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Broadway Musical Theatre: Beginning Dance Camp! (Theater Dance)

In this one-week camp, students will learn and review basic musical theatre dance steps and practice dance combinations to their favorite Broadway songs! New Musical Focus Every Week!
Virtual Performing Arts Academy
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What's included

5 live meetings
4 hrs 35 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

Welcome to Virtual Performing Arts Academy, where your child will learn to sing, act, and dance, all online!

This is a one week, beginning musical theatre dance camp. This camp will help students begin their journey with musical theatre dance, and also help current beginning dance review moves and learn new choreography. 

The class generally follows this format:
First 10 Minutes: Warm-up/Stretch
Second 10 Minutes: Direct instruction of beginning musical theatre dance steps, teaching, and review of vocabulary. 
Last 35 Minutes: Choreography Practice 

Day One: Introductions and Getting to know you
- Step-touch
- Jazz Hands 
- Isolations
- Jazz square
- Chassé/Rock step
Begin Choreography (See camp focus list below)

Day 2: Review Day 1's dance steps
- Pivot turn
- Grapevine
- Turns
- Oppositions
- Shimmy
Learn and Review all Choreography

Day 3: 
-More Turns
-Three-Step Turns
-Bell Kick
-Kick Ball Change
Learn and Review all Choreography

Day 4:
Learn and Review all Choreography

Day 5: 
Final Dress Rehearsal. 
Students can perform their choreography at the end of the class

Weekly Camp Focus:
January 17-21: Hairspray

May 2-6: Matilda 
May 9-13: Hamilton
May 16-20: Aladdin
May 23-27: Newsies
May 30-June 3: Shrek
June 6-10: The Little Mermaid
June 13-17: Hairspray
June 20-24: Beauty and the Beast
June 27-July 1: Hamilton
July 4-8: High School Musical
July 11-15: Encanto
July 18-22: Descendants
July 25-29: Moana
August 1-5: Hercules
August 8-12: Wiz/Wizard of Oz/Wicked
August 15-19: Hamilton
August 22-26: Hercules
August 29-September 2: Annie

We pride ourselves on providing a fun and positive environment for your child. We establish a community of collaborative learners that have fun learning and growing together in the art of dance. 

We are so excited to have you join us!

Other Details

Parental Guidance
As with any physical activity, there is potential for injury. Please make sure that you dance in an area that is clear from any obstructions. You should wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement. Please wear dance shoes or you may dance barefoot.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined June, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Illinois Teaching Certificate in English/Language Arts
Moshe Esquenazi
Illinois Teaching Certificate in English/Language Arts
Nicole Einhorn
Master's Degree in Education from DePaul University
Moshe Esquenazi
Master's Degree in Education from Adelphi University
Nicole Einhorn
Bachelor's Degree in Theatre Arts from University of Miami
Brooke Hall
Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Virtual Performing Arts Academy. Our organization includes scholars, professional performers, and licensed teachers. We offer a variety of courses for all levels from beginners to pre-professionals. We are so excited to meet you.

We offer courses in: 
-Musical Theatre 
-Music: Singing, Piano, Guitar, and Ukulele

We also offer:
-Tutoring K-12

Ms. Nicole: Director (Acting, Ukulele, Singing, Musical Theatre, and Improv/Comedy) M.A. Adelphi University, Graduate Student- Ph.D. program DePaul University. Teacher Certification - English, Drama, ESL, Elementary Education 

Mr. Moshe: Manager (Guitar, Ukulele, Poetry, Songwriting, English) MA English Education - DePaul University, BA English - Queens College. Teacher Certification: English, Computer Science, Special Education 

Ms. Brooke (Acting, Singing, Piano, Guitar, Musical Theatre) BFA Musical Theatre - University of Miami 

Miss Aubrey: (Dance) BA Dance, Graduate Student at Harvard

Read our Bios Here: https://www.virtualperformingartsacademy.com/teachers

We believe that all our students can be successful. We pride ourselves on building an online community and offering personalized learning. Our teachers have attended top improvisation programs including The Second City Conservatory, Annoyance, Magnet, and more. Our dance teachers have trained with renowned schools in NYC. All of our teachers are professional performers with a minimum of a BA degree. 

Let's Sing, Act and Dance -Together! 

See you in the classroom!


Live Group Class


for 5 classes

5x per week, 1 week
55 min
Completed by 9 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
3-12 learners per class

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