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Have Fun Speaking German! Different Topic Every Week

In this ongoing class the students will be encouraged to share their thoughts, opinions and knowledge on different topics. This class is for students that are fluent in German (for their age). Conversations will be held in German.
Annika Hayman
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What's included

1 live meeting
35 mins in-class hours per week
To get ready and prepare if needed I will announce the topic for the following class and also post it in the classroom in advance.

Class Experience

In this ongoing class students are encouraged to speak German and share their thoughts, opinions and knowledge on different topics.
Everybody will have to chance to share and talk in every class. This is suited for students that can communicate and have a conversation in German. They need to be fluent for their age.
I really like the kids to feel comfortable and seen in my classes. Only if they don't feel pressured they will learn new skills and be motivated to practice the German language.

The structure of each class will be as follows:
1. I welcome the students to the class and we will welcome new students as this is an ongoing class there can be students leaving and coming.
2. I will share about the topic and do a little introduction about it.
3. Everybody will have the chance to share.
4. The conversations is open and the students are encourage to pick up other student's shares and ask questions or comment.
5. Class wrap-up and vote on next lesson's topic if applicable
Remember the main goal of the class is talking... if needed I will encourage the right use of German grammar and help with vocabulary, but I won't correct every single sentence. I won't the students to get comfortable and confident and that doesn't happen when they are always corrected.

The students will have a say in the topics of this class, so I will write down some topics for the first weeks down below, but these are subject to change if the kids vote on something else.
I will announce and and post the topic for the next lesson in advance, so that every students will have the chance to prepare themselves and will know what they want to share. We will take the conversation from there and I will follow the students lead.
Week 1 (week of July 5): Meine Familie (my family): Who speaks German in your family and why. 
Week 2 (week of July 12): Orte in Deutschland (places in Germany): What places have you visited in Germany, where would you like to go? What's different in the Southern and Northern part of Germany
Week 3 (week of July 19): Meerestiere (sea creatures): What are your favorite sea animals? What's the difference between a fish and a sea mammal? 
Week 4 (week of July 26): Lieblingsspeisen (favorite meals/foods): What do you like to eat? What country is it from originally? Do you like to cook?
Week 5 (week of August 9): Das Solarsystem (the solar system): What planets are in our solar system? What's the galaxy we live in? Have people been on the moon?
Week 6 (week of August 16): Farben (colors): How do colors work? What are the primary and secondary colors and what's your favorite color? Are black and white considered colors? 
Week 7 (week of August 23): Lieblingsbuch (favorite book): What's your favorite book (german/english)? What is it about? Why would you recommend it?
Week 8 (week of August 30): Bedrohte Tierarten (endangered animals): What endangered animals do you know? What does it mean that they are endangered? What animals have roamed the earth and are now extinct?
Week 9 (week of Sept 6): Künstler (artists): Who is your favorite artist (paintings/drawings/sculptures)? When did he/she live? 
Week 10 (week of September 13): Lieblingsurlaube (favorite vacations): Where have you been in the world and what did you enjoy most? Where would you like to go? Natural world wonders and exciting vacation destinations. 
Week 11 (week of September 20th): Fabelwesen (mystical creatures): What are your favorite mystical creatures. Show us pictures and tell us where they come from and what their powers are. 
Week12 (week of September 27th): Pflanzen, Bäume und Blumen (Plants, trees and flowers): Do you have favorite plants? Why do you like them? Do they maybe even have medicinal powers? Where do they live? Are there animals that eat them?
Week 13 (week of October 4th): Sportarten (sports): What kind of sports do you do? Why do you like them? What sports do you like? What sports are famous in different countries.
Week 14 (week of October 11th): Lieblingsfilme (favorite movies): share your favorite movies with us and tell us why you like them
Week 15 (week of October 11th): Favorite Plants or Trees. What grows in your backyard? What’s the most exotic plant, maybe fruit tree you’ve ever seen? How do pineapple grow? What kinds of plants do you know? As always, please have a picture or even real example for us, so that we understand more about what you are sharing with us.
Week 16 (week of October 18th): Dinosaurs and animals that lived long before us. Do you have a favorite dinosaur? What are his/her powers? Was it a meat eater or plant eater? Please prepare to share about 2 different animals. Do you know any animals that still live and have dinosaur ancestors?
Week 17 (week of October 25th): Halloween. Share with us if you are celebrating Halloween 🎃 What are you going to be? Why do we celebrate Halloween in the US? Where else do you know do they celebrate over the world?
Week 18 (week of Nov 1st): Sammlungen. Collections. What do you collect? Please show us and tell us about it! If you don't have a collection yet, please think about what would be fun to start collecting. It could be anything, from rocks over stamps to rubber duckies or teas or sand samples from different beaches....
Week 19 (week of Nov 8): Wer oder was lebt im Wald (habitat wood): what do you know about the ecosystem wood? What’s your favorite animal that lives in the woods?
Are there different animals in US and German woods?
Week 20 (week of Nov 15th): Because I will be in Mallorca, we'll talk about Spain! What do you know about Spain? Have you been there? What do they like to eat in Spain? Do you know of Festivals or the geography or the history of Spain that you'd like to share?
Week 21 (week of November 29th): Hund und Katzen (Dogs and cats) This is a topic that the students in this class wished to talked about. I am very curious what everybody will prepare to show and share about cats and dogs. This can be about your pets, but also more of a biologic background. Maybe compare skeletons of both or tell us about big cats that belong into the 'cat family' or talk about where dogs come from or how different breeds came along?
Week 22 (week of December 6): Nikolaus Day! Christmas traditions. Attention: Please tell your child that we want to keep the Christmas spirit up and don't want to ruin anything for younger learners! What traditions does your family follow? What are German Christmas traditions? Advent candles, the xmas calendar, songs, tree, decorations, Christmas story, share whatever you like! Maybe even traditions from other countries like Lucia in Sweden...
Week 23 (week of December 13)

Week of March 7: Lieblingsorte (favorite places): What are your favorite places in this world? It could be your tree house in your back yard or a beach in the Seychelles, a town in China or a tent in your grandma's backyard..., please prepare for 2-3 places that you can share with us and explain why they are your favorite.

Learning Goals

Students will...
- be immersed in the german language by listening and speaking
- share their own thoughts and opinions
- improve their German language skills
- feel comfortable being in a group of german-speaking students
- be free to share and never pressured 
- be motivated to deepen their knowledge in different topics
- improve their language comprehension
- listen to a native speaker
- ask questions when they don't understand words
- get comfortable speaking the german language in a safe and non-judgmental environment
- discuss the topics with their peers
- will be seen and heard when questions arise
- will have fun sharing their thoughts and ideas
- will make friends in a class that have same interests
learning goal

Other Details

Language of Instruction
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined November, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I grew up in the Northern part of Germany and speak (high german) without an accent. I've lived in the US now for 12 years.


Live Group Class



1x per week
35 min
Completed by 73 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-11
4-7 learners per class

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