Six presidential elections from 1900 to 1952 changed world history as they shaped the role of the United States as a world power. Republican victories in 1900 and 1920 reflected the national struggle over world leadership versus isolation. Democratic victories in 1932 and 1940 established leadership favoring international involvement, even when fighting a depression and when public opinion opposed international involvement. The Democratic victory in 1948 and the Republican victory of 1952 confirmed the role of Leader of the Free World that prevailed from World War II until the election of 2016. Important themes emerging from these elections include: (1) how lessons of World War I and the Great Depression shaped rebuilding after World War II, (2) the importance of international alliances and international agencies for American leadership, and (3) the emergence of human rights as part of American leadership. A slide presentation will give information on the elections individually and as groups to help students understand (1) how they were important at that time in history, (2) how they were important since then, and (3) how they are important for understanding the election in 2020. Students will receive handouts that can be read before class to become familiar with content. One handout will explain important terms and events that will be mentioned during class. The handouts will also be useful for those who want to take notes. During class, students are encouraged to speak at any time, but presentation of information will be emphasized rather than group discussion. Resources: Links to the following sites are on slides in the class to encourage further study: (1); (2); (3); (3); (4),to%20the%20detriment%20of%20the; (5); (6); (7); (8); (9); and (10)
Students will learn that previous elections set expectations for how presidents lead the world and how support for international leadership continued through the 20th century.
Students will learn how the election of 2020 involves possible confirmation of changes in public support for the role of Leader of the Free World.
I am a Vanderbilt Ph.D. who has spent a lifetime learning and teaching world history, especially in connection with science, archaeology, Bible studies, and philosophy. Being drafted (Vietnam period) just as I started my college teaching career shoved me in unexpected directions and into a state job teaching interpersonal skills, leadership, and all kinds of management skills to top people in Georgia's largest agency and being shared often with many other agencies. In retirement I returned to my first love 10 years ago.
When teaching college freshmen or my teenage grandchildren any subject, my priorities always include how to go about learning, thinking, and reading critically. Finding one's own way is essential -- and it always involves making work into something fun and interesting. Having children and grandchildren with ADHD, I have also learned that every student must find their own path no matter what sort of label others want to put on them. I also believe teachers must be examples of important values -- compassion, tolerance, and appropriate tough-mindedness.
The courses I teach will usually involve issues from American History or World History that are important for understanding what is happening in the world today. An important function of history is to help people understand current events and thus to grow into informed citizens.
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Teacher is very nice and competent in her fields. She gives each child...