for 5 classes包含什麼
5 現場會議
4 小時 35 分鐘 上課時間我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
美國 Pre-Kindergarten - 1 年級
In this week long summer camp, kids will meet live each day for 55 minutes to learn about animals and nature in their own backyards or neighborhoods. We will explore birds, bugs, and blossoms. We'll talk about food chains, predators, pollination, and summertime backyard visitors. Each day we will complete a hands-on activity or nature craft while learning fun facts about the big and little living creatures all around us. Pricing is based on the entire week, and classes may not be taken individually. PLEASE NOTE: Although none of the crafting supplies for this class are expensive, there is a new list for each day. The adult in charge should review what is needed for each day and make sure it is available for your learner. If they do not have the needed supplies, they won’t be able to participate in the hands-on portion of the class. Monday - We will learn about some common items in nature that were used by our ancestors to make everyday items. We will make an item with materials found in the out of doors. Tuesday - We'll learn about different types of flowers and the importance of flowers - both to the plants they come from and to our food chain. We will make a piece of nature art from flowers and other items we have collected (in advance) from our yards or neighborhoods. Wednesday - Today's emphasis will be on pollination. We'll discuss the most important pollinators in our food chain, and the dangers they currently face. We will make a model to demonstrate pollination. Thursday - In today's camp we will get down and dirty as we play in mud to make wildflower seed bombs. As we do so, we'll learn about native vs. invasive species, and how each of us can help rehabilitate our own little corner of the earth. Friday - We'll end this week's nature camp talking about the birds in our area. We will discuss a few birds that have gone extinct, and how we can work hard so that it doesn't happen again. Our last hands-on activity will be making a bird feeder we can hang in our yard or neighborhood.
Monday - We will learn about some common items in nature that were used by our ancestors to make everyday items. We will paint a picture using the chlorophyll from plant stems and leaves. Materials: • A whole bunch of fresh green leaves and stems from trees and plants. • A piece of sturdy paper or white cardboard, at least 12” x 12” (Plus a scrap piece of paper for practicing) • Something to cover our work surface to keep it clean *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Tuesday - We'll learn about different types of flowers and the importance of flowers - both to the plants they come from and to our food chain. We will make a piece of nature art from flowers and other items we have collected (in advance) from our yards or neighborhoods. If you live where the items might be in short supply, it is OK to use purchased items, but please don’t spend much. Materials: • Collect several natural items. There are no rules here, as long as the items can be found in nature. We will be creative when we make our pieces. Examples: tree bark, leaves, flowers, seashells, tiny pinecones, weed stems with fluffy tops, feathers, dandelion fuzz, flower buds, pea-sized gravel, snakeskin, pine needles, lichen, dried berries, acorns, etc. • Glue – white glue or gorilla glue … anything strong enough to hold the materials your learner has collected • Corrugated cardboard – A piece at least 12” x 12” (white is optimal, but kraft is just fine) • Something to cover our work surface to keep it clean ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Wednesday - Today's emphasis will be on pollination. We'll discuss the most important pollinators in our food chain, and the dangers they currently face. We will build a model to demonstrate pollination. Materials: • Dish with about 1/8 cup of flour, corn starch, corn flower, powdered cocoa … any non-toxic powdery substance that will stick to and color a paper towel • Two flowers (silk or plastic,) in a contrasting color to your powdery substance above • Paper towel • Tape (small amount) • Bowl of rice, piece of Styrofoam, or anything that will hold the flower stems upright when inserted • Something to cover our work surface to keep it clean *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Thursday - In today's camp we will get down and dirty as we play in mud to make wildflower seed bombs. As we do so, we'll learn about native vs. invasive species, and how each of us can help rehabilitate our own little corner of the earth. Materials: • Very small amount of wildflower seeds (like 1 tsp.) One packet from a dollar store is plenty (If you can’t find them or don’t have time to go get them, we can “pretend” with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, or anything else you might have in your spice collection that is approximately the size of a seed) • Mud (or soil and water to make mud) – a consistency that will mold into a ball and hold together. We’ll need about 1 cup total • A few totally dried leaves or plant stems – they need to be dry enough that we can easily crumble them with our hands into tiny bits. • Something to cover our work surface to keep it clean • Damp paper towels to clean our hands when finished • Vinyl gloves, if your child is squeamish about getting their hands dirty *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Friday - We'll end this week's nature camp talking about the birds in our area. We will discuss a few birds that have gone extinct, and how we can work hard so that it doesn't happen again. Our last hands-on activity will be making a bird feeder we can hang in our yard or neighborhood. Materials: • Large or medium sized pine cone • A length of string or yarn about two feet long • Nut butter (about 1 cup) • Non-sharp knife or small rubber spatula to spread the nut butter • Shallow dish of bird seed, large enough to roll the pine cone in • Something to cover our work surface to keep it clean • Damp paper towels to clean our hands when finished ** NOTE – If you cannot easily get a pine cone, please contact me and I will come up with an alternate bird feeder for your learner
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Hi there! My name is Ms Cher, and I can't wait to meet you. I love gardening, wildlife, and just about anything related to nature. I am a certified Master Gardener, a National Wildlife Federation Habitat Steward, and a National Wildlife Federation Monarch Steward. I love to share my excitement about the natural world with classes on subjects like bird watching, nature crafts, herb gardening, Monarch butterflies, and more!
I have years of experience teaching workshops for kids in Girl Scouts and 4-H ... I've even taught babysitting and basic first aid classes for the American Red Cross.
I am a past high school forensics coach for one of the largest high school campuses in Michigan. I have coached many state finalists, as well as a state champion. I have judging credentials at the tournament, District and State Competition levels. Although my main duties were coaching public address competitors, I have coached dozens of interpretive competitors as well. I am a past member of the NFL, or National Forensics League - a nationwide organization that gives high school students the opportunity to polish their speaking skills and compete in regulated National tournaments.
I am also a writer of non-fiction, with well over 1000 published articles for entities such as Yahoo News, Home Depot, Quaker Oats, Curves, and many more.
I believe the best way for young people to learn is through games and hands-on activities, and I try to build those into each class I offer.
I love music in any form and am a proficient flutist. I have given flute lessons to dozens of students over the years and plan to begin giving lessons here on Outschool as well.
Oh - and I'm a Pokemon Go expert - Level 48!
Academically, I hold a BSBA in Marketing, and an AAS in Environmental Science.
Cher Megasko的其他課程
Cher Megasko的其他課程
Carol Cobb, AKA Creations & Inspirations LLC
US$5 每月
Krystal Smith
US$18 每班
下一堂課明天 3 PM
1 週, 1/週, 55 分鐘
Krystal Smith
US$16 每班
下次會議在 4 PM Friday
1 週, 1/週, 55 分鐘
Christen Majewicz
US$8 每班
下一堂課今天 8:15 PM
1/週, 40 分鐘
Jordan Hayes
US$10 每班
下次會議在 2:45 PM Thursday
1/週, 30 分鐘
Krystal Smith
US$12 每班
下次會議在 7 PM Thursday
1/週, 45 分鐘
Judy Harrison M.Ed Birds+Art+Poetry
US$8 每月
Krystal Smith
US$15 每班
下一堂課明天 5 PM
1 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘
Krystal Smith
US$15 每班
下一堂課今天 8 PM
1/週, 55 分鐘
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Krystal Smith
US$13 每班
下次會議在 8 PM Thursday
4 週, 1/週, 50 分鐘
Stokes (Griot)
US$13 每班
下一堂課今天 9 PM
1/週, 50 分鐘
The Friendly Forest School with Ms. Nora, M.Ed.
US$12 每班
下次會議在 5:45 PM Tue 9/9
1/週, 35 分鐘
Dr. Lopez
US$40 每月
Annie, Reading Specialist, MA, NBCT
US$9 每班
下次會議在 11 PM Tue 3/18
1/週, 25 分鐘
Mrs. Seashell
US$11 每班
下次會議在 7 PM Sun 3/16
1 週, 1/週, 30 分鐘
鳥類學 - 鳥類的研究 (14-18)
Oliver Dunn
US$10 每班
14 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘