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Immigration Law: Mexico and USA Bracero Program | Latinx History Month

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Ages 14-18
Live One-Time Class
United States Immigration Law and Mexican heritage history lesson about the Bracero program that brought Mexican farm workers to work in the United States during WII #academic
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Rising Star

Live video meetings
Meets once
2-6 learners per class
60 min

What's included

1 live meeting
1 in-class hours
The activities that students participate in will serve as a way to understand how well students understood the topic. If you would like additional information I can provide you with feedback on your learners' understanding.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
This course covers the historical perspective of the Bracero program. The Bracero program brought Mexican men to the United States in 1942-1964. The program allowed men to enter legally and provide the United States with short term labor. 

What will students learn?
- Overview of the historical moments that led to the creation of the program
- How the program was implemented and its impact on the men
- Issues around the program such as working conditions, health and wellbeing, and financial compensation
- Brief overview of immigration policies following this program
- The lasting impact of the program and how farm workers today are treated

Activities and student interaction: 
Students will take part in 1 to 2 activities that focus on learning the history of the program, understanding the working conditions that the men faced, and laws around the Bracero program. 

Is there any required experience or background knowledge that learners should have before enrolling? 
Students don’t need to have previous knowledge of the program. 
It is helpful if students understand or have some knowledge of the Spanish language, although it is not a requirement. In the case that students are not fluent or understand Spanish I will be translating material to them.

Tags: Latino History, Latine History, Mexico History, Mexican History

Learning Goals

US History
Labor History
Latino Americans
Mexican History
Mexico History

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Parental Guidance: In order to meet the goals of learning about the Bracero program from a historical point of view and humanizing Braceros students will be given different resources such as images, videos, and audio only resources. In this class we will be covering the following main topics: US History, Labor History, Latino Americans, Immigration, and Migration. These topics may connect to other current day topics such as immigration policies, general attitudes towards immigrants, undocumented people, etc. Students will also be viewing various images of what life was like for Braceros such as medical checks (partially without shirts) , braceros getting pesticide sprayed, sleeping quarters, working in the fields, etc. Some students may find the images difficult to view. Students may watch and/or listen to Bracero stories from men who participated in the program. These are personal accounts and I have screened them to be appropriate for students to listen to, however, stories may still be triggering for students. They may find the stories difficult/sad. Students will also learn about racial (derogatory) terms that were used to address Mexicans and/or Braceros, such as the term “wet back” (A term that stems from a US immigration law initiative called “Operation Wetback” created by Joseph Swing, the Director of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS). It’s important to note, that to address any person who does not have legal entry, I will be referring to them as undocumented or undocumented person or undocumented people. I expect students to do so as well. I will not allow any dehumanizing/derogatory terms to be used in the classroom.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
I will be using resources available to the public from government websites, research universities have conducted, and newspaper reports. Scholarly research, photographs, documents, and audio/video accounts will be used during class. The following are resources that may be used to create lessons or used in class with learners: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/our-history/history-office-and-library/featured-stories-from-the-uscis-history-office-and-library/bracero-program-images http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0122-20662015000200003 https://www.google.com/amp/s/politica.expansion.mx/presidencia/2022/07/14/braceros-en-que-consiste-el-programa-que-amlo-planteo-a-biden-en-eu%3f_amp=true https://memoricamexico.gob.mx/es/memorica/programa_bracero https://www.sfchronicle.com/nation/article/Time-running-out-for-braceros-who-worked-US-14873860.php https://braceroarchive.org/about https://www.britannica.com/topic/Operation-Wetback

Meet the teacher

Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education from CSU
I first learned about the Bracero program as a teenager, when I learned that my grandfather was a Bracero. As a child I really didn’t understand the systematic and historical impact that the program had on the US. It wasn’t a topic that was taught in school either. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I began asking more questions and doing research that I learned about its impact on Mexicans living in the United States and those who returned to Mexico. My goal teaching this class is to bring historical awareness to students all over the world about what the Braceros faced while they were part of the program, as well as to humanize the Braceros. I will be using resources available to the public from research that universities have conducted. 


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