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Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 2 of 4 Full Curriculum

Completed by 3 learners
Ages 8-12
Self-Paced Course
Come and join us for Part 2 of Fifth Grade American History where we will explore the who-where-why's of colonial history and explore many of the different people who helped shaped the beginning of the United States.
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10 pre-recorded lessons
10 weeks of teacher support
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1 year of access to the content

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Access course material for a full year.
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What's included

10 pre-recorded lessons
10 weeks
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content
Each week, learners will be given 2-3 options for homework. This class will utilize a combination of project-based learning, virtual field trips, short articles to read and summarize, short research topics, movies or short youtube videos to watch and review, and books to read.
Final Grades will be given upon request based on work completed.

Class Experience

US Grade 5
Welcome to History! In this fifth grade level course, students  will learn about European exploration of North America, the intersection and conflict among Native, European, and African cultures, and the colonization of North America. In addition, in this class, students will study the American Revolution and investigate the foundational documents of the United States, including the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Using an array of source materials,  students will explore, analyze and critique individual rights and responsibilities in the United States. They will learn about the important historical events and diverse actors of the American Colonies, Revolution, and the New Nation. Students will study how culture shapes laws, how laws ensure rights and responsibilities for the people who live within a society will we and discuss how these ideas manifest today. We will learn about many different people and perspectives of the early years of the United States. 

This class will be taught through recorded lectures and may also include supplemental videos (Youtube), readings, worksheets, and activities (recipes, movies, dioramas, experiments, etc.). Please see the syllabus below for a layout of the lessons included in this course. 

This class is presented in an asynchronous format. If you are taking this class through the Class Subscriptions, there will be no communication between learner and myself. If you are taking this class through the Self-Paced format, you will have 1 year to complete the lessons. If you choose to submit homework or communicate (questions on the classroom page), I will respond within 24 hours (excluding Sundays). 

This is Part 2 of a full year curriculum. It is not required to take Parts 2-4. Parts 1-2 and 3-4 are also offered as a 20 week class if you would prefer a longer class. Please message me if you have any questions. 

The following sections can be taken in any order or as individual stand alone classes: 

Offered as 2 full semester courses - 

Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 1 Full Curriculum (18 weeks)

Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 2 Full Curriculum (20 weeks) 

Offered as four 8-10 week courses

Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 1 of 4  Full Curriculum (8 weeks)

Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 2 of 4  Full Curriculum (10 weeks)

Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 3 of 4  Full Curriculum (10 weeks)

Grade 5 Social Studies and U.S. History Part 4 of 4  Full Curriculum (10 weeks)

Learning Goals

Our goals for this class are to:

Write about what we learn through a traditional essay format.
Use primary sources and different types of media (such as film and art) to learn about historical events.
Learn about historical events through the context of geography and how it affected different events.
Research, organize, and present their research on various topics, events, and figures.
Discuss topics while focusing on using specific details, facts, and reasons to support their opinions.
Use technology to research both past and current events and topics. 
Deepen their understanding of government and civic responsibility.


Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
10 Lessons
over 10 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Acts of British Oppression
 The Stamp Act; The Townsend Acts; The Sugar Act; The Intolerable Acts 
Lesson 2:
The Beginning of the Rebellion
 The Boston Tea Party; The Boston Massacre; The Sons of Liberty; What were women, African-Americans, and Native Americans doing during this time? 
Lesson 3:
The Battles of Lexington and Concord
 Declaring Independence 
Lesson 4:
Major battles, events, and key figures of the Revolutionary war
 George Washington, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton 

Other Details

Parental Guidance
This class will cover early U.S. History, which includes topics of war, slavery, and discrimination. All topics will be at an age appropriate level. This class will utilize Youtube videos for sharing of lecture videos, as well as supplemental lessons. All Youtube videos are embedded into the Outschool platform. This class may also utilize Kahoot. Learners will be given a direct link and game pin to play.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Some of the sources used for this class are, but not limited to: Smithsonian Britannica National Geographic PBS Library of Congress The American Yawp https://www.americanyawp.com/ An Indigenous People's History of the United States - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz The Birth of America - William R. Polk The American Revolution in Indian Country - Colin G. Calloway A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present - Howard Zinn Sword of Empire: The Spanish Conquest of the Americas from Columbus to Cortés, 1492-1529 - Donald Chipman The Colonization of North America 1492-1783 - Herbert Bolton Before the Revolution: America's Ancient Pasts - Daniel Richter National Women's History Museum https://www.womenshistory.org/education- Indian Country Today resources/biographies/pocahontashttps://indiancountrytoday.com/archive/true-story-pocahontas-historical-myths-versus-sad-reality American Indian https://www.americanindianmagazine.org/story/pocahontas-first-marriage-powhatan-side-story The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England - Carol Karlsen The Devil in Massachusetts - Marion Starkey OpenSocialStudieshttp://www.opensocialstudies.org/K-6.html

Meet the teacher

Joined March, 2018
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree from Louisiana State University
I have been an educator on Outschool since February of 2018. I have my MBA and MHA, both of which have taught me the value of conducting research and asking questions.  I have a passion for history, organization, reading, and learning. You can usually find me in the middle of 2-3 books or watching a documentary.

I am also an Outschool ACE Educator, which means that I continually seek out ways to improve my teaching skills and knowledge, as well as the learner experience. Some of the seminars/courses that I have attended in the past are: Foundations for Teaching and Learning About Native Americans; The Presence and Absence of Asian America: What Truths Lie Beyond the Headlines; Using the “Diary of Anne Frank” to Amplify Students’ Voices; Painting a Just Picture – Art and Activism. 


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