


Filling up Our Buckets With Good Character: Confidence, Mindfulness, and Manners

Completed by 492 learners
Ages 7-11
Live Group Class
In this ongoing course, students will learn how to strengthen their confidence, character traits, and emotional intelligence. Learning mindfulness and responsible coping skills that will help instill positive, confident, and happier kids.
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Live video meetings
1x per week
3-8 learners per class
30 min

What's included

1 live meeting
30 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Welcome to this ongoing class, I have created a curriculum dedicated to teaching students how to fill their own emotional bucket with strengthening emotional intelligence, socializing, and basic coping skills. We will define what having basic good character looks like, and building a good foundation is key to developing these traits.  Students will learn to logically recognize their own strengths and qualities which will help with connections and friendships. Each lesson will help to "fill their bucket" with strategies and techniques to develop positive emotional intelligence. They will learn that choices and how we treat others matter. These lessons are meant to be very interactive with a lot of discussions about the present topic of the week. 

Every class is a different lesson in "Growing our emotional selves".  The lessons do not build on the one another, but are meant to stand on their own, so students can feel free to come and go as they please. No prior knowledge is needed. There is one lesson a week for 16 weeks and then it loops again. 

The topics/dates covered:

Week of Jan 6
Making Friends and Dealing with Peer Pressure Confidently

Week of Jan 13
Perseverance, Patience, and Determination!  

Week of Jan 20
Laughter and Humor; Truly the Best Medicine! 

Week of Jan 27
Self Awareness..."Know Thyself" 

Week of Feb 3 
Bullying is Never Ok; Gain Confidence and Knowledge to Be an Upstander! 

Week of Feb 10 
Internet Safety; Confidence Socializing Online, Safer and Smarter!

Week of Feb 17 
Choices and Consequences; How to Make Good Choices!
Week of Feb 24
Stress, Worry, Anxiety; Coping With Confidence
Week of March 3
Conflict Resolution and Managing Anger; Socializing With Teamwork  
Week of March 10
Empathy; Walking in Someone Else's Shoes 

Week of March 17
Self Esteem and Confidence; How we "SEE" Ourselves Matters! 

Week of March 24 No Classes - SPRING BREAK-

Week of March 31
Gratitude; Developing a Positive Attitude Through Words and Actions!

Week of April 7
Etiquette and Learning Good Manners; Gain Confidence in Your Socializing Skills! 

Week of April 14
Generosity, It's all about Giving! 
Week of April 21
Honesty and Integrity 

Week of April 28
Respecting Others 

Week of May 5
Making Friends and Dealing with Peer Pressure Confidently

Week of May 12
Perseverance, Patience, and Determination!  

Week of May 19
Laughter and Humor; Truly the Best Medicine! 

Week of May 26
Self Awareness..."Know Thyself" 

Week of June 2-Sept 1 -SUMMER BREAK-

Week of Sept 8
Bullying is Never Ok; Gain Confidence and Knowledge to Be an Upstander! 

This schedule is an ongoing loop of 16 weeks.

Each week students will learn a different topic through discussions, role play, visuals, power points, videos, songs, books,  and various games. My goal is for every student to feel comfortable to be able to share ideas freely, and learn something positive each lesson that they can take with them to help with their emotional growth.  My class is a safe space with no judgment for race, culture, age, gender, nationality, abilities, or religion.  Everyone is welcome...the more the merrier! 

My teaching style is a structured, laid back happy style. I tend to look at the positive while living in reality. I try to find a little humor in everything to connect with students. It is important that students gain the knowledge needed to enhance their happiness, and emotional development. Building a good foundation is the key to having the self awareness and confidence needed for these character traits.

Here is a summary of the topics being taught:

~~Bullying Is Never Ok; Gain Confidence and Knowledge to Be an Upstander!~~

Bullying is never ok! It is every child's right to feel safe at school as well as other places as bullying can become unsafe very quickly. I am so glad you are here, this class is jam packed full of information about the Bullying situation. We will define Bullying and the three ways a Bully acts like a Bully. A Bully is being mean and hurtful, on purpose, over and over, in one direction using their words, body, or technology.  
We will discuss examples of verbal, physical, and cyber bullying. Verbal bullying is with words; calling names, spreading rumors or lies. Physical bullying is bullying with the body; slapping, tripping, punching, kicking, pulling hair, destroying others property, breaking their pencils, knocking over chairs etc. Cyber bullying is bullying through technology. We will discuss what technology is such as a cell phone, iPad, laptop, computer, gaming console and the different ways a Bully can act like a Bully using these devices. Some examples are through texting mean and hurtful things, posting unwanted pictures, saying mean things while playing games online. Cyber bullying is one of the easiest ways students are bullied. We will discuss exactly what to do if they or anyone they know is being cyber bullied. First, do not delete the text, take a screen shot for evidence, then tell a trusted adult.  They must report and block that person who is acting like a Bully. We will also touch on Internet Safety. We will discuss our cyber footprint and why it is important. 
We will discuss why a Bully acts like a Bully. Some reasons include they are trying to feel power or control over the Target. We will talk about how the Target gives the Bully their power by showing the Bully that they are upset. We will identify ways the target does not give the Bully their power.
The titles or roles in the Bullying situation will be identified: The Bully, The Target, The Bystander, and The Super Hero Upstander. We will discuss each role, what each role means, and if it is good or bad in the bullying situation. The Bully is the one acting like a bully being mean or hurtful, on purpose, over and over, in one direction. The Target is the person the Bully is being mean or hurtful too. The Bystander hears and sees bullying happen, but they do not help the Target. We will discuss why this is bad for the Bullying situation. The Upstander hears and sees bullying happen and they help the Target by "standing up". They will learn there are many ways to stand up and be an Upstander. Some examples are asking the Bully to stop, taking the Target away from the Bully, ignoring the Bully(which doesn't always work), and telling a trusted adult. We will discuss the difference between telling someone about bullying and tattle telling on someone.
The students will learn bullies are not bad kids, but sometimes kids make bad choices and Bullying is a choice. They will also learn that if a Bully makes the good choice to not bully anymore then we should invite them back in on the fun, and treat them the way we would want to be treated. Learners will interact with me and each other through discussions and role playing.

~~Internet Safety; Confidence Socializing Online, Safer and Smarter!~~ 

Our kids are using the internet more and more. From games, social media, research, and messaging...the internet isn't going anywhere anytime soon. How do we keep our kids safe online? Knowledge and awareness is key.  In this class, students will learn what to look for while using technology online to keep themselves safe.  Students will learn all about Internet Safety that is appropriate for them at this age as parents can't always be with their children while they are are online.   In this lesson, students will understand how to stay safe on online and use it responsibly.  We will be discussing four important rules to stay safe online. Students will learn the Internet is a wonderful tool and resource for many different things, but there are people who choose to use it in a bad ways sometimes. Students will have the knowledge to be able to be safer and smarter online after discussing these topics below. 
The topics covered are:
-Always tell an adult you trust if anything makes you feel confused or uncomfortable. 
We will discuss Pop-ups as well as links that could lead to viruses or hacks. 
-Never Share Personal Information online. Always ask a parent before signing up for anything online.
We will define what personal information is and how people get it and what they do with it.
-Never meet anyone face to face that you only know online.
This rule is so important. Students will learn not everybody on the internet is who they say they are and what to do in this situation.
-Always use good manners while online.
Sending mean or inappropriate messages is called cyber bullying. We will discuss how to respond and what to do. Students will learn  what a cyber footprint is and how it can affect their future endeavors. 

~~Choices and Consequences: Learning how to Make Good Decisions!~~ 

We will define "Choices." Students will learn how to make good choices while being aware of the consequences of those choices. I will share an entertaining video about making choices, and we will discuss the consequences of making bad choices and good choices. Students will have the opportunity to share a bad choice as well as a good choice they have made in the past week and the consequences; good and bad of those choices. We will discuss how making good choices makes us better leaders for others to follow. 
Students will understand that mistakes sometimes have to be made as long as we learn and become better from those mistakes. We will discuss that the techniques of making thoughtful choices are better than the point, pick, and random impulsive, do nothing, or being a follower choices and why. Students will understand that choices will always be made and no choice is small or insignificant.  We will play a fun game of choices "Would You Rather."
This lesson is a wonderful building block for developing strong character traits. The choices we make "Make Us" and are so important!

~~Stress, Worry, Anxiety; Coping With Confidence!~~

In this class, students will learn about stress, peer pressure, and test anxiety and how to manage these worries.  According to the American Psychological Association about 20% of children report worrying a great deal. In this class students will learn what stress is and discuss the stress we feel today. Students will watch a short 2 minute video of kids talking about stress and what they do to manage it. This will reinforce the definition of stress as well as let them know they are not alone in their worries. Understanding that Stress and worry can be different for everyone, will help students not feel alone in their stress. We will discuss different stressors in our daily lives, and how to know when we are feeling Stressed.
We will define peer pressure and how friends influence our lives. Students will learn that friends' influence can be positive and negative and what it means to be a good friend. We will discuss why some kids give in to negative peer pressure. Students will learn how to walk away from it as well as role playing different scenarios. Students will learn that not all stress or peer pressure is bad and why choosing good friends is important. Students will be encouraged to discuss what qualities to look for in a friend and how good friends should treat each other. They will understand the difference between a good friend and an acquaintance. 
We will discuss the stress that we sometimes feel taking tests and learn the steps needed to lessen the test taking stress.  They will understand not all stress is bad, especially when it can keep us from danger or propel us to do well. 
~~ Conflict Resolution and Managing Anger; Socializing With Teamwork!~~

Anger, frustration, disagreements are a normal part of life! We all have felt one of these emotions at least once. But what do we do with these emotions? We understand them then resolve them.  Students will learn what "Teamwork" is and give examples of this in school, home or while playing sports.  We will discuss how disagreements sometimes happen during teamwork or when working with others, leaving us feeling angry and frustrated. It isn't always easy working on a team or with other people. We will discuss everyone has their own ideas and thoughts of how things should be done or how things should go. 
This is where "Conflict"enters and takes the stage. We will discuss Conflicts and how they can affect more than one person. Students will learn that every one has disagreements and conflicts and strategies and techniques to resolve those conflicts. We will discuss how to come together as a team, being respectful to others thoughts/ideas, and work things out without anger. Students will be able to understand how to calm ourselves when we feel angry by learning 4 steps that will help them resolve conflicts when they arise. 1. Just Stop, 2. Watch Your Words, 3. Listen Up, 4. Find a Solution. Understanding what others are saying, apologize if mean things are said, and brainstorm ideas or ask an adult for help. Students will practice these techniques role playing with different conflict scenarios to ensure understanding of conflict resolution. They will complete a chart of "Peace Breakers" "Peace Makers"  to help with understanding. We will end the lesson on a high note as students will create their own silly Mad Lib story that deals with conflict resolution in a fun way.

~~Empathy and Kindness; Sharing Compassion Walking in Someone Else's Shoes.~~

Only 20% of people practice this wonderful word Empathy! What gives? Kindness is key here. In this lesson, students will learn what Empathy is, and how it is different from Sympathy and Apathy. I will explain through a short story the difference in each and how sympathy isn't bad it just doesn't connect us to another person like Empathy.  A short video will be shown to give students a visual of Empathy and Kindness in action. Students will learn that walking in others shoes isn't always easy, but showing kindness and compassion through Empathy isn't that difficult. It takes practice just like football, ballet, or math. We will discuss how to being mindful of others when they need Empathy through actions or actively listening and what that looks like.  We will be role playing with different scenarios where students will have the opportunity to share how they would show empathy in different situation.  
Students will understand that Empathy and Kindness are contagious, when they show kindness it is something that others will follow and give away as well. I feel Empathy is such a great quality to learn and practice at this age.

~~Self Esteem and Confidence;  How We "SEE" Ourselves Matters!~~

Self-Esteem! Self-a-what? How we "SEE" ourselves is so important! Especially for students at this age. Learning how to have confidence in themselves is crucial for success in so many areas including school, sports, and relationships. In this one time class, students will learn to find value in themselves. We will discuss self-esteem, and why it can be low or high.  I will have Students give examples of their self esteem.  What they feel good about or bad about. We will discuss ways to have high self esteem even when we make mistakes. Students will learn what confidence is and how to have it even when we aren't good at everything. We will talk about what we see when we look in the mirror and acknowledge everyone's uniqueness is perfect.
Students will learn how to have positive self talk and how to quiet the negativity in their heads. Students will also participate in a fun scavenger hunt that will give them the opportunity to find the value in themselves and use these objects to create a simple activity that they can use any time they are feeling low self esteem.

~~Gratitude; Developing a Positive Attitude Through Words and Actions!~~

Students will learn what Gratitude and the different ways we show it.  How we look at a situation is important to developing a positive attitude as we discuss the mindfulness of being grateful. Students will understand that showing gratitude makes us healthier; reducing stress, boosting self confidence, promotes better sleep, improves grades and relationships. Being grateful is a wonderful building block to have in the development of our emotional growth.
We will discuss different ways to be grateful through words, actions, and deeds and examples of each. Words; saying "Thank you", Actions; Giving someone a hug or handshake, and Deeds; Writing a Thank you note.  We will identify a time when someone showed us gratitude and we showed someone gratitude discussing how each felt. Students will be encouraged to start and end each day with gratitude and it takes practice to have a more positive mindset of gratefulness. 
Students will then utilize their 5 senses to think about the things they are grateful for.  Writing or discussing at least one thing for each sense that we can show gratitude. Lastly, we will recap the concepts of the lesson watching a short video on 25 things to be thankful for. 

~~ Socializing With Others and Respecting Our Differences! ~~

We will discuss how every one is different in looks, thoughts, dress, abilities, and beliefs. We will identify how to celebrate and respect those difference through discussion.  Students will participate in an activity to reinforce this concept and will understand how boring it would be if everyone was the same. We will watch the story "The Crayon Box that Talked" and discuss the quote "We could learn a lot from crayons...they are all different but they exist very nicely in the same box." and how that pertains to us today. To end the class on a fun note, we will play a version of Simon says which will reinforce our difference while celebrating them. For example: Everyone who likes to sing thumbs up, etc. We will watch a short yet powerful video of accepting other's just as they are. 
Celebrating and Respecting everyone's differences is a wonderful character trait to develop which will carry over into other good traits such as kindness and empathy. 

~~Generosity; It's about Giving!~~

How do we making someone's day? In this lesson we will learn just that and so much more.  We will watch a short video to explain and understand the heartfelt concept of being generous. There are many ways to be Generous and students will have the opportunity to answer how someone made their day. ___________made my day by___________.  We will discuss the difference between a want and a need and examples of each. We will discuss 2 types of generosity, giving of material things like gifts and giving of your time, words, or a helping hand.  Students will understand that when we give and "Make Someone's Day" we are actually making our own day.  We will read a short book " The Giving Tree"  to reinforce "giving" is an act of many things that comes with being generous. 

~~Honesty and Integrity~~

Students will learn the qualities of honesty, fairness, and truthfulness.   The story of "The BoyWho Cried Wolf" will be retold and we will discuss the moral of the story and how telling lies can destroy ones's credibility. Students will infer the reasons people lie and if lying might be necessary or good in some situations. Students will understand the importance of doing something good and right even if no one is watching. This lesson is very interactive with different scenarios to discuss examples of honesty and integrity as well as many opportunities for role playing. This lesson will teach the value in being truthful and how important it is to have the qualities of being honest and fair. 

~~Etiquette and Learning Good Manners; Gain Confidence in Your Socializing Skills!~~

Students will learn about etiquette; what it is and how to show it. This class will emphasize ways to have and show basic etiquette skills. It is never too early to learn and practice having good manners. Good manners should never feel stuffy for children, but leave them with confidence and understanding how to behave in social or family situations which will benefit them well through adulthood.
Each learned skill will help your learner understand what to do in certain social situations from the dining table to showing positive body language and everything in between. We need to ensure our children adopt good manners and treat others with courtesy and respect.
The topics they will learn are:
~ Defining Etiquette as showing kindness thoughtfulness and respect at all times.
~Using Please, Thank You, and Excuse me everyday. Which are the cardinal foundations of having good manners. Especially in restaurants with waiters, waitresses, and hostesses. They will learn how important it is to use these manners at home with family as well when at other people's homes. Using phrases such as "May I," "Fine, thank you; and How are you?".
~Using Silverware correctly. Students will understand how to set a table properly and which silverware to use and why. How to hold silverware properly while cutting and eating various foods as well as how to place it when finished with the meal.
~How to properly use a napkin.(No Sleeves!) :) Students will learn how to place a napkin properly in their lap, how to use it during dinner and what to do with napkin if they leave their seat as well as at the end of the meal.
~How to chew with their mouth closed. (Self explanatory):) We will discuss waiting to eat until everyone has been served.
~No elbows on the table...ever! 
~Never interrupt an adult when they are speaking to someone else. (unless it's an emergency) We will discuss getting into the habit of waiting their turn to speak as this is one children have trouble with as they want to express their thoughts as soon as something occurs to them. We will talk about waiting until someone has finished speaking before interrupting. 
~How to give a compliment to someone.
~ Helping someone in need, particularly if they are less able than you are. Opening doors/holding doors for other people. We will discuss how to help someone struggling with a stroller or bags, and to always help with carrying in the groceries at home.  discuss 
~How to introduce yourself and others properly which I feel is one of the most important skills to have. We will discuss looking people in the eye, facing them directly, and giving them a firm handshake when meeting them. 
~Be aware of positive body language and how to show it. We will discuss having an open posture compared to a closed off posture. 
~Never call an adult by their first name unless the adult instructs you to do so. Use "Mr." or "Ms.":  It may sound old fashioned, but using a title and last name is the really the most well-mannered way for a child to address someone. 
~Always knock on the door before opening it. We will discuss door knocking etiquette. 
~How to answer the phone politely and have cell phone etiquette. Such as cell phones should not be brought to or used at the dinner table. We will discuss how to answer the phone by saying "May I ask who is calling, please?" Reminding children never to scream across the house, but to walk over and tell the person that they have a call. We will discuss how to take down the information and repeat it back to the caller and ask the caller how their name is spelled. 
~How to actively listen and make eye contact when speaking to another person. Greeting people properly and having a conversation. Engaging with the person next to them instead of staring at a screen. 
~Don't point or stare. We will discuss how and why this is rude.
~Always cover you mouth when sneezing or coughing. Never pick your nose, burp or pass gas(fart) outloud, if you do apologize immediately. If you need to pass gas go to the nearest bathroom.
~How to have good manners at friend's or others' homes. 

~~Making Friends, Socializing, and Peer Pressure~~

We will define peer pressure and discuss how peers influence our lives. Students will understand the different types of peer pressure: spoken, unspoken, positive, and negative. We will discuss the qualities we look for in a good friend and the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. Students will discuss different scenarios of being a good friend and how to walk away from negative peer pressure. We will finish the lesson with a short video on how to be a good friend. 

~~Perseverance, Patience, and Grit~~

Students will understand that perseverance is staying with the task or goal and not giving up, by showing commitment, pride and a positive attitude. They will learn that grit is determination and trying again and again while being patient and working hard. We will discuss some famous people who have shown perseverance such as Thomas Edison, Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, Michael Jordan etc.  Students will be given different scenarios of ways they can show perseverance. Students will have the opportunity to experience perseverance in class. We will keep trying with patience and determination until each student has reached this classroom goal demonstrating perseverance. 

~~Self Awareness..."Know Thyself"~~

Students will understand that self awareness is having the ability to understand your thoughts, emotions, and values and how these may influence their behavior.  Self awareness is one of the 10 life skills that promotes well being across all cultures. Self awareness for students is crucial for their success. We will discuss four things needed in order to begin to be self aware; Identify your emotions, See yourself honestly, Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, Work toward growth. This lesson is a foundational lesson to introduce students to being mindful of these things. Students will have the opportunity to discuss different questions with "Would You Rather..."  Students will be encouraged to keep an emotional journal to help identify and label their emotions helping your learner to understand and explore their emotions. 

~~Laughter and Humor; Truly the Best Medicine!~~

In the words of Plato, "We should take Laughter more seriously".  In this lesson students will understand what laughter is, why we laugh, the different types of laughter and the benefits of laughter. "I am convinced that any child who sees a sense of humor in action as they're growing up has a step ahead"- Dr Paul McGhee. Laughter plays a wonderful role in the mental development of children as it's mental play, intellectual play, playing with ideas. This is a fun interactive lesson where students will be given opportunities to express what laughter is to them...maybe even be ready with a joke or two. Students will understand there is a bonding that happens through humor that makes you feel closer when laughing together. 

The class structure will be each week:
Introductions and fun facts
Defining the topic being discussed
Open-ended discussions where students can share
Visuals power points stories, videos for reinforcement of the topic
Review of the topic learned/Checking for understanding/Questions

As an ongoing course students can join and leave at anytime as there will be a new topic introduced each week. After each class students should have a greater understanding of the topic covered and how it applies to their life.

It is such an honor to be able to share these important lessons with your learner. I look forward to seeing them in the classroom!

Learning Goals

Students will learn what character traits are and how to develop them in a positive way. They will learn techniques and strategies that will increase emotional intelligence and coping skills.

Other Details

Supply List
Learners will need paper and a writing utensil such as a pen or pencil. Have crayons or markers nearby as it may be handy for some classes.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Various visuals, books, power points and songs will be used to teach and reinforce the lessons.

Meet the teacher

Joined January, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have 10 years of classroom experience teaching ages 3-18, and have taught all subjects as well as Personal Safety lessons for a non-profit private organization aiding in the Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment of child abuse, where I have had extensive training. I have 6 years experience as an online and ESL teacher and homeschooled my three children in elementary, middle, and high school. I have attended many seminars, trainings, conventions, and have obtained numerous certifications to keep up with my educational responsibilities, strategies, and techniques. Keeping children safe through awareness and knowledge learned through education is my goal as prevention is a necessary and key goal.  I want to be a great resource for parents and their children, as it is my passion, honor, and commitment to be able to serve in that capacity.


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