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ASL 2 (American Sign Language) Intermediate

Students will learn ASL classifers, sentences, and storytelling (Must have completed ASL 1)
Laura NeeSmith
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What's included

2 live meetings
1 hrs 30 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

Class Experience
American Sign Language 2 continues the teaching of ASL, moving from signing concrete concepts to abstract concepts. Additional vocabulary, grammar, and culture are covered to build on the core knowledge of the language. Both expressive and receptive skills of students will be the focus of the course. Students will participate extensively in interactive classroom activities using the “Voices Off” Policy to ensure ASL immersion. ASL 2 will focus more on proper syntax, ASL classifiers, and focusing more on visual cues in which is used in 
ASL story telling, interpreting and music. 
This course is the second in a series of courses designed to advance the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in American Sign Language. ASL 2 develops a novice-high range of communication skills with the ability to expand discourse on a variety of topics. This course emphasizes the cultural practices distinct to those that approach the world from a visual perspective. Topics include: analysis of local, national, and global issues; examination of cultural norms, attitudes, and values of Deaf people; linguistic minority groups and access to society.  
Students will mimic teacher and follow teacher for right hand and finger placement. This class is very inclusive and students are encouraged to participate.  Students are allowed to jump in anytime but it is encouraged to have experience with ASL 1. (teacher will be responsible for helping late joiners catch up)

This is a widely-used standardized ASL curriculum, is based on the "functional/notional" approach. This approach places major emphasis on the communicative purpose of speech acts--or "functions"--of a language: Locating Things around the House; Complaining and Making Suggestions and Requests; Exchanging Personal Information; Life Events; Describing and Identifying Things; and Talking about the Weekend and so forth.

Week 1: (Jan. 4/6) Students will be working on basic ASL syntax with sentences. Sentences we will focus on are sentences regarding "Going out" and sentences regarding restaurant conversation in ASL.
Week 2: (Jan. 11/13)  Students will be working on sentences regarding the weather and school conversations. Students will be able to identify ways to use proper syntax in these settings.
Week 3: (Jan. 18/20) Students will be introduced to ASL classifers and be working on classifers and how to use ASL classifiers in sentences.
Week 4: (Jan 25/27) Students will continue to work on classifers and be able to describe their surroundings using classifiers. Students will begin to learn ASL storytelling.
Week 5: (Feb. 1/3) Teacher will help students with ASL story telling using classifiers and basic sentences. This will take two classes.
Week 6: (Feb 8/10) Students will perform a story of their choice using classifiers, proper facial expressions and syntax.
Week 7: (Feb 15/17) Students will find a song and translate in ASL (song must be PG) Teacher will help students with signs
Week 8: (Feb 22/24)We will do any reviews and any sort of "catch up" this week.

Learning Goals

This is the first part of ASL 2. Students will learn to use proper ASL syntax, classifiers and facial expressions to use detailed description and story telling via ASL.
learning goal

Other Details

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined March, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Teacher is profoundly Deaf and uses ASL. Teacher is also a certified ASL teacher. Teacher also has a MA in Special Education.


Live Group Class


weekly ($13 per class)
2x per week
45 min

Completed by 64 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-18
4-18 learners per class

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