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4th Grade Math: Full Year Curriculum (CCSS)

Completed by 12 learners
Ages 9-10
Live Group Course
This class is for 4th grade level students. It is an ongoing course that will cover the entire 4th grade common core math curriculum spanning from September through May.
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(58 reviews)

Live video meetings
2x per week, 34 weeks
3-10 learners per class
50 min

What's included

68 live meetings
56 hrs 40 mins in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. Aside from the work completed in classes students will be given a fluency worksheet and a practice worksheet at the end of each class to be completed the following day. These are not collected or tracked by myself, nor are the required, but parents are encouraged to have their child complete them and to keep track that these are completed so that students can further understand each math concept and build their knowledge. Midway through the year an added review sheet will be given as week to help students recall previous lessons.
Students will self-asses themselves at the end of each class on whether they have reached the class objective. Students who need to review will be encouraged to view the lesson again on their off days for extra help. A Final Assessment of 5th grade math standards will be completed before the last class session using Google Forms.

Class Experience

US Grade 4
Welcome to 4th Grade Math!
This class is for fourth grade level students who have completed a 3rd grade level math course, or those who are at 4th grade math level. We will be covering the entire Common Core State Standards as follows:

Operations and Algebraic Thinking (4.OA.A.1-3 & 4.OA.B.4-5):
-Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems.
-Gain familiarity with factors and multiples.
-Generate and analyze patterns.
Number and Operations in Base Ten (4. NBT.A.1-3 & 4.NBT.B.4-6):
-Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.
-Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
Number and Operations—Fractions (4.NF.A.1-3, 4.NF.B.4, & 4.NF.C.5-7):
-Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering.
-Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers.
-Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions.
Measurement and Data (4.MDA.1-4, 4.MDB.5, & 4.MDC.5-7):
-Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit.
-Represent and interpret data.
-Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angle and measure angles.
Geometry (4.G.A.1-3):
-Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines

This is an ongoing course that meets twice a week for 50 minutes each class and runs from September (end of Aug) through May. We meet live two days but students will have assignments and practice sheets to complete on the remaining three days of the week.


Each Session is outlined as such:
5 min- Welcome and Lesson Objectives
10-15 min- Direct Instruction
15-20 min- Shared Activity and Interactive Notebook
10 min- Independent practice and Review
5 min- Student Questions/Share
Students will be assigned a fluency sheet and a practice sheet in order for them to master each concept through practice and repetition. They are to be completed on the days we do not meet for class.

Students will need the following supplies: PRINTER REQUIRED!!
Math Toolbox (every class!)- math notebook, folder with pockets, pencils, glue, colored pencils, erasers, and scissors 
Extra Supplies (as needed) - ruler, protractor, timer or stop watch, and graph paper
--Worksheets and any manipulatives that will be needed will be sent out the week before each class in plenty of time to have them printed and/or cut-out before each class. Students are expected to have worksheets that require cutting to be done before class and have them ready to go at class time.

~ Students will not be admitted beyond 5 minutes after class starts. The lesson will be in session and I will not have the opportunity to check the waiting room to admit students who are late. It is up to both the student and the parent to make sure  class arrival is on time. Refunds for missed classes will not be issued. However if the class is offered on another date and time you can be transferred to that class if possible and you are free to complete the lesson on your own time by viewing the class video. 

~~ ALL Students are required to be on-screen during the entirety of the class. This is my personal requirement. I feel that accountability and connection cannot be made when you cannot see each other. Students who refuse to keep their cameras on will be given a warning then placed in the waiting room once. If they continue to have their camera off they will be bumped from class and no refund given. This is for YOUR child's safety and for a more optimal learning experience- no exceptions. If you have completed the steps to have an off-camera allowance then I suggest that this may not be the class for your student.

Learning Goals

Students will develop an understanding and fluency of all the requirements within the 4th grade Common Core Standards.


Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
68 Lessons
over 34 Weeks
Lesson 1:
3rd Grade Review
 3rd grade Geometry review 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
3rd Grade Review
 3rd grade Measurement & Data review 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
3rd Grade Review
 3rd grade Numbers & Operations review 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
3rd Grade Review
 3rd grade Operations & Algebraic Thinking review 
50 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Learning Needs
Parents are REQUIRED to make instructor aware of needs prior to first class. All possible assistance will be made to assist in any students individual needs. Parent/Instructor Communication is expected throughout course.
Parental Guidance
Parental Guidance is expected should the student need assistance during class with either content or with computer issues. However, Parents/Guardians MUST REMAIN OFF SCREEN per Outschool's policy. Make sure that your child is set up so that others can not be caught on camera by accident. Its best to have a wall behind your student rather than a stairwell, door opening, or room in the background. PowerPoint and Google slides may be used on occasion and are screen shared. They will never require outside login, purchase, or access by the student.
Students should be working on multiplication facts. Students should have completed a 3rd grade level math course prior that includes, at minimum, basic skills in: multiplication, division, and fractions.
Supply List
Students are required to have the following “toolbox” of supplies every week: PRINTER is required!
Math notebook, folder with pockets, pencils, glue, colored pencils, erasers, scissors, and a ruler.
The following items will be used periodically and should be available and within the students reach:
protractor, graph paper, and timer or stopwatch. 

--Worksheets and any manipulatives that will be needed will be sent out via notice in the classroom page the week before each class. This will give plenty of time to have them printed and/or cut-out before each class. I will do my best to provide paper versions of any manipulatives that we may use so their will be minimal added expenses on your behalf.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Mainly education.com, Twinkl, and SuperTeacher Worksheets will be used. Math Village and Math Games (via screen share).

Meet the teacher

Joined October, 2018
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree from Ashford University
Please bio for my complete list of expertise both in and outside classroom.


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