10 預錄課程
每段影片平均 19 分鐘5 週
教師的支持3 小時 7 分鐘
影片總學習時數1 年訪問權
每週 1 小時. -Learners may submit a written answer to the question I ask at the end of each video lesson. It will be a question related to the story they read that's presented in the lesson. I can then observe their writing and spelling and provide either written or video feedback. -At the end of the video/lesson we will play "Guess the Word". There will be a word related to the spelling skill for that lesson. Learners may submit a guess as to what the word is by video, by photo or by discussion in the classroom. For example: The category is animals. There are 3 blanks. They guess a short vowel word that is an animal with 3 letters. I will give another clue during the next video lesson. I will then tell them the answer in the following lesson (ex. cat). -Learners may also provide a video of them reading the passage from the lesson. -I will attach 1-3 worksheets to each video post. These are OPTIONAL.評分
I will assess/give feedback on learners' written responses as well as the practice sheets upon request.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
美國 Kindergarten - 2 年級
Improve your child's spelling and reading skills with this class! I'm here to support you! 🌞 Each of my self-paced classes are numbered to help with the order in which you could take them. But of course pick and choose the courses/concepts that your learner would benefit from some extra instruction and practice. 🌞 In this SELF-PACED video course learners will have engaging, explicit, multi-sensory instruction based on the Orton-Gillingham approach. It was developed for children with dyslexia and dysgraphia but would benefit any child. We will do a deeper dive into short vowels and digraphs spending multiple lessons on each concept. During these videos I will use various props (vowel sticks, hand motions for short vowels ✋, etc.). ⭐ Learners will practice by tracing sounds with their fingers kinesthetically on an object of their choice (see supply list). ⭐ Next learners will touch spell and write words. I will offer a variety of sizes of words (short, medium, long) for them to choose from. ⭐ Then they will read isolated words and words in a sentence. ⭐ Finally they will read a passage and answer a question about it. *I will attach 1-3 worksheets to each video lesson for optional additional practice.* The Orton-Gillingham approach was developed for children with dyslexia or dysgraphia. If your child has been diagnosed with either of these this class is for you. A systematic approach to teaching phonics is perfect for any child who needs some extra support in that area. Dr. Samuel Orton said, "Analyze the language to be learned into its smallest useful elements-the sounds we hear and speak and the graphic symbols we use when we read and write. This reduces to a minimum the necessary memory load, a major problem for those who find language learning difficult. " 💥CONCEPTS COVERED💥 Short Vowels - 4 lessons Digraphs - 6 lessons -Learners may submit a written answer to the question I ask at the end of each video lesson. It will be a question related to the story they read that's presented in the lesson. I can then observe their writing and spelling and provide either written or video feedback. -At the end of the video/lesson we will play "Guess the Word". There will be a word related to the spelling skill for that lesson. Learners may submit a guess as to what the word is by video, by photo or discussion in the classroom. For example: The category is animals. There are 3 blanks. They guess a short vowel word that is an animal with 3 letters. I will give another clue during the next video lesson. I will then post the answer in the classroom in the following lesson (ex. cat). -Learners may also provide a video of them reading the passage from the lesson. I WILL RESPOND WITHIN 24 HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.
-Learners will articulate the spelling sounds/rule.
-Learners will spell words that practice the spelling sound/rule.
-Learners will read words that contain the spelling sound/rule.
遵循 Orton-Gillingham 課程2 單位
10 課程
超過 5 週單位 1: Short Vowels
課 1:
Short Vowels #1
1 作業
22 分鐘的影片課程
課 2:
Short Vowels #2
1 作業
21 分鐘的影片課程
課 3:
Short Vowels #3
1 作業
20 分鐘的影片課程
課 4:
Short Vowels #4
1 作業
18 分鐘的影片課程
The Orton-Gillingham approach was developed for children with dyslexia or dysgraphia. If your child has been diagnosed with either of those this class is for you.
Learners that know at least 20 letter sounds will benefit most from this class.
-Any object that has texture (sandpaper, towel, sand on a plate, plastic needlepoint canvas, etc.) Pop Its work great! They can even trace on the surface of their table or desk. -I have also attached a sheet to the first lesson that we will be using. If you don't have access to a printer you can just use a piece of paper or a whiteboard. -(JUST for the Short Vowel videos) I have attached a sheet to the first lesson that has the vowels on it. You can print it and/or cut them apart for class. Learners will point to or hold up the correct vowel when asked. If you don't have access to a printer you can just write the vowels on a piece of paper.
2 註冊後即可取得文件
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
I am using resources created by Emily Gibbons, The Literacy Nest. I have been granted permission to use this author's materials in my course. All resources will be shared securely and may not be shared outside of this course. For more information, go to www.shopliteracynest.com. The Literacy nest is a registered trademark.
I am using resources created by Allison Mathias, Partyin' with Primaries. I have been granted permission to use this author's materials in my course. All resources will be shared securely and may not be shared outside of this course.