us remember. Art: Rainbow and colors.

Sept 7: Circle Time: Hello Friends.  Music: Hello, How Are You? Song. French: Review of Bon jour and Je m'appelle. Intro Si Vous Plait and a song to remember. Art: Drawing and our favorite colors.

Sept 12: Circle Time: Look out your window. What do you see? Music: Jumping Josey. French: Bon jour, Merci and Au Revoir. Math: How many objects? (1-5). Art: Self Portrait.

Sept 14: Circle Time: Rainy Day. Music: Rain, Rain, Go Away. French: le pluie, des nuages.  Math: How many objects? (6-10). Art: Rainy day scene

Sept 19: Circle Time: Sunny Day.  Music: Alouette.  French: la tete, le nez, les yeux, la bouche, les dents, les mains. (parts of the body). Math: Circles. Art: Sunny day scene.

Sept 21: Circle Time: Apples. Music: Way Up High in an Apple Tree. French: la pomme, la banane, les oranges, les fraises.  Math: Circles.  Art: drawing fruit.

Sept 26: Circle Time: Autumn. Music: Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down. French: l'arb, les feuilles. Math: squares. Art: Fall scene

Sept 28: Circle Time: Autumn. Music: Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down. French: End of the month review of all vocabulary. Math: squares. Art: Coloring Autumn leaves

October 3: Circle Time: Pumpkins. Music: 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting On a Gate. French: Je suis. Math: rectangles. Art: Pumpkin coloring page.

October 5: Circle Time: What do we wear outside in the fall? Music: 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate. French: Je suis. Math: rectangles. Art: cut the straight line (work sheet to practice using safety scissors)

October 10: Circle Time: Our favorite foods. Music: We're Making a Purple Stew (with dancing). French: J'aime Math: Triangles. Art: Draw what you would put in your own purple stew.

October 12: Circle Time: The Moon. Music: We're Going to the Moon. French: J'aime, la luna. Math: Triangles. Art: Me on the Moon.

October 17: Circle Time: The Earth. Music: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.  French: J'ai. Math: ovals. Art: Coloring the beautiful earth.

October 19: Circle Time: The Continents. Music: 7 Continents song. French: J'ai. Math: ovals. Art: map of the world

October 24: Circle Time: I am a friend. Music: Friendship Song. French: les Amis, and review of vocabulary this month. Math: Writing number 1-5. Art: Draw you and your best friend.

October 26: Circle Time: We are Kind. Music and French: When You Say Hello, I Say Bonjour. Math: Writing numbers 6-10. Art: string art.

October 31: No class.  Halloween.

November 2: Circle Time: Saying Thank you. Music: If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands. French: rouge, vert, orange, bleu, violet, rose. Math: Counting to 15. Art: This is my face when I am happy drawing.

November 7: Circle Time: Things that make us happy. Music: If You're Happy and You know it clap your hands. French: brun, noir, blanc, jeune. Math: Counting to 15. Art: My favorite things.

November 9: Circle Time: When You Wake Up in the Morning. Music: The Wake Up Song. French: le matin, le petit dejeuner, le soliel. Math: Counting to 20. Art: Drawing my favorite breakfast.

November 14: Circle Time: Thanksgiving. Music: 5 Little Turkeys. French: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq. Math: Counting to 20. Art: Hand turkey art.

November 16: Circle Time: Saying Thank you. Music: 5 Little Turkeys. French: Review of all vocabulary. Math: counting to 20. Art: hand turkey finished.

November 21: Thanksgiving Break
November 23: Thanksgiving Break

November 28: Circle Time: Brushing Your Teeth. Music: Brush Your Teeth song. French: Review of the parts of the body (including teeth) and Alouette. Math: What comes first? Art: Paper plate mouth part 1

November 30: Circle Time: I am a Good Listener. Music: Brush Your teeth song. French: review of all vocabulary this month. Math: What comes last? Art: Paper plate mouth part 2.

December 5: Circle time: Snow. Music: The Snow-key Pokey. French: la neige, il fait frois. Math: Beginning, middle and end. Art: white crayon on black paper snow scene.

December 7: Circle Time: What is ice? Music: The Snow-key pokey. French: le chemise, les pantelons, le robe. Math: addition using numbers 1-3 with objects. Art: drawing snowflakes.

December 12: Circle Time: When I grow up, I want to be...  Music: B-I_N-G-O. French: le chien, le chat, le poule. Math: addition using number 1-3 with objects. Art: draw yourself and what you want to be when you're a grown up.

December 14: Circle Time: If I were president. Music: B-I-N-G-O. French: le canard, les poissons, le vache. Math: addition using numbers 1-5. Art: step by step how to draw a dog

December 19: Circle Time: If I Had one wish. Music: Jingle Bells. French: l'hiver, Noel. Math: Addition using numbers 1-5. Art: Draw what your wish would be.

December 21: Circle Time: Bring your favorite stuffed animal to show and tell. Music: Jingle Bells. French: review of this month's vocabulary. Math: Addition using numbers 1-5. Art: Design your own candy cane.

December 26: no class
December 28: no class
January 2: no class
January 4: no class

January 9: Circle Time: Days of the week. Music: Days of the Week song. French: Review of all of our vocabulary from last semester. Math: subtraction using numbers 1-3. Art: Draw your favorite part of winter break.

January 11: Circle Time: Days of the week review. Music: Days of the week song. French: Je mange. Math: subtraction using numbers 1-3. Art: Roll an Alien art game.

January 16: Circle Time: Months of the year. Music: Old MacDonald Had a Farm. French: Je mange. Math: subtraction using numbers 1-5. Art: Fish art with marker and crayon.

January 18: Circle Time: Months of the year. Music: Old MacDonald Had a Farm. French: Sentences using je mange and the fruits we learned last semester. Math: subtraction using numbers 1-5. Art: Fish art with marker and crayons part 2.

January 23: Circle Time: The Ocean. Music: Under the Deep Blue Sea. French: la plage, la mer. Math: Addition using numbers 1-10. Art: beach scene

January 25: Circle Time: Helping the ocean. Music: Under the Deep Blue Sea. French: je marche. Math: addition using numbers 1-10. Art: draw your favorite sea creature.

January 30: Circle Time: Trees. Music: This Land is Your Land. French: les fleurs, les arbs. Math: Review of addition and subtraction. Art: Forest scene.

February 1: Circle Time: The Forest. Music: Ode to Joy. French: review of all vocabulary. Math: spheres. Art: crayon and watercolor forest

February 6: Circle Time: The Seven Continents. Music: Row Your Boat. French: le bateau, les pays. Math: cubes. Art: sailboat picture

February 8: Circle Time: North America. Music: Canadian Anthem. French: A-J letters. Math: cubes. Art: map of North America.

Feb 13: Winter Break
Feb 15: Winter Break

February 20: Circle Time: South America. Music: Mexican Hat Dance. French: le Soleil, les nuages. Math: pyramids. Art: Egyptian pyramid art

February 22: Circle Time: Europe. Music: Alouette. French: letters K-Z. Math: pyramids. Art: paper plate sun.

February 27: Circle Time: Asia. Music: We Are the Children of the World. French: review of entire alphabet. Math: intro to using a ruler. Art: line art

February 29: Circle Time: Africa. Music: intro to the djembe. French: je chant, je dance. Math: using a ruler. Art: circle art

March 5: Circle Time: Australia. Music: intro to piano. French: je joue. Math: inches and centimeters. Art: dream time aboriginal art

March 7: Circle Time: Review of the seven continents. Music: Seven Continents song. French: vocabulary review. Math: inches and centimeters. Art: color the piano hand out

March 12: Circle Time: The garden. Music: Inch by Inch and Row by Row. French: le jardin. Math: telling time by the hour. Art: garden art

March 14: Circle Time: Vegetables. Music: Inch by Inch, Row by Row. French: les tomates, les pomme de terres. Math: telling time by the hour. Art: finish garden art

March 19: Spring Break
March 21: Spring Break

March 26: Circle Time: Spring. Music: Ode to Joy. French: les printemps, le lapin. Math: telling time by the hour. Art: How to draw animals with letters.

March 28: Circle Time: Spring. Music: If You're Happy and You Know It. French: Il fair beau. Math: time at the half hour. Art: how to draw animals using letters.

April 2: Circle Time: Butterflies. Music: I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas. French: les papillons. Math: time at the half hour. Art: color the butterfly.

April 4: Circle Time: Butterfly life cycle. Music: I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas. French: counting to 10 review. Math: telling time by hour and half hour mixed. Art: how to draw fruit

April 9: Circle Time: Recycling. Music: Boom chicka boom. French: J'aime and je t'aime. Math: Pennies and nickels. Art: this is my family.

April 11: Circle Time: Families come in all shapes and sizes.  Music: boom chicka boom. French: la maison, la cuisine, la Salle de Bain. Math: pennies and nickels. Art: draw your happy place.

April 16: Circle Time: Birds. Music: Pop! Goes the Weasel. French: l'oiseau, rouge, bleu, vert, jeune. Math: dimes. Art: bird coloring page.

April 18: Circle Time: Paper Airplanes! Music: Zoom, zoom, zoom. French: l'avion, brun, noir, rose. Math: dimes. Art: making a paper airplane.

April 23: Circle Time: Taking turns. Music: Old MacDonald. French: review of all vocabulary. Math: quarters. Art: drawing farm animals.

April 25: Circle Time: The Library. Music: Old MacDonald. French: la biblioteque, le livre. Math: quarters. Art: Draw the cover of your favorite book.

April 30: Circle Time: What is a Hero? Music: Going on a Bear Hunt. French: le heros, le mechante. Math: review of all money. Art: create your own super hero.

May 2: Circle Time: I am a Leader. Music: Going on a Bear Hunt. French: le nuit, le jour. Math: dollars. Art: Finish your super hero.

May 7:  Circle Time: My Favorite Thing to Do. Music: intro to guitar. French: Je parle, avec. Math: dollars. Art: Beach ball art

May 9: Circle Time: Dinosaurs. Music: My Name is Stegosaurus. French: J'ecoute. Math: counting drills. Art: Dino color sheet.

May 14: Circle Time: Dinosaurs. Music: My Name is Stegosaurus. French: Je parle. Math: flash card drill. Art: chalk art

May 16: Circle Time: What do we see in nature? Music: intro to violin. French: le lac, le foret. Math: counting drill. Art: cloud art using cotton balls.

May 21: Circle Time: What do we see in the city? Music: intro to the cello. French: la Ville, la voiture. Math: flash cards. Art: sidewalk chalk.

May 26: Circle Time: The summer. Music: The ants go marching. French: l'ete, je voyage. Math: story problems. Art: Design the craziest hat contest.

May 28: Circle Time: Make New Friends but Keep the Old. Music: Friendship song. French: When You Say. Art: Craziest hat contest finish.

Other Details

Supply List
Art supplies
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.

Meet the teacher

Joined January, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Miss Michele has been a preschool and Kindergarten Montessori teacher for 5 years.


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