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Mystery at The Red Rock Restaurant - Puzzles, Brainteasers,and Riddles (7-12)

Rachel Guritz (she/her)
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In this one-time class, learners will use critical thinking skills to solve a mystery at The Red Rock Restaurant. Learners will solve puzzles, brainteasers, and riddles throughout the class, and will solve the mystery by the end.

Class Experience

  • There are many learning goals to this type of class. A few learning goals are as follows: 1. Think about a problem logically. 2. Discuss solutions with peers and a teacher. 3. Listen while others share. 4. Practice reading and math skills as found in puzzles, brainteasers, and riddles.
Learners should bring paper and a pencil/pen to class.  They will write down the answers to the puzzles.  They can also use the paper to help figure out the clues. 
Joined June, 2020
I am so excited to have your child in class!   Together, we will have fun while we explore many topics.  I strive to help every learner feel welcome, safe, and accepted.  If I can help in any way to make sure your learner is successful in my... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
40 min

Completed by 439 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
1-10 learners per class

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