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Mrs. B’s Quality English Language Arts Curriculum(Age 10-12, Semester One)

In this 8-week semester course taught by a caring, experienced teacher, we will meet twice weekly and read three quality children's novels, while covering core English Language Arts objectives (including spelling, grammar, and writing) for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade learners. Ideal for those doing homeschool!
Mrs. B, ELA Teacher, B.of Ed.
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What's included

16 live meetings
13 hrs 20 mins in-class hours
2-4 hours per week. Most of the reading and writing assignments will be done as homework in between our twice weekly meetings. There will be approximately 20-50 pages of independent reading assigned in between each meeting.
Progress Report
Detailed written assessments will be provided to parents for your learners’ English Language Arts reporting needs/portfolios. I will communicate several written reports on learners’ progress especially as it relates to reading and writing. Letter grades, and/or percentage grades can be sent upon request.

Class Experience

US Grade 4 - 6
This expertly designed course filled with super-engaging activities and experienced instruction is all that your child(age 9-12) needs for a whole semester of Language Arts learning. We will be covering reading/ writing/ grammar/ spelling, among other Language Arts skills, using three quality children's novels.  (I also offer two other companion grade 4-6 Language Arts semester courses using different novels which cover more of the ELA curriculum. Take all three for a complete year of Language Arts, or pick and choose whichever of the three semester courses best suit your family. Courses may be taken in any order.)

Here is a breakdown of the topics in this course:
HISTORICAL FICTION GENRE: “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry
FANTASY GENRE: “The Borrowers” by Mary Norton and Fantasy Poetry
ADVENTURE GENRE: “Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls
NON-FICTION GENRE: National Geographic for Kids

For a more specific breakdown of units, lessons, and assignments, please see the Syllabus.

Learning Goals

Learning Goals:
-enjoy reading three high interest novels from three different genres and build an appreciation of good literature 
-a continued growth of confidence and feelings of success in reading and writing abilities
-practice reading short passages aloud with expression and fluency; practice strategies to read tricky text
-respond to text personally, including artistic options
-participate in encouraging classmates in reading improvements
learning goal


3 Units
16 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Unit 1: Historical Fiction Genre
Lesson 1:
Introductions! Number the Stars Chapters 1-3
 In this lesson we will get to know each other and I will go over what to expect in the course.  We will begin our first unit and novel, Historical Fiction: "Number the Stars".  If possible, learners should read chapters 1-3 prior to our first meeting. We will end class with a fun game! 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Number the Stars Chapters 4-8
 In this lesson we will discuss plot/setting/character for chapters 4-8.  Grammar Lesson on Parts of Speech using examples from book. Chapter 9-13 for homework and grammar sheet for homework. 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Number the Stars Chapters 9-13
 In this lesson we will have a discussion on “What Should A Moral Person Do?” and go over how to write a persuasive paragraph. Spelling Lesson on Long Vowels/Plurals using words from the book. Chapter 14-17 and Book Report/Persuasive Paragraph for homework. 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Number the Stars Chapters 14-17
 In this lesson we will finish "Number the Stars." Present Book Reports/Persuasive Paragraphs stating opinions on when to help others.  I will do a Book Talk on other WW2 novels for kids. Introduce next genre/novel: FANTASY and “The Borrowers”! I will introduce the Literature Circle format which we will follow for our next unit. Chapters 1-5 of "The Borrowers" for homework. 
50 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Parents please note that the novel "Where the Red Fern Grows", although critically acclaimed and a wonderful book, contains a few scenes that might be hard for sensitive kids to read. The book includes descriptions of hunting, as well as a scene where a boy falls on an ax. The ending is very touching and well written, but also sometimes hard for animal-loving kids to read. I have taught this book many times to children in this age group. I will let all students/parents know in the homework assignments exactly when these scenes are coming up. We will not be talking about any gory scenes in detail during class time, although if the topics are brought up by students, I will facilitate a short, respectful discussion.
Supply List
-Students will need a binder or folder to keep written assignments in. Students may also store their assignments in a digital format if that is preferred to binders or folders.
-Students will need the following novels for this course, either in digital form or a hard copy:
“Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry
 “The Borrowers” by Mary Norton
“Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls
Language of Instruction
English (Level: B1)
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
The Language Arts Curriculum that will be used in this course is from a Canadian source: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/ela/framework/gradebands.pdf For the reading material in this course, please read the book summaries and reviews on https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ Novels children we will read in this course: - “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry - “The Borrowers” by Mary Norton - “Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls Websites we will visit during this course: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I am a career English Language Arts Teacher and have taught English Language Arts to Middle Years learners for over 25 years.  I am known for being encouraging to all learners no matter what the skill level. I am highly experienced in differentiating instruction to suit each students' needs. I am also known for being passionate about whatever book we are reading or piece we are writing, which has translated into my students feeling excited about reading/writing too! I am a veteran at modelling good reading/writing behaviors specific for Middle Years learners to observe.  It has been my absolute pleasure to teach and inspire thousands of learners!


Live Group Course



2x per week, 8 weeks
50 min
Completed by 19 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-12
3-7 learners per class

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