
詞彙的樂趣 I:希臘語和拉丁語前綴和詞根

本課程使用希臘語和拉丁語詞根和前綴來教授詞彙含義和用法,為 SAT 和其他需要理解高級詞彙的考試提供了良好的準備。
Lisa Bagchi


10 現場會議
6 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
每週 4+ 小時. Each week, students will complete one chapter in the workbook The Joy of Vocabulary. This class will cover chapters one, two, three, four and seven.
I will write a brief reflection on the work of each student at the end of the course.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 7 - 10
Beginner - Advanced 等級
In this class, we will work from the vocabulary workbook The Joy of Vocabulary by Norman Levine, completing five chapters together. I have used this workbook in English classes for two decades and consider it the best tool I've ever come across for expanding understanding of the English language. 

Each chapter introduces a new set of Greek and Latin roots and prefixes, and provides a list of 18 to 25 words that show these word parts in action. For example, the first chapter's theme is "Number Words" which features number prefixes starting with "Bi" and going through to "Deca" as well as a list of words derived from those prefixes. Next, each chapter gives sets of exercises on which the student may practice usage and meaning. Exercises are varied and creative, and include analogies, practice with concise writing, and sentence usage (to name a few). 

With root meanings internalized, students will be able to approximate the meanings of words they have never seen--just by knowing the meaning of the roots or prefixes. This is excellent preparation for the SAT and other exams that require understanding of advanced vocabulary. 

Our class will meet twice a week for five weeks, and complete one chapter in the workbook per week, for a total of five chapters. Each student will need to get a copy of the workbook for the class. 

In each first session of the week, we will discuss the roots and word list. I will add to the book definitions and provide examples and additional perspective on the words. At the end, we will play a quizzing game. The next step for the student will be to complete the exercises for the chapter independently; then, in our second meeting for the week, we will discuss the answers to all of the exercises for the chapter. 

Week 1: Chapter 1 Number words (bi through deca) 
Week 2: Chapter 2 Phobia, Mania and Phile words
Week 3: Chapter 3 'One' and 'Many' words (mono, uni, poly, multi)
Week 4: Chapter 4 'Over and 'Under' words (hyper, hypo, super, sub) 
Week 5: Chapter 7 Medical Vocabulary (anatomical roots like 'card' and 'derm', suffix itis)
Students will:
Expand understanding of the English language
Learn Latin and Greek roots and prefixes and the way they work in words
Be challenged to use new words in context


10 課程
超過 5 週
課 1:
Chapter 1 Number Words: List study
 Chapter 1 Number Words: (bi, tri, quad, pent, etc.) 
40 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Chapter 1 Number Words: Uses exercises
 Number words: Usage exercises 
40 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Chapter 2: Phobia, Mania, Phile words: List study
 Phobia, Mania, Phile words (mania, philia, phobia) 
40 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Chapter 2: Phobia, Mania, Phile words: Usage exercises
 Phobia, Mania, Phile words, usage exercises 
40 分鐘線上直播課


Each student will need to purchase a NEW copy of The Joy of Vocabulary by Normal Levine. For all students in the class, I will provide a link to purchase the correct edition.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 July, 2020
密西根州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
   My name is Lisa Bagchi, and I run many different classes on Outschool. Favorites include reading classes that center around discussion of theme, character, diction, and whatever else we can find, as well as creative writing groups in which we explore ideas through the written word, share work, and offer encouraging feedback. 
   I am a certified English/language arts teacher and have been a middle and high school teacher for over a decade. In addition to core English, I've created and taught many elective courses, including Poetry Out Loud, Flash Fiction and Fairy Tale Studies. I am also a private reading and writing tutor.
   I believe that learning and play are deeply interwoven. I aim to create a feeling of community and joy in my classes, and to foster a supportive dynamic among learners. I love watching students light up, laugh, work through challenges, and become more confident learners. 
   I am also mom to a wonderful nineteen year old and a huge animal and nature lover. My favorite activities include pizza and a movie or playing cards with my son, my daily walk with my dogs, Moka and Floki, and sitting by the lake near my house with a good book. I also have three cats, one of whom likes to follow Moka and me on our walks if she catches us leaving! Moka may just show up in my Outschool classes from time to time...and a kitty or two may sneak in as well. 
   Hope to see you there!




每週或US$220 用於 10 課程
每週上課 x 2 次, 5 週
40 分鐘

有21 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 12-17
2-7 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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