
紐伯里獎得主:黑鳥池塘的女巫 - 書籍研究

Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 6 - 8
Intermediate 等級
遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Class 1- Introduction to the Book-
Chapter 1- discussion and overview of weekly activities, vocabulary, characters
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Class 2- Chapters 1-9
Chapter discussions and activities-Project selection and assignment, reflections
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Class 3- Chapters 10-16
Class 3- Chapter discussions and critical thinking exercises, reflections
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Class 4- Chapters 17-21
Class 4 -Chapter discussions, conclusions, reflections, and project presentations.
  • 1. Reading for enjoyment 2. Gain understanding of specific Literary techniques- such as foreshadowing, and creating believable settings that add to the readers understanding 3. Relate fictional historical events to current events through similarities in the human condition 4. Learn from peers through group discussions and interactions.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Education and have taught English classes for many years. I have loved reading since I read my first chapter book at age 7.  I soon discovered science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction and have been in love with these genres ever since. More than anything else I believe instilling a love for good literature and reading helps students develop imagination, good character, and a lifelong habit of learning.  Much can be learned and is learned from the characters in books and the lessons they have to teach us. 
2 - 4 每週課外時間
頻率: Available upon request
回饋: Available upon request
細節: 1. Weekly reading assignments. 2. A book project assigned in week 2 and due in week 4.
頻率: Available upon request
細節: Participation in discussions, completion of the book project and class attendance are used to assess a students progress.
A copy of the book, 'The Witch of Blackbird Pond'. The paperback version, Audible and Kindle versions are available from Amazon starting at $6.99, but you can purchase from any bookstore of your choice. Most libraries will have this book on their shelves. 

Your copy can be a hard copy, electronic copy, or audio copy. If English is your second language feel free to read the story in your first language, if available.  You will however, be expected to discuss in English as your teacher is not bi-lingual. 
Suspicion of and discrimination against people perceived as different, in this case strong and independent women, is the theme in this book.  Women  and their adherence to expected roles and behaviors in Puritan society was strict and unforgiving.  The consequences of stepping outside the expected norm for a woman could be fatal, as was exhibited by the infamous Witch trials. These had not yet begun in the colonies, at the time of the story, but  they were already rampant in Europe. Suspicions were beginning to cause accusations and unrest in what was to become the future USA. Religious intolerance and the lack of rights and options for women, within a Puritan community, are the themes of this book. 

"Historical fiction necessarily reflects two distinct pasts, the historical past it takes as its subject matter, and the historical past of its creation as well as beliefs and attitudes held in the present in which it is read. Thus, The Witch of Blackbird Pond has as much to say about present-day America and the United States of the 1950s as it does about the Connecticut of the 1680s."  Sara L. Schwebel, Historical Fiction and the Classroom: History and Myth in Elizabeth George Speare’s The Witch of Blackbird Pond.

For this reason both the institution of Slavery and The American Indigenous people are portrayed through the myth and lens of those times.  While Speare presents slavery as a vile institution through the eyes of the Puritans, Kit, has never really given much thought to what it means outside  her own pampered experience.  American Indians (Indigenous people) are feared by the settlers, and only the settlers' perspectives are presented in the book. 
In order to address both of these mythological and biased points of view, of two very real groups of people, questions will be included to encourage the students to think of the situations presented from the point of view of the slaves and of the native people. Emphasis will be given to highlighting throughout the story the influence of her own culture and time on the way Ms Speare represents slavery, Native people, women and Puritans.  If any parent wants to contact me regarding perspective, or their student's reactions to the book or classroom discussion please do so. 
已加入 January, 2019
學士學位 in 教育 from Asbury College (University)
Hello, welcome to my classes. I am a passionate teacher with more than forty years experience teaching  preschoolers to adults. I have taught in  home-school preschools, private preschools and public preschools. I have trained teachers as an... 


每週或US$75 用於 4 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 4 週
50 分鐘

有2 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 11-14
1-6 每班學員人數

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