

per week
($11 per class)


年齢 4 歳-5 歳
(1,131 レビュー)

2 人-6 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
25 分


4 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 40 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Preschool
This preschool Montessori full curriculum hands-on online class is designed to provide young children with a holistic and interactive learning experience from the comfort of their homes. 

Imagine a virtual classroom filled with bright colors, engaging activities, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. In this online Montessori class, children aged 3 to 4 years old embark on an exciting journey of discovery and learning.

The curriculum is carefully crafted to be inclusive, catering to diverse learning needs and styles. Each day begins with a cheerful gathering, fostering a sense of community and connection among the children. The class is led by a trained Montessori teacher who guides and supports the students throughout the day.

The online classroom is equipped with a range of hands-on materials, which are sent to the students' via a supply list in advance. These materials include math manipulatives, language tools, art supplies, and sensory items, ensuring that every child can actively participate in lessons.

Learning activities are designed to be fun and engaging. Children explore concepts through hands-on experiences, whether it's using colorful beads to learn math or creating art projects that stimulate their creativity. This environment is rich with interactive games and educational apps that reinforce learning in an exciting way.

Inclusivity is at the heart of this Montessori class. The teacher adapts lessons to accommodate different learning paces and styles, ensuring that every child feels valued and supported. Special attention is given to children with unique needs to foster their growth and development.

Parent involvement is encouraged through regular communication and helping their learners (Off screen to ensure we follow policy), allowing families to be an integral part of their child's educational journey. Together, parents and teachers create a nurturing and enriching environment that promotes holistic growth. Parents are welcome to help their children and we encourage that.  Parents MUST stay off camera view as much as possible

This preschool Montessori full curriculum hands-on  class is a dynamic and vibrant virtual learning experience. It combines the principles of Montessori education with technology to create an inclusive, fun, and exciting environment where young learners can thrive and develop a love for learning.

Each weeks topics are listed here:

Week of September 2nd- Summer fun! 

Science & Nature - Learning about the weather and making ice-cream 
Music & Movement - Creating an ocean instruments
Cultural Studies- Globes and Maps 
Practical Mathematics- Counting shells 
Art & Creativity - Sand pictures. 

Week of September 9th- Nature and Ecosystems 

Language Development -  c m a t and animal sounds 
Mathematics- Number representation 1-3
Practical Life Skills- Reduce, reuse and recycle  
Social Emotional Development- Being empathetic towards our Ecosystem 
Sensorial Development- Compare the elements of ecosystems

Week of September 16th- What is on the Earth? 

Science & Nature - Fire, air, water, land 
Music & Movement - Cultural Dancing- around the world 
Cultural Studies- Different languages/symbols
Practical Mathematics- Sizes and comparison 
-Art & Creativity - Clay sculptures

Week of September 23rd- What holds us up? 

Language Development - s r i p
Mathematics- Measuring and comparing bones
Practical Life Skills- Fine motor skills
Social Emotional Development- Yoga and mindfulness
Sensorial Development- Moving to sounds while blindfolded. 

Week of September 30th-  Come meet the world’s deadliest animals!

Science & Nature - Learn and sort venomous animals 
Music & Movement - Move like the deadly animals
Cultural Studies-Deadly animals around the world
Practical Mathematics- Pictogram/large scale math
-Art & Creativity -“What would you do if you met a deadly animal?- free art

Week of October 7th- Deers and Foxes and Squirrels, oh my!

Language Development -  b f o g
Mathematics- -Forest animal patterns
Practical Life Skills- pom pom fox (Fine Motor)
Social Emotional Development- Emotions/empathy/ animal masks
Sensorial Development- Smells, such as pine, cinnamon, and vanilla

Week of October 14th- Explosions of colors!

Science & Nature - FIzzy colors
Music & Movement - Color dance and music (Expression)
Cultural Studies- Holi and Diviali 
Practical Mathematics- Chalk Paint numbers/ shapes/ colors
-Art & Creativity - Color explosion with your favorite colors.

Week of October 21st- Fall is all around us!

Language Development -  b f o g
Mathematics- Printing patterns (fruit/leaves)
Practical Life Skills- Pumpkin Seed/ tweezers
Social Emotional Development- making bird feeders with the pine cones/ Ecology 
Sensorial Development- Pumpkin exploration  

Week of October 28th- Who’s who from the zoo? 

Science & Nature - Classification of animals using manipulatives
Music & Movement - Animal songs and music
Cultural Studies-protection  or conservation of  zoo animals
Practical Mathematics- Animal size and weight sorting
-Art & Creativity - Scented playdough craft 

Week of November 4th-  Where do our plants come from? 

Language Development - d w e n
Mathematics- Seed counting and sorting
Practical Life Skills- Taking care of plants
Social Emotional Development- Taking in turns 
Sensorial Development- What does the different parts of the plant feel like?

Week of November 11th- How do we digest our food? 

Science & Nature - What makes our digestion system (Food in a bag activity)
Music & Movement - Simon says and digestion exercises
Cultural Studies- allergies, intolerances, or vegetarianism
Practical Mathematics- How long are our intestines? 
-Art & Creativity - Digestive system playdough mats

Week of November 18th-How do Arctic/Antarctic animals stay warm? 

Language Development -   k q x y z
Mathematics-  Number representation 4-6
Practical Life Skills - Greeting people
Social Emotional Development- Sense of Order
Sensorial Development- Washing & rinsing dishes

Week of November 25th- NO CLASS Fall Break

Week of December 2nd-  Snow, Cinnamon and Sweet Berries 

Science & Nature -  What dissolves in water?
Music & Movement -  Water xylophone
Cultural Studies- North America (activities and landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Dot Marker Snowflakes (Numbers 1-6)
Art & Creativity -  Ice painting

Week of December 9th-  Our bodies are made of 80% water! 

Language Development - Instrumental Sounds
Mathematics- Number representation 7-10
Practical Life Skills- Playing independently 
Social Emotional Development-  Coughing, sneezing, blowing nose
Sensorial Development- Washing fruit & vegetables

Week of December 16th-  Solid, liquid or gas?

Science & Nature - Making Oobleck
Music & Movement -   Dance freeze
Cultural Studies-  South America (activities and landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Weight (how heavy is the oobleck?)
Art & Creativity -  Primary Color Handprints

Week of December 23rd- NO CLASS Winter Break

Week of December 30th- NO CLASSs Winter Break

Week of January 6th-  Mountains, Valleys and plains 
Language Development - Go on a listening hunt
Mathematics-  Measuring using foam cubes
Practical Life Skills- climbing a mountain
Social Emotional Development- Getting someone’s attention
Sensorial Development- Rock sensory bin

Week of January 13th-  Glaciers and Icicles: A Frozen Adventure

Science & Nature -  Melting Icebergs
Music & Movement - Sing a long from Frozen
Cultural Studies- Africa (activities & landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Counting Marshmallows
Art & Creativity -make snowflakes

Week of January 20th-The Process of “Building”

Language Development -   Moveable alphabet
Mathematics- Olympic Math Activities (1-10)
Practical Life Skills- Balancing 
Social Emotional Development- Patience
Sensorial Development- Sound cylinders (introduction)

Week of January 27th- Going on a Safari

Science & Nature - Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Music & Movement - Exercise in place (going on a safari)
Cultural Studies-  Europe (activities and landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Counting using clip cards (how many legs do the animals have?)
Art & Creativity - Finger painting

Week of February 3rd- How big are your muscles?

Language Development - Trace and Write letters/words
Mathematics- Introduction to the Decimal System
Practical Life Skills- Exercising
Social Emotional Development-  “Please, thank you, your welcome” - courtesy 
Sensorial Development- Bubble bin sensory play

Week of February 10th- What is in your heart?

Science & Nature - Invisible Ink Heart (science experiment)
Music & Movement -   Marching to a beat
Cultural Studies- Asia (activities and landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Adding
Art & Creativity - Play doh circulatory system 

Week of February 17th-  What is beyond Earth?

Language Development - Object to initial sound
Mathematics- Counting Mats
Practical Life Skills- Opening & Closing Objects
Social Emotional Development- Feeling Charades
Sensorial Development- Working with magnets

Week of February 24th- What is beneath the Earth?

Science & Nature -  Items that melt in the sun (science experiment)
Music & Movement - Hokey Pokey Dance
Cultural Studies- Australia (activities and landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Subtraction
Art & Creativity -  Recycled art

Week of March 3rd-  How do plants grow? 

Language Development - Rhyming games
Mathematics- Matching quantities to numerals 
Practical Life Skills- Watering objects
Social Emotional Development-  Asking open-ended questions (problem solving)
Sensorial Development- Smelling different flowers

Week of March 10th- Stems, petals and leaves! 

Science & Nature -  Coloring changing flower (science experiment)
Music & Movement - Hula Hoop Dancing
Cultural Studies- Antarctica (activities and landforms)
Practical Mathematics - Measuring Length
Art & Creativity -  Simon Says Draw

Week of March 17th-Grow your own food! 

Language Development - Pin Punching letters/words
Mathematics- Adding & Subtraction Review
Practical Life Skills- Flower arranging
Social Emotional Development- Make a salad (teamwork)
Sensorial Development- Tasting different vegetables

Week of March 24th- Growing up, up and away! 

Science & Nature - Germs spread (science experiment)
Music & Movement -  Scarf Dancing
Cultural Studies- Timelines:  What do you do in a day? (use history cards)
Practical Mathematics - Grouping (multiplication)
Art & Creativity -  Balloon prints

Week of March 31st-  All about our Earth!

Language Development - Language Cards about our world
Mathematics- Sandpaper Numbers
Practical Life Skills- Handwashing
Social Emotional Development- Create a face on the globe
Sensorial Development- Knobbed Cylinders

Week of April 7th- Weather

Science & Nature -  Cloud in a Jar
Music & Movement - Making weather sounds
Cultural Studies-  Timelines:  yesterday, today, tomorrow
Practical Mathematics -Number Rods & Cards
Art & Creativity - Changing of the seasons

Week of April 14th- All about sound!

Language Development - Sound boxes
Mathematics- Geometric Shapes (sphere)
Practical Life Skills- Buttons, Buckling, & Zippers
Social Emotional Development- Action cards
Sensorial Development- Sound cylinders (matching the sounds)

Week of April 21st-   Luna study 

Science & Nature -  Study of Rocks/Nature Walk
Music & Movement - Spoon Drums
Cultural Studies-  Timelines:  past, present, future (use history cards)
Practical Mathematics - Shapes of the Moon
Art & Creativity - Black paper and chalk 

Week of April 28th-  ¡Divertido con amigos!

Language Development - Rhyming cards (play with friends)
Mathematics- Symmetry
Practical Life Skills- Folding clothes
Social Emotional Development-  Read a book about friendships
Sensorial Development- Baking cookies/Decorating cookies

Week of May 5th-  How can we protect the animals? 

Science & Nature - Different types of animal coverings
Music & Movement - Sing a long animal songs 
Cultural Studies-  How do we use animals?
Practical Mathematics  - Angles
Art & Creativity -  Make animals using lollipop sticks

Week of May 12th- What are bees for? 

Language Development - Onamonapia (repeat sound words)
Mathematics-  Volume (measuring honey)
Practical Life Skills- Animal care
Social Emotional Development- Doodle rubbings
Sensorial Development- Blind Folded Knobbed Cylinders

Week of May 19th- People who help us around the world

Science & Nature -  Life Cycle of Frog
Music & Movement -  Painting while listening to songs from around the world
Cultural Studies- People around the world
Practical Mathematics - Different times around the world
Art & Creativity - Paper Bag puppets

Week of May 26th- Dinosaurs: The Giants of the Past

Language Development - Dinosaur syllables
Mathematics- Measuring Length (fossils)
Practical Life Skills- Sorting silverware/Setting the table
Social Emotional Development-  Read Dinosaurs Have Feelings Too
Sensorial Development- Making frozen dinosaur eggs

Week of June 2nd- Camping 

Science & Nature -  Sink or Float (science experiment)
Music & Movement - “I Spy” sounds while camping
Cultural Studies-  Who would you go camping with?
Practical Mathematics - Polygons
Art & Creativity -  Outdoor art

More dates to come!

Montessori education is characterized by individualized learning, allowing children to progress at their own pace and follow their interests. Teachers observe and guide children to explore these topics in a way that aligns with their developmental readiness and curiosity. This approach fosters a love for learning and independence in young children.


Students will improve all skills and excel to be ready for Kindergarten level if they stay for a full years curriculum.


All supplies will be posted in the classroom at least a week before each class time.
American Historical Association: The Professional Association for All Historians Center for History and New Media: Guide to History Departments Around the World Electronic Texts Collection EuroDocs: Primary Historical Documents from Western Europe H-Net - The History Network Hanover Historical Texts Project Library of Congress New York Public Library Women and Gender Resources on the WWW Ancient and Medieval History Online Medieval sources Bibliography ABZU: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East Aquinas' Summa Theologica Byzantine & Medieval Studies Sites Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts Web The Labyrinth: A growing site for general medieval studies Lingua Latina Middle English Collection: University of Virginia Library electronic text center The Perseus Digital Library The French of England The French of Italy The French of Outremer


参加しました October, 2020
アラバマ 教員免許 初等教育で
Ambria Parrish
ミシガン州 教員免許 初等教育で
Melaney Kosarek
マサチューセッツ州 教員免許 初等教育で
Ms. Kristen
マサチューセッツ州 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
Ms. Kristen
ケンタッキー 教員免許 初等教育で
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
カンザス 教員免許 初等教育で
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
バージニア州 教員免許 初等教育で
Molly Thomas
テキサス州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Patricia Trevino
テキサス州 教員免許 英語から他の言語の話者へで
Patricia Trevino
テキサス州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Patricia Trevino
オクラホマ州 教員免許 英語/国語で
Andrea Snow
テキサス州 教員免許
Andrea Snow
テキサス州 教員免許
Lara Chomout
米国以外 教員免許 英語/国語で
Yinghui S McClellan
修士号 University of West Alabama から 教育 へ
Ambria Parrish
修士号 Saginaw Valley State Universityから 教育 へ
Melaney Kosarek
修士号 American International Collegeから 教育 へ
Ms. Kristen
修士号 Duke University から
Ms. Jo Anna
修士号 University of Houston-Clear Lakeから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
Diane Sullivan
修士号 University of Ottawaから 土木工学 へ
Ankur Mishra
修士号 Moreland Universityから 特別教育 へ
Robbie Cox-Chatman
修士号 University of Houston Clear Lakeから 教育 へ
Patricia Trevino
修士号 Lesley University から 教育 へ
Andrea Snow
学士号 University of Montevalloから 教育 へ
Ambria Parrish
学士号 Mount Holyoke Collegeから 教育 へ
Ms. Kristen
学士号 Asbury College から 教育 へ
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
学士号 Furman Universityから 心理学 へ
Ms. Jo Anna
学士号 Longwood University から 教育 へ
Molly Thomas
学士号 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukeeから 英語 へ
Diane Sullivan
学士号 University of Houston Clear Lakeから 教育 へ
Patricia Trevino
学士号 Whitworth Universityから 初等教育 へ
Andrea Snow
学士号 Angelo State Universityから
Lara Chomout
学士号 Angelo State Universityから 外国語 へ
Lara Chomout
学士号 Bohai University, China から 英語言語と文学 へ
Yinghui S McClellan
学士号 University of Missouriから マーケティング へ
Robbie Cox-Chatman
Teachers for this class are trained Montessori teachers.  

Here is a link to a document with all of Wild and Unstructured Learning's teachers. They are listed alphabetically in the document.



Ms. Jessica Bale - Early Childhood Educator
$15 セッションごと
3 歳-8 歳
Leigh Fitzsimmons, (Science & STEM)
$30 セッションごと
3 歳-6 歳
Ms Libby
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の10 PM です
1/週、 25 分
5 歳-6 歳
Ms. T (Tiffany Thornton)
$50 セッションごと
4 歳-6 歳
早期学習: 文字、数字、色、形、アルファベット
Nicole Joyal : Math Tutoring and Semester Math
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/13 の2 PM です
8 週間、 2/週、 25 分
3 歳-4 歳
幼児教育: 幼稚園児向けのABC、123、語彙など、Teacher Pearlsによる学習
Teacher Pearls
$22 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の2 AM です
32 週間、 1/週、 50 分
3 歳-6 歳
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
$15 セッションごと
3 歳-4 歳
Teacher Ivy - Cultivating Clarity and Focus
$25 セッションごと
4 歳-9 歳
Miss Kate - EdS in Early Childhood
$7 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の5 PM です
1/週、 30 分
4 歳-6 歳
$40 セッションごと
3 歳-6 歳
初期の基礎 - 16 週間、週 3 回 - 幼稚園/幼稚園児向けの素晴らしいホームスクール ヘルパー
Mrs. Amy O'Connor TESOL
$14 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 8/12 の3 PM です
16 週間、 3/週、 55 分
5 歳-6 歳
1:1 個別指導 ~ 幼児教育
Betty Nilssen
$44 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/9 の4 PM です
3 歳-8 歳
Ms. Angie (B.A. in Early Childhood Education)
$9 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sunday の7 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
Ms. Dena-B.A. Psychology, Early Childhood Educ.
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の10 PM です
5 週間、 1/週、 30 分
6 歳-7 歳
Betty Nilssen
$43 セッションごと
次のセッションは今日 2:30 PM です
3 歳-8 歳
★スクイッシュアンドシェイプ - 幼児向けプレイドークラブ。★
Olivia Porter | PGCE Qualified
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Friday の4 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-6 歳
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