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The Science of Sleep

Mysti Chisholm, RPSGT, MBA-HM
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In this one-time class, students will learn the mechanism of sleep and the science behind it. How much sleep do we need? What happens if we don't get enough sleep? Let's delve into the science of sleep!

Class Experience

Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
  • -How much sleep we need. -Looking at the brainwaves of sleep. -Sleep Disorders -Effects of not enough sleep.
I have been a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) since 2012 and currently run a hospital-based sleep lab. Prior to that, I was a middle school science teacher for 10 years and currently homeschool my 15-year-old daughter while teaching on Outschool for the last 4 years. I have my Bachelors in Biology and my Masters in Healthcare Administration. I've been able to be in the Sleep Medicine field for over a decade  and in that time, have seen first-hand the importance of great sleep!
Activities are not mandatory and can be adapted to fit the needs of each individual learner. No assignments given in class. No reading out loud.
Teacher provided link: Epworth Sleepiness Scale worksheet. 
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined March, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree from Western Governors University
Bachelor's Degree in Science from Missouri Southern State University
Hello students and parents!

I am a former Science teacher who now runs a hospital-based Sleep Lab. With a Bachelors degree in Biology, I taught middle-school science classes for 10 years before transitioning into the healthcare field. I have been... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
45 min

Completed by 161 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-16
2-6 learners per class

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