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Mrs. B's Reader's Theater Book Study: "Emma" by Jane Austen

In this 8 week course we will discuss Jane Austen’s wonderfully witty novel "Emma", and perform a Readers Theater script every class!
Mrs. B, ELA Teacher, B.of Ed.
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What's included

8 live meetings
6 hrs 40 mins in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. Reading of the novel will be done primarily as homework before each meeting. (If the text is too hard, learners may feel free to listen to a free audio version of the novel for better enjoyment and understanding.)
Assessment will be ongoing throughout each class. As we discuss the book I will be asking various questions which will determine learner comprehension and engagement. Adjustments and communication will be made when needed to ensure each learner is reaching the above learning goals.

Class Experience

US Grade 6 - 9
Jane Austen's "Emma" is arguably her finest novel, and such a perfect one at that for a book study and a reader's theatre course!  It is a blend of serious writing, witty charm, with an unforgettable heroine, Emma.  Yes, Emma, who cluelessly imagines herself without fault, spending most of her time matchmaking and causing quite a stir in the social circles of Highbury, England! Needless to say, we will have oodles of fun in this course discussing an array of wonderful characters amidst all of their romantic entanglements, and seeing Emma learn a great deal about life and herself by the end of the novel.

Every class in this 8 week semester book club will be highly interactive yet relaxed. After discussing the assigned reading for the week, we will do a Reader’s Theatre activity, with easy-to-read scripts prepared by Mrs. B and no need for fancy sets or memorizing lines. It will be excellent fun(giggling is not required but encouraged, hee hee)!

***Note:  Assigned reading of the novel's actual chapters will be done primarily as homework in between our meetings.  If this proves to be too challenging, learners are encouraged to listen to a free audio version of the novel for better understanding and enjoyment.  Perhaps a combination of reading and listening would work for learners if they so choose!

Week One: Chapters 1-3 (please read these chapters before our first meeting)
Week Two: Chapters 4-11
Week Three: Chapters 12-18
Week Four: Chapters 19-28
Week Five: Chapters 29-36
Week Six: Chapters 37-43
Week Seven: Chapters 44-49
Week Eight: Chapters 50-55

So find a cozy spot with your a cup of tea or drink of choice, and of course, bring your copy of “Emma”. We will have the most extraordinary time together!
Learning Goals
Learning Goals:
-read a literary classic and build an appreciation of good literature 
-take an active, respectful part in discussions 
-recognize satire, wit, and sarcasm 
-tackle tricky vocabulary by looking for clues in the passage
-practice reading aloud certain sections with expression and fluency
-relate and respond personally to the text, and discover what the themes of the novel teach us about ourselves
-learn about the novel’s distinctive setting in Victorian England and expand basic geography knowledge 
-enjoy a bond with fellow readers
learning goal


8 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Chapters 1-3
 In this lesson we will get to know each other and I will go over how the classes will run.  We will talk about chapters 1-3 and then begin our fun reader's theater scripts.  Feature characters will be Emma and her father Mr. Woodhouse ! 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Chapters 4-11
 In this lesson we will talk about chapters 4-11 and then begin our fun reader's theater scripts.  Feature characters will be Harriet and Mr. Elton. 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Chapters 12-18
 In this lesson we will talk about chapters 12-18 and then do our fun reader's theater scripts.  Feature characters will be Mr. Knightly and Mr. Weston. 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Chapters 19-28
 In this lesson we will talk about chapters 19-28 and then do our fun reader's theater scripts.  Feature characters will be Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax. 
50 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
The setting of the novel is in the 19th century. Roles and opportunities for girls are very traditional and limited. This will provide an opportunity for discussion of how the world is different or the same today. An emphasis will be placed on encouraging learners in this class to follow their dreams, nurture their talents, reach their potential, and not be hindered or negatively influenced by the stereotypes that females in the novel faced.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I am a certified teacher and have over 26 years of experience of teaching in Canadian classrooms.  My major in university was English where I studied and fell in love with the works of Jane Austen!  In 2014, I visited Bath, England, where the author lived and wrote several novels. It was a thrill of a lifetime!!


Live Group Course


weekly or $117 for 8 classes
1x per week, 8 weeks
50 min

Completed by 11 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-16
3-6 learners per class

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