per sessionIntroduction to American Sign Language
Completed by 8 learners
Ages 11-13
Live 1-on-1 Lessons
Live video meetings
Meets on demand
45 min
What's included
Meets on Demand
schedule meetings as needed45 mins
per sessionTeacher support
Informal assessment: Polls and discussion question(s) will be used to assess the learner's progress. A final informal assessment (e.g. Google Form) will be conducted at the end of class. A Gmail account is needed, but not required as the instructor will share the assessment on their laptop using the share screen feature over Zoom.Class Experience
US Grade 6 - 8
This introductory course will facilitate the learning of the fundamentals of American Sign Language, a language used by a linguistic/cultural demographic, also known as the Deaf community. Topics covered in this course: Introduce A-Z Fingerspelling and numbers 0 -20, colors, objects, vocabulary, and basic sentence structure for having a conversation. Since the course format is updated to tutoring, the length of this course will be adjusted based on the needs of the learner. The original course format is 1.5hr and will be at least 45 minutes up to an hour, at the discretion of the parent/learners. The structure of the class is interactive, in which the instructor will demonstrate the signs of the concept for the lesson, while the student shadows the instructor. At the discretion of the instructor, electronic resources (i.e. PowerPoint, YouTube, and other Deaf-centered websites) will be presented during class and provided as additional materials for the learner to gain a holistic understanding of the content. As the instructor, I will use sign and speech. The teaching style of the instructor is to facilitate the learning of the concepts learned and allow the student to practice the concepts used in the course, while providing constructive feedback. The learner will be allotted the opportunity to interact with the instructor using electronic interactive activities. Additionally, discussions will require engagement, as American Sign Language is a visual, manual foreign language, requiring reinforcement through practice and conversation. If the student chooses to refrain from engaging in the course, e.g. video turned off for extended periods of time without notice, not participating during class time, the instructor will inform the student about the Outschool policy and/or respectively remove the student from the course. There isn't a significant amount of knowledge or experience needed, however, it is welcomed. Accommodations: If you need language accommodations, i.e. your native language isn't English, all arrangements must be done at least 2 weeks in advance prior to the beginning of the course. *The instructor knows American Sign Language, beginner level Spanish conversation and composition. If other languages (E.g. French, Italian, Asian, Eastern languages) need accommodation, the instructor has beginner skill level in written (not conversation) French and Italian, but has no experience with other uses of languages* For visual and audio accommodations, transcripts will be provided on the teaching platform, Zoom. Classroom Expectations: 1. Come to class prepared, on time, and respectful of the instructor. In the instance the instructor arrives to class more than 3 minutes late related or unrelated to an emergency, the instructor will send an email to parents that class is either running late or will be rescheduled. 2. Temperature check: The instructor will check in with the student to ensure technical and non-technical issues are suitable for class. Technical rules: 1) Roster check, introduction and ice-breaker activity. 2) The instructor will use the Zoom annotation tool during lecture, if applicable. At the discretion of the instructor, the student will be able to use the annotation tool. 3) Chat feature: The chat feature will be used for question/answers. 4) If you experience wifi connectivity issues during class, immediately inform the instructor so arrangements can be made. 5) Classroom features: After the instructor has verified the identity of the student, it is preferred if the student can be their video camera on. However, if the student has special needs and/or technical issues arise, it is okay for the student to turn off their video. Use the raise hand feature in the "reactions" feature on Zoom, if applicable. Non-technical rules: 1) Notify the instructor immediately of any personal matters or emergencies that could interfere with learning, if comfortable disclosing. 1. Class introductions: The student and instructor will enter the virtual classroom with their video on and unmuted. If the background environment will be a distraction, the instructor will mute the student. 2. Ice-breaker/warm-up activity: The student will share 3 things about themselves: 2 truths, 1 lie. Once the lecture begins, the student will be muted. 3. Course procedures and expectations: Discuss technical and non-technical requirements for the course. Course format: Lecture, questions, answers, use of auxiliary aids (e.g. Zoom annotation tool, PowerPoint presentations, online videos, images, and live presenting), two (2) ten-minute breaks, breakout-out rooms (non-on-one course formats only), then close with final thoughts, questions, and discussions. 4. ASL Instruction: The instructor will explain the lesson concepts in varied visual formats: PowerPoint, along with supplemental online platforms (E.g. YouTube, Spreadthesign.com, Handspeak.com). The chat feature will be enabled for questions and answers during the course. There will be a short break session involving a mindfulness activity. 5. ASL Class activity: The instructor will use auxiliary aids to apply ASL concepts. (E.g. YouTube, Poll, Survey, Questionnaire, Discussion questions related to the content). Practice signing the numbers, letters, and basic vocabulary; ASL sentence structure: Subject-Verb-Object. 6. Wrap-up: Review the objective of the course in connection with any final questions, comments, and/or discussion about ASL. *Changes to course content is at the discretion of the instructor.
Learning Goals
In addition to the said learning objectives listed above, the learning that will take place in this course are fundamental concepts and signs in ASL: introductions, greetings, objects, and events in basic ASL conversation.
Other Details
Learning Needs
Parental Guidance
Supply List
All course materials (YouTube video content, assessments) will be provided in electronic format by the instructor via screen-share on Zoom. A Gmail account is needed for the informal assessment, conducted at the end of class. YouTube channels: Jeremey Lee Stone; AASD Accessible Materials Project; Our Berg Life - ASL Alphabet; NPR - A Few Things to Know About American Sign Language; Sorenson - Deaf History Month: Kids Try to Use Old Deaf Devices For the First Time; NBC News - Deaf in America. ASL THAT; OneLovee.
Language of Instruction
American Sign Language (Level: A1)
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
A few websites will be referenced for course material by the instructor during instruction, such as www.nationaldeafcenter.org, www.heartdeaf.com, www.primarysign.com, ASL THAT Youtube channel, ASL Connect YouTube channel, and ASL 1 course materials.
Meet the teacher
Teacher expertise and credentials
California Teaching Certificate
Bachelor's Degree from California State University, Northridge
Teacher Expertise: Former ASL instructional aid at a community college in Berkeley, CA, former ASL level 1 and 2 tutor, as well as a current freelance sign language interpreter.
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