
簡單文法和寫作完整課程:創意練習時間! (小班)

在輕鬆且支持性的課程中探索寫作和文法。我們將練習標點符號、大寫、詞性、句子結構和關鍵寫作概念。 *非常適合患有閱讀障礙、書寫困難和神經分歧的學習者。
Judy Mills


1 現場會議
每週上課 45 分鐘 小時
每週 1 小時. Optional assignments: Students can choose to write after class adding detail to their writing. The optional assignments will reinforce the concepts we are learning. Assignments will vary form week to week and some weeks there will not be any "homework."
In this class, we are nurturing their creativity and exploring writing methods to build confidence. I will provide feedback on their writing if desired. Learners will receive instructions and have the option to upload their practice work. Formal assessments or quizzes are not offered.


英語程度 - A1
Beginner - Advanced 等級
👉 Learners may join at anytime.

In this small, collaborative class, we explore writing and grammar through engaging slides, conversations, and a variety of activities. I partner with each learner to build their grammar skills and enhance their reading and writing abilities. Each session focuses on a specific English topic to grow learners' "writing and grammar toolbox."
Class Structure:

🔹️ Conversation Warm-Up:
▪We start each class with a relaxing conversation starter. Students can share their ideas via chat or take turns speaking. This activity helps build connections and confidence in sharing. Participation is optional, and students can choose to just observe until they feel comfortable. (The chat will be turned off periodically after the warm-up to minimize distractions during the focused lesson.)

🔹️ Idea Capture & Lesson:
▪Our lessons follow the "I Do, We Do, You Do" format. This method transitions learners from dependence to independence, fostering engagement and understanding.

✨Sample Lesson: How to Write a Hook Sentence:
▪I Do: I'll demonstrate what a hook sentence is and how to write one. Example: "Can you imagine what it would feel like to fly like a bird?"
▪We Do: We brainstorm hook sentences together. Topics will be a surprise each week. 
Sharing is optional, and students can upload their sentences after class if preferred.
▪You Do: Students can write their own hook sentences based on prompts or their own ideas. They may also verbally share their ideas if they wish.

🔹️ Game & Practice Time:
Various games or activities to reinforce concepts learned during the lesson. These activities provide a comfortable environment for students to apply their knowledge.

🔹️Optional Practice Assignments:
▪Optional practice assignments are given for select classes to reinforce learning.

💥Class Format Recap:
1.) Conversation Warm-Up: Relaxing and optional sharing to build confidence.
2.) Idea Capture & Lesson: "I Do, We Do, You Do" method for gradual learning.
3.)Game & Practice Time: Engaging activities to apply concepts.

Students are welcome to join at any point in the year! 

Lesson of the week:
Week of September 8: Hook sentences
Week of September 15: Descriptive sentences 
Week of September 22: Commas with compound sentences
Week of September 29: Semicolons (Super Glue)
Week of October 6: Descriptive paragraph
Week of October 13: Punctuation Station
Week of October 20: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, or Exclamatory sentences
Week of October 27: Main Idea and supporting details
Week of November 3: Compare and Contrast
Week of November 10:Figurative Language 
Week of November 17: Cause and Effect
Week of December 1: Inferences
Week of December 8: Providing Evidence
Week of December 15: Prepositional Phrases
* additional topics will be added
Learners will gain a wealth of writing and grammar knowledge, in a unique manner, to help build their "grammar & writing toolbox." We will explore a variety of methods to provide diverse exposure, and I can offer tools to assist students with writing.


I provide unique assistive custom colored documents for select classes to support dyslexia, dysgraphia, and neurodiverse learners. I partner with each learner to facilitate and support them to flourish and discover new concepts.
Learners may join at anytime during the offered session dates/times.
**Please note students aren't required to use Google Docs. 
*There will be no required writing as every student has their ideal method for learning and growing.

Learners may use paper and pencil, a tablet (writing device) , or may listen and verbalize their ideas too.  Learning methods and preferences are unique for each student, which provides the flexibility to promote engagement.
已加入 October, 2019
學士學位 由 Pennsylvania State University
As a homeschool mom and statistical writer, I discovered the visual impact of writing and this simplistic approach to mastering concepts.  Students are able to take a variety approach to write and master the concepts from elementary, middle, high school, and college levels. Writing is a developed skill that needs to be fostered carefully and is unique to each student. Sparking their creativity is key to grasping concepts, and I truly love connecting with each student to bring out their "writing" ideas.
*I am extensively trained with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and neurodiverse learners to provide unique teaching methods and custom created support tools. These methods and tools have provided my students with the opportunity to see their unique gifts and talents to share with others.  This brings such joy to my life as I partner with each student on their learning journey.




每週 1 次
45 分鐘

有16 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-13
2-7 每班學員人數

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