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Summer Camp: Exploring Third Grade Circle Time

Continue the fun during the summer with Ms. Pamela in this twice-a-week summer circle time class, so learners don't forget what they learned over the school year, as we play games using writing, literacy, reading, and math activities.
Ms. Pamela - Preschool-3rd Gr, Book Clubs, & More
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Star Educator

What's included

18 live meetings
16 hrs 30 mins in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. I will be including resources weekly that include the concepts we are working on each week for our third-grade skills. We will do some in class and I always include extras so you can reinforce the skills we learn in class at home.
Learners are assessed through observations and participation in our discussions. Discussions with the children during our time together will help assess the child's understanding of each theme, and concept we are working on.

Class Experience

US Grade 3
Don't want to lose the progress made during the school year? Does your child need continued help or reinforcement with their third-grade skills? This class is for learners who have already completed a third-grade program and will be entering fourth grade in the fall.
Join us as we continue to learn and play twice a week for the summer. 
Each week we will continue our Circle Time:
We will start with a Hello Song
We will look at our Calendar
We will see what the weather is where we live
We will read a book adapted and illustrated by myself
Mondays or Tuesdays -  Language Arts activity, math activity, and logic puzzles
Wednesdays or Thursdays - Cursive Writing Copywork, a Math activity, and a reading activity
We will occasionally have a movement activity 
We will finish our session with a Goodbye Song

Learning Goals

My students will have fun while introducing them to a variety of third-grade skills in language arts and math
We will be working on continued reading skills
We will gain social skills through talking with others, taking turns, and more
learning goal


Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
18 Lessons
over 9 Weeks
Lesson 1:
M/T: Book, Language Arts activity, math activity, logic puzzles
 We will read a book by Pamela Williams called "The Mystery of the Missing Backpack", Identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, multiplication 1-12 practice, and logic puzzles 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
W/TH: Book, Cursive Writing Copywork, a Math activity, reading activity
 We will read a book by Pamela Williams called "Summer Vacation Story" Cursive writing copywork of Mister Roger quotes, adding and subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers, and author's purpose reading activity 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
M/T: Book, Language Arts activity, math activity, logic puzzles
 We will read a book by Pamela Williams called "The Treehouse Adventure" Homophones and homographs, multiply 2, 3, and 4 digits by 1 digit problems, and logic puzzles 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
W/TH: Book, Cursive Writing Copywork, a Math activity, reading activity
 We will read a book by Pamela Williams called "The Neighborhood Summer Scavenger Hunt" Cursive writing copywork of Dr. Seuss quotes, multiply 2, 3, and 4 digits by 1 digit problems, and non-fiction reading activity 
55 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
We will occasionally be doing a movement activity at the end of each class. Be sure your child has room to move around without getting hurt. We will be jumping, running in place, stretching etc.
This class is for those learners who have completed third grade this past year and are going into fourth grade in the fall.
Supply List
Crayons, pencil, and paper to use during the writing portions of our class
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Associate's Degree in Education from College of DuPage
I have been teaching a variety of ages for over 35 years from birth - high school. I homeschooled my daughter until eighth grade when she decided to go to high school. We were eclectic learners. I taught preschool, homeschool cooperatives and ran classes out of my home. 


Live Group Course



2x per week, 9 weeks
55 min
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-9
1-6 learners per class

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