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Summer Camp: Financial Literacy

In this 6 week course, your student will learn the ins and outs of being finically literate! They will learn everything about credit, savings, budgeting, understanding a paycheck, and different savings and investment options!
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What's included

12 live meetings
12 in-class hours
Any assignments not finished during class time can be worked on after class!
Grades are not required, but upon parent request weekly grades can be given!

Class Experience

Does your learner have a hard time understanding what it means to be finically literate? This is a problem that a lot of students struggle with. In fact, you often hear that students wish that they learned more about Finical Literacy in school, but that they were not given the opportunity. I am here to help! 

In this course your students will learn all about what it means to be a finically literate adult. They will complete a project that they look at rent and cost of items compared to a salary that a modest job would provide them! They will walk away knowing more about investment options, saving and checking accounts, writing a check, credit score, and creating a budget. 

We will meet two times a week for six weeks!  This summer course, will allow your student to know the ins and outs of being a true adult finically. Each day, your student will come in to complete a warm up, which is a refresher from the previous week. And then we will jump right into the context of the class for that day. Some days, we may play study games, others we will have discussions. This class will allow your students to collaborate with other learners, show their knowledge, and show their communication skills!

Week One: Meeting One:  What do the students know about finical literacy, give it a definition, and learn about the important in understanding it. In this meeting, I will give a quick diagnostic "test" on a study game called Quizziz. This will show me what your students think they know about finances. 

Week One:  Meeting Two: Checking Account Versus Saving Account, banking options, and high yield saving accounts. We will use real world examples such as looking at the benefits of different savings options, looking at what it means to have a checking account, and lastly, what the rules are behind most checking and savings accounts through discussion, images, and video. 

Week Two: Meeting Three: Investment options, writing a check, Understanding your paycheck. In this meeting, students will view a paycheck and understand why paychecks have deductions. They will also practice writing a check and balancing a check book. Lastly, we will explore some types of investment options and discuss the reward and risk of each option.

Week Two: Meeting Four:  Credit: The students will gain an understanding on what credit is, Why it is important, and what it means to have good vs. bad credit. Lastly, we will look at how to read a credit report and build credit! 

Week Three: Meeting Five: Jobs: The students will gain an understanding on how to look for a job, how to create a resume, how to write a cover letter, and do a mock interview, so that they are fully prepared for the job search! 

Week Three: Meeting Six: Retirement: Students will explore different retirement options and understand the importance of establishing and adding funds to a retirement account as soon as they start their adult career.

Week Four: Meeting Seven: Budgeting begins!: In the 7th class meeting, we will began discussing budgets. What is a budget? , why should you have one?, Are they important?, and how does it positively add to your life to have a budget?. We will have a lot of class discussion and collaboration in this meeting. 

Week Four: Meeting Eight: Budgeting continued, Students will consider what should be taken into account in a budget. By the end of class they will walk away knowing all of the expenses most adults pay on a monthly basis. 

Week Five: Meeting Nine: Budgeting continued, students will begin creating their own budget, which will be viewed in the budget project! In this project the students determine their salary for certain jobs that they may want to work! We will put what we learned in this class to practice by deducting taxes, and determining what the monthly income would be! Then we will get to work on creating a true budget together! 

Week Five: Meeting Ten: Budgeting continued, students will find out what rent costs in areas they would be interested in living when they get older, they will create grocery lists to see what their monthly groceries would cost, they will research utilities to determine how much of their budget should be spent on that. 

Week Six: Meeting Eleven: Budgeting continued, the students will put all of the information that they researched into a presentation, with the help of myself. They will prepare to present this project on the last day of our class. They will also be partnered with a partner to practice their presentation and get and provide positive and constructive feedback.

Week Six: Meeting Twelve : Budgeting project presentations and an ending discussion on being finically literate. 

We will cover a lot of topics in this class, which is why it meets twice a week during the summer, but they are all super important topics to understand their future finances! I like to teach a student centered class meaning that the students run the room. They will have class discussion, answer questions and be required to participate to make the class run smoothly. As mentioned previously, my class will have interactive study games, discussion, projects, powerpoint slides to follow along with, and lots of hands on practice.
Learning Goals
Students will learn everything they need to know to make them financially responsible adults.
learning goal

Other Details

External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
We will refer to examples of paychecks, checks, and bank accounts for students to gain an understanding.
Joined September, 2023
Teacher expertise and credentials
Maryland Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education
Bachelor's Degree in History from Salisbury University
I am a certified secondary education teacher in the state of Maryland. I have taught 7th grade world history, 8th grade United States history, and 10th grade Government. I also taught a financial literacy course to 7th grade for two full years. 


Live Group Class


weekly or $210 for 12 classes
2x per week, 6 weeks
60 min

Completed by 1 learner
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-18
3-18 learners per class

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