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Curso de Introducción al Latín I

Dr. Karen Wieland (Literacy/dyslexia & Latin)
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Únase a la Dra. Karen Wieland para la Introducción al latín I. Usamos Latín para niños: Primer A (Larsen & Perrin, 2017) Capítulos 1-10 + materiales complementarios. Gramática del vocabulario latino, incluidas conjugaciones verbales, declinaciones de sustantivos y lectura en contexto.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés - B1
Grado de EE. UU. 5 - 8
Nivel Beginner
2 units//10 lessons//10 Weeks
Unit 1LFC-A, Unit I
5 lessons5 Weeks
LFC-A, Unit I
 Week 1
Lesson 1
LFC-A, Chapter 1
Chapter Maxim: In principio earth Verbum. Conjugation: amare (to love) Verbs and Principal Parts: amare (to love), dare (to give), intrare (to enter), laborare (to work), narrare (to tell) Nouns: aqua, aquae (water); fabula, fabulae (story); porta, portae (gate); silva, silvae (forest); terra, terrae (earth) Grammar: Verbs are action words; Latin has fewer words than English but many word endings; verb endings are conjugated; a verb has 4 principal parts to memorize Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 2
Lesson 2
LFC-A, Chapter 2
Chapter Maxim: Arma virumque cano. Conjugation: Present tense verb endings Verbs and Principal Parts: [Review] Nouns: via, viae (road, way); fossa, fossae (ditch); mensa, mensae (table); meta, metae (turning point; goal); pagina, paginae (page); cena, cenae (dinner); patria, patriae (fatherland, country); aura, aurae (breeze); regina, reginae (queen); insula, insulae (island). Grammar: Signaling number, tense, and person; conjugating a verb Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 3
Lesson 3
LFC-A, Chapter 3
Chapter Maxim: Arma virumque cano. Declension: mensa (table) Verbs and Principal Parts: errare (to wander); stare (to stand); parare (to prepare); spectare (to look); esse (to be) Nouns: ancillary, ancillae (maidservant); gloria, gloriae (glory); ira, irae (anger); unda, undae (wave); fenstra, fenestrae (window) Grammar: Noun declension; signaling number, gender, and case; looking up a Latin noun in the dictionary Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 4
Lesson 4
LFC-A, Chapter 4
Chapter Maxim: In principio earth Verbum Declension: 1st declension noun endings Verbs & Principal Parts: amare (to love), dare (to give), intrare (to enter), laborare (to work), narrare (to tell) [review] Feminine Nouns: puella, -ae (girl); femina, -ae (woman); filia, -ae (daughter); germana, -ae (sister); magistra, -ae (teacher); disciple, -ae (student); domina, -ae (mistress); famula, -ae (servant); serva, -ae (slave); amica, -ae (friend) Grammar: Feminine nouns Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 5
Lesson 5
LFC-A, Chapter 5
Unit I Review
Unit 2LFC-A, Unit II
5 lessons5 Weeks
LFC-A, Unit II
 Week 6
Lesson 6
LFC-A, Chapter 6
Chapter Maxim: Cum tacent, clamant. Declension: ludus (school) Verbs and Principal Parts: [Review] Masculine Nouns: puer, pueri (boy); vir, viri (man); germanus, germani (brother); ludus, ludus (school, game, play); filius, fili (son); magister, magistri (male teacher/master); discipulus, discipuli (male student/disciple); dominus, domini (male master); famulus, famuli (male servant); servus, servi (male slave); amicus, amici (male friend) Grammar: Masculine nouns Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 7
Lesson 7
LFC-A, Chapter 7
Chapter Maxim: Cum tacent, clamant. Declension: Noun endings Verbs and Principal Parts: vigilare (to guard); clamare (to shout); tardare (to delay); habitare (to live); demonstrare (to point out) Masculine Nouns: hortus, -i (garden); lupus, -i (wolf); socius, -i (ally, associate); aquarius, -i (water carrier) Grammar: The verb essere (to be); sentence labeling and translating Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 8
Lesson 8
LFC-A, Chapter 8
Chapter Maxim: Divide et regna. Neuter Declension: donum (gift) Verbs and Principal Parts: pugnare (to fight); oppugnare (to attack); necare (to kill); ambulare (to walk); mandare (to entrust) Nouns: aedificium, -i (building); caelum, -i (sky); auxilium, -i (help); exemplum, -i (example), donum, -i (gift) Grammar: Neuter nouns; more about case Derivatives of New Vocabulary
 Week 9
Lesson 9
LFC-A, Chapter 9
Chapter Maxim: Divide et regna. Declension: Neuter noun endings Verbs and Principal Parts: [Review] Neuter Nouns: fatum, -i (fate); forum, -i (public square); oppidum, -i (town); periculum, -i (danger); frumentum, -i (grain); praemium, -i (reward); astrum, -i (star); beneficium, -i (benefit, gift); gaudium, -i (joy); colum, -i (neck) Grammar: Noun jobs: The nominative case is used for subject of a sentence; the nominative case is also used for the predicate nominative Derivatives of New Vocab
 Week 10
Lesson 10
LFC-A, Chapter 10
Unit II Review
  • 1. Students will learn 100+ Latin words.
  • 2. Students will learn First Declension Feminine Noun endings
  • 3. Students will learn Second Declension Masculine and Neuter Noun endings
  • 4. Students will learn First and Second Adjective Declensions
  • 5. Students will learn the Present Indicative Verb Tense Conjugation of regular First Declension verbs
  • 6. Students will learn first, second, and third person pronouns in the nominative singular and plural forms
  • 7. Students will learn how to conjugate the irregular verb sum, esse (I am, to be) in the Present Tense.
  • 8. Students will develop proficiency in translating very simple sentences, from English to Latin and Latin to English, which illustrate target grammatical concepts and contain target vocabulary.
  • 9. Students will develop proficiency in translating very simple passages from Latin to English using text glosses and their dictionaries as aides.
  • 10. Students will engage in very basic conversational Latin using the types of discussion frameworks typically taught in beginning world language classes.
  • 11. Students will brainstorm about and investigate English words that are derived from studied Latin vocabulary.
  • 12. Students will learn collaboratively by playing online study games to reinforce target Latin vocabulary and grammar.
I am a dedicated and creative literacy specialist and Latin language teacher with 30 years experience working with students of all ages. I have been teaching on the Outschool platform for seven years. In addition to my Introduction to Latin Courses I-IX courses, I also teach a course series called Vocabulary Building with Roots and Affixes, which extends through five levels. As a language buff, I’ve studied Italian, Spanish, German, Latin, and a bit of French. 

I hold permanent certification from New York State in Reading (grades K-12). I am also a credentialed Wilson Reading System dyslexia practitioner. I have extensive experience with Orton-Gow methods for literacy re/mediation; the foundation for that work was the introductory training I received through the Gow Teacher Training Institute. I taught Orton-Gow (Reconstructive Language) at the Gow School and the Gow School Summer Program for several years. Across the past decade, as a teacher educator and university reading center director, I helped to prepare several hundred reading teachers and literacy specialists in NY and PA. 

I completed my undergraduate degree at The Catholic University of America School of Music. My doctoral and master’s degrees were earned at the University at Buffalo School of Education, under the advisement of Dr. Michael W. Kibby, a nationally known literacy diagnostician and scholar.  I have presented my research at several national and international conferences, including Literacy Research Association, International Reading Association, and International Dyslexia Association.
1 - 2 horas semanales fuera de clase
Frecuencia: 1-2 por semana
Comentario: incluido
Detalles: Approximately one hour of homework is assigned each week, involving written exercises and conversational practice designed to foster memorization. Some of these exercises will be in the textbooks and others will be designed by the instructor. Homework is not collected and learners and parents are encouraged to review it together using the answer key available from the textbook publisher.
Frecuencia: incluido
Detalles: This is an ungraded class. The instructor engages in continuous informal assessment throughout the class. The class will complete numerous conversational and written activities during the class and for homework. The textbook also contains written quizzes at the end of each chapter.
As an instructor with expertise in teaching students who experience language-based learning differences, I readily adapt my instruction, real-time coaching, materials, and assignments to meet the needs of all enrolled learners.
Enrolled learners should be able to read English words composed of two or more closed syllables in order for them to apply similar strategies to decoding Latin words.
 1 archivo disponible al momento de la inscripción
During the classes, students will need to have the following supplies on their workspace: — Latin for Children - Primer A (Larsen & Perrin, 2017) — Bantam New College Latin and English Dictionary --- Notebook to use for course -- pencils and pens Recommended but Not Required: — Latin for Children A - DVD (Perrin, 2004) — Latin for Children Primer A Clash Cards — Latin for Children - Primer A Activity Book (Baddorf & Perrin, 2005) — Latin for Children - Primer A Answer Key — Libellus de Historian: Latin History Reader (Moore, 2018) Other learning materials are provided by the instructor in the form of Google Docs files, crossword puzzles, word searches, etc.
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This class might be suitable for children outside of the stated age range. Please contact Dr. Wieland to discuss this.
Se unió el September, 2017
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Nueva York Certificado de Docencia
Doctorado desde State University of New York at Buffalo
Maestría desde State University of New York at Buffalo
Licenciatura en Música o Teatro o Artes desde The Catholic University of America

My name is Dr. Karen Wieland. I am a NYS-certified teacher (Reading K-12) and a former high-school teacher and college professor with 25+ years of teaching experience. I currently run a thriving independent practice as a dyslexia/literacy... 


Clase grupal

20 US$

semanalmente o 200 US$ por 10 clases
1 x por semana, 10 semanas
75 min

Completado por 135 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-14
4-9 alumnos por clase

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