

Kristi Rodenbeck


Hi there! 
My name is Mrs. Rodenbeck and I am a middle school history teacher! I have taught 6th, 7th, and 8th, grade history for the past 6 years! Before that, I taught high school history. I absolutely LOVE learning about people from the past! I like understanding how people lived in different times in history. 

I studied anthropology in college. My goal as a kid was to be Indiana Jones! Archaeology and cultural anthropology are my favorite disciplines. I like to learn about what past peoples have built and how those things impact their culture. I’ve even done work for Chicago’s Field Museum since 2007. Now I work in the education department at the Field Museum with other teachers and bringing history topics into their classrooms. 

I love teaching about the American Girl books and their periods of time in history because I used to WORK at the American Girl store in Chicago. I worked there all throughout my college years. I loved American Girl when I was a kid and I loved it, even more, when I worked at the store in college! 

I hope that from this course, you can take some of my passion for history and for American Girl and get a little more excited about learning about other people. There are so many fun and exciting things to learn about! I can’t wait to share them with you! 
頻率: Available upon request
回饋: Available upon request
細節: Learners will be asked to have assigned reading completed before class.
Please be advised that some of the American Girl book series  present some culturally insensitive topics and terminology. As a trained anthropologist AND a licensed social studies and history teacher, I will (and always teach my students to) use correct terminology and culturally sensitive terms to be respectful to the particular people of study - even if that term is not what is used in the textbook/book. 

As a licensed history teacher, I also have many PD hours dedicated to cultural sensitivity and correct teachings when it comes to historical events that present cultural insensitivities. 

In all situations for each of the characters of study throughout the course, I will present all perspectives of all parties involved in the historical event that the character lives through. It is important to understand historical events from all lenses and perspectives in order to build empathy and understanding of all parties involved. 

Furthermore, the topic of slavery is discussed as Addy Walker is an enslaved person during the 1860's in America. Racial injustices of the Civil War era are also discussed. The book is focused on Addy's perspective, however, I will present all perspectives of all parties involved in the historical event that the character lives through. It is important to understand historical events from all lenses and perspectives in order to build empathy and understanding of all parties involved. 

In some of the American Girl book series such as Felicity, Rebecca, Caroline, Nanea, and Molly have content regarding wars. Wars present sensitive and triggering topics. In some cases, historical attacks and the aftermath are presented in the book content. For example, the Nanea book is centered around the attack on Peal Harbor. Please review the book summary on the back of the books/American Girl Publishing before your student reads the books to determine if the content is appropriate for your student to read and review. 
We will be using and referencing the assigned American Girl book. 
已加入 May, 2020
Wisconsin 教學證書 在 社會研究/歷史
Hi there! My name is Mrs. Rodenbeck and I am a middle school history teacher! I have taught 6th, 7th, and 8th, grade history for the past 7 years! Before that, I taught high school history. I absolutely LOVE learning about people from the past! I... 


每週上課 x 1 次
30 分鐘

有6 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 8-13
1-12 每班學員人數

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