


由 23 位學習者完成
年齡 9-12
(436 評論)

每週 1 次
1-9 名學習者(每班)
45 分鐘


1 現場會議
每週上課 45 分鐘 小時


英語程度 - A2
美國 4 - 6 年級
Most history classes look at what life was like for adults, but in this class we will explore what it was like to grow up and be a child at different points in history. We'll learn about different toys, what children did all day and what they wore. We'll look at famous children from history such as Tutankhamen and think about what life would have been like in different points in the past. We'll talk about what school was like in the past (and who went to school) and think about how children learnt if they didn't go to school. Learning about what life was like for children is a great way to engage young learners with history, to capture their interests and to encourage young learners to think about what life is like for people who live in circumstances different to them.

Classes will be discussion based, with prompts from me as the teacher. Learners will be encouraged to build upon what other learners have said. We will use a number of different images to prompt the discussion, including images of toys, paintings and 

Each week, we will focus on a different time period and geographical location. A brief background on the time period of the week will be given, before we focus on answering the central question: 'What was it like to be a child during this time?" No prior knowledge is needed for any of the sessions. There will be a small amount of writing on the slides each week, however it is not necessary for your learner to be able to read as I will make sure the key information is read aloud.

January - March 2023

Week commencing 1st January
Childhood in the Persian Empire
This week, we will be looking at life in Ancient Persia, talking about food that was eaten, what the cities were like and learning about King Cyrus. We will look at life for children, including what children went to school and what they learned. We will also look at some pull toys and games.

Week commencing 8th January
Childhood in the Mongolian Empire 
This week, learners will explore the life of Mongolian Nomads in the 1200s. We will look at how they lived, what they ate and wore. We will learn some of the rules children had to learn, listen to a traditional Mongolian story and play a Mongolian game.

Week commencing 15th January
Childhood in Regency England
In this class, we will explore the life of children in Regency England (1795-1837). We will learn about different types of schooling for different social classes, look at the type of jobs poor children would have had and explore mass produced toys of the period.

Week commencing 22nd January
Childhood in in Ancient Egypt 
In this session, children will learn about childhood in ancient Egypt. We will look at different types of education, including looking at what children would have learnt and where. We will look at children's clothing and the games and toys children played with, including showing toys from the tomb of tutankhamen.

Week Commencing 29th January
Childhood in Italian Renaissance
This week we will focus on wealthy Italian families during the renaissance, particulalrly focussing on the Medici family. We will learn about home schooling and the different expectations for boys and girls. We will also look at toys and gifts traditionally given to wealthy children. 

Week Commencing 5th February
Childhood in Anglo-Saxon England
This week, we will look at life in England from approx. 500-1060. We will talk about class differences in childhood and look at education for wealthy boys, including looking at school books. We will learn about how poor children learnt, including the gender division of jobs. We'll look at some toys from the period and have a chance at solving an Anglo-Saxon riddle.

Week Commencing 12th February
Childhood in Imperial Russia
This week, we will look at the differences between the noble families and poor families shortly prior to the Russian revolution. We will look at the toys and education of the Tsar's children, and use photographs of their lives to illustrate their experiences. We will also learn about the new invention of school for the Russian peasants and examine the traditional hand made toys these children would have played with.

Week Commencing 19th February
Havasupai Children
In this class, we will learn about the experiences of the Havasupai tribe in the Grand Canyon around 400 years ago. We will discuss the nomadic lifestyle of the tribes and think about how that impacted the toys they played with as well as the jobs children did. We will learn about childhood rituals such as getting ears peirced and having their first soapy bath, and discuss how children learnt the various tasks. We will also hear a traditional story that children would have been familiar with.

Week Commencing 26th February
Children in Pre-history
This week, we will look at archeological evidence from around the world to peice together life for a prehistoric child, We will look at the very first toy and think about what other toys they may have played with. We will also use evidence in cave paintings and midden piles to think about how children learnt.

Week Commencing 4th March
Children in 1800s Canada
This week, learners will explore life for the children of Canadian pioneers. We will look at the differences in schooling for rich and poor children, and look at examples of toys for the rich and poor. We will also look at sports and entertainment for children, including the magic lantern.

Week Commencing 11th March
Childhood in the Ancient Greece
In this session, learners will look at life in Ancient Greece. We will look at the education offered for both boys and girls and examine how this was different. We'll also look at real example of ancient school work completed on tablets. We will talk about clothing for young people and look at the ritual of the Spring festival. We will also look at childhood in Sparta and how this differed from childhood in Athens.

Week Commencing 18th March
Childhood on the Oregon Trail
This class will look at young people who travelled on the Oregon trail in the 1800s. We will read excerpts from diaries kept by children on the trail and think about some of the challenges they faced. We will look at the different jobs done by young people on their journeys and look at how young people spent their leisure time.

Week Commencing 1st April
Childhood in Ancient Rome
This week, we will look at childhood in Ancient Rome and think about the toys and education that young people received. We will look at gender differences in education as well as class differences. We will also look at examples of Ancient Roman toys. We will look at when childhood ended by learning about 'coming of age' ceremonies for both boys and girls.

Week commencing 8th April
Childhood in the Aztec Empire
In this session, learners will look at the different ways children were educated in the Aztec period, including the topics both boys and girls learnt at school. We will also look at how children interacted with the environment during their schooling. We will examine different toys and learn about different games that children played and discuss some unfair rules.

Week Commencing 15th April
Childhood in Elizabethan England
In this class, learners will explore life in late Tudor England. We will look at how boys were educated and learn about what a typical school day looked like, as well as look at an Elizabethan text book. We will also look at how poor children were educated and have a go at exploring the standard Elizabethan 'Italic Script'. We will also look at different artefacts used by children from infancy.

Week Commencing 22nd April
Childhood in the Victorian Era
In this session, we will explore the differences in childhood for rich and poor children. We will look at different toys and games and think about how their economic background influenced the way children played. We will also look at the different ways children were educated and how this varied according to class. Learners will also look at the different rules in a Victorian classroom.

Week Commencing 29th April
Childhood for Sami children
In this session, learners will explore life for Sami children in the sixteenth century. Learners will explore how their surroundings influenced their education and how this education was delivered by their family members. We will also explore different toys and how the nomadic lifestyle influenced children's play. Learners will get the opportunity to hear a traditional Sami story and think about how myths and legends influenced children's play.

Week Commencing 6th May
Childhood in the Mayan Empire

Week commencing 13th May
Childhood in WW2 Britain
In this class, learners will explore the impact of World War 2 on childhood. We will learn about evacuation and how this impacted on families. We will also look at changes to classes and schools bought about by the war, for example through bombed classrooms and through growing food. Learners will look at different toys and games and think about how the war impacted on children's play.

Week commencing 20th May
Childhood in the Viking times

Week commencing 27th May
Childhood in the Indus Valley

Week commencing 3rd June
Childhood in World War 1
This week, learners will explore childhood in World War 1, particularly focusing on education and the changes war bought to lessons. Learners will look at different toys and how these developed during the war. They will also have the opportunity to watch short videos taken during the war.

Week commencing 10th June
Childhood in Ancient China (Shang and Zhou dynasties)

Week commencing 17th June
Childhood in 1920s USA

Week commencing 24th June
Childhood in Meiji Restoration Japan (1868-1912)

Week Commencing 1st July
Children in Pre-history
This week, we will look at archeological evidence from around the world to peice together life for a prehistoric child, We will look at the very first toy and think about what other toys they may have played with. We will also use evidence in cave paintings and midden piles to think about how children learnt.

Week commencing 15th July
Childhood in the Viking times

Week commencing 22nd July
Childhood in the Indus Valley

Week commencing 29th July
Childhood in the 1960s

Week Commencing 5th August
Childhood in 1960s South Korea

Week Commencing 12th August
Childhood in 1960s Russia

Week Commencing 19th August
Childhood for American Pilgrims and the Wampanoag

Week Commencing 2nd September
Childhood for Australian convict children


Learners will:

Learn about childhood at different points in the past,
Learn about different toys and hobbies from the past
Learn about what children did all day.


At times, we will be talking about prejudice and stereotypes, in particular, about how boys and girls have been treated in the past. I will ensure that this is presented in an age appropriate way by saying that 'in the past, some people thought that women weren't able to do the things that men can do'. Please ensure that you and your learner are comfortable talking about discrimination. In particular, please note that we will be talking about racial segregation, segregated schooling and schools for Native American children in the week on 1920s USA. In the week we talk about Australian convicts, we will be discussing how sometimes young children were sent away from their families and lived a harsh life, including some of the punishments that people faced.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
This course will draw on a variety of sources from history, art history, archeology, anthropology and sociology. When studying indigenous childhood, the voices of indigenous people will be centred. Havasupai Children: I will be using memoirs and oral records from the Havasupai community, including Stephen Hirts's "I am the Grand Canyon" 3rd Edition (edited by the Havasupai community), records of interviews with Havasupai council members, including Ophelia Watahomigie-Corliss and miscellaneous Oral History records from the Havasupai tribe. The voices of Havasupai will be centred during this class.


已加入 December, 2020
非美國 教學證書 在 小學教育
博士學位 在 歷史 從 University of Southampton
I am a qualified teacher and I have a PhD in history. My PhD focussed on the history of childhood and gender and I have been a part of the Society of the Study of Childhood in the Past, have attended seminars and conferences on up-to date scholarship and given lectures on childhood to other academics.


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下一堂課今天 4 PM
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下一堂課今天 1 PM
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下次會議在 3 PM Saturday
1 週, 1/週, 30 分鐘
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14 週, 2/週, 50 分鐘
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1/週, 55 分鐘