
世界歷史:羅馬第 1 部分 - 透過多媒體和討論

Matthew Grace, M.Ed
在這個為期 8 週的課程中,我們將使用播客來初步了解早期羅馬共和國時代


美國等級 6 - 9
Intermediate 等級
Students will improve their understanding of the Roman Republic and how they came to dominate the Western Mediterranean. 
We will also learn about Roman culture and lessons we can learn from history to help us in daily life and beyond.
I love History and love to help students become interested in it!
Unless your student has a disability that keeps them from doing it, the homework for this class is a requirement to continue on with it. If homework is missed more than one time your student will be withdrawn and your money will not be refunded. Each recording is about ~15 minutes long. Classes meet once a week and they will be listening to an average of 5 recordings between each class so this should take about 1 hour of total time each week.
1 - 2 每週課外時間
We will have weekly reviews of material learned and students will be asked to talk about what they learned. We will also have a final assignment where students are asked to create a podcast or video explaining one of the events we learned about in the course and how it ties into the rest of the material.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
This class will detail parts of the Roman holiday of Saturnalia which the later Romans decided to make the same day as Christmas. It is not seeking to subvert the Christian ideas of Biblical Christmas just to show how what became the holiday Christmas is based in part on Saturnalia.

There is also an occasional swear word but it is not common and usually a direct quote/translation from someone in Roman history. If this is concerning the recordings can be provided with edits.
Hello! I'm Matthew and I'm excited to help you with your educational goals! 
A little about the classes I teach:
- I teach Languages: English(Masters in TESOL), all levels, and Chinese, specialized for beginners. 

- I also teach Math(Bachelors in... 


用於 8 課程
1x 每週, 8 週
55 分鐘

由 4 學習者完成
Ages: 11-16
4-6 每班學員人數

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