통화, 시간대 및 언어 설정 열기

버킷을 채우세요! 자존감, 자신감, 자기애, 친절을 키우세요(6-8)

30분 동안 저와 함께 격려와 지원을 받으며, 우리의 마음에 영양을 공급하고 자신과 다른 사람들에게 친절하고 사랑스럽게 대하는 법을 배우세요! 우리가 자신을 돌보고 친절을 나누면서, 우리는 감정적 양동이를 채우고 다른 사람들도 그렇게 하도록 돕습니다!
Miss Laurie
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

1개의 라이브 미팅
주당 수업 30 분 시간
주당 1시간. Your homework is to read your affirmations often during the week, learning to recognize how they make you feel. Maybe even writing a simple positive quote that you can share with the class in the classroom before class if you wish. When we learn a new mindful technique and "do" it, you are encouraged to try it on your own and see if it feels good to you.
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

Welcome to our class!  We all struggle at times with feeling confident, good enough, etc.  In this space we will learn and discuss ways to feel better about who we are, and recognize all we have in common with each other also!

Even young children feel the affects of stress in life, from school, home, friends, beginning to learn true communication with those we come in contact with, etc.  If they have tools to "feed" their brain positivity, and if they learn they have a body, mind, and heart they have to keep healthy, they are happier, kinder, more positive individuals, and bounce back more quickly from the stresses of everyday life.  Teach a child early how to care for their "whole" self and they will be happier and healthier overall throughout their lives!

We'll learn and read 3 new positive affirmations each week to build ourselves up and help us continue to do our best, feeding ourselves positive "Brain Food".  You will be encouraged to keep an affirmations journal and read your affirmations daily.  The more we read and process these words as positive "brain food" they begin to become our "truth"!  We begin to "Live" those words.  We'll talk about and do small, simple practices of mindfulness that calm, energize, and build self esteem and inspire us to be all we can be, our true and authentic self, filling ours and others emotional wellness buckets!

This class is meant to boost daily self esteem and encourage more positive self talk and kindness toward self and other.  Doing these things help fill our emotional wellness buckets and we help others buckets fill also.  
In this small piece of your week we will share and discuss quotes that help you think

I have a student directed learning style.  I learn as much from them as they hopefully learn from me.  Comments and conversations among students bring awareness of similarities to recognize they are not alone in the feelings/emotions they feel and the things they experience in life!  This awareness can bring a sense of belonging and help them see they are not alone in this big world!

I teach kindness and tolerance for all our differences, because those differences make us each unique and amazing!   I love working with students from all around the globe and helping them engage and feel more comfortable sharing their comments in class.

Come join me each week as we fill our emotional health buckets with kindness and self love.

 Class will go as follows:
*Check in-What made you smile this week?  What was a challenge or a bit stressful?
We discuss tools we can use to lessen our heavy emotions, and fill our buckets!
*Affirmations-Read them then say them with me to feed our brains "POSITIVE BRAIN FOOD".
*Discuss the topic for the week. 
We will often find this topic in our affirmations and quotes.
*Read and study/discuss our quotes and how they can apply to us.  
*We end with a small brain break!  A mindfulness moment or small meditation.  Learning tools we can use whenever we need a brain break from stressful moments, or a way to be more peaceful.  This mindfulness moment is another "bucket filler!"

Here a list of the subjects we'll discuss the rest of 2024.

Sept 4-6 Empathy 
Sept 11-13 Cooperation
Sept 18-20 Telling the Truth/Honesty
Sept 25-27 Assertive Communication

Oct 2-4 Anxiety
Oct 9-11 Bragging or confidence
Oct 16-18 Kindness
Oct 23-25 Apologizing 
Oct 30-Nov 1 (No classes this week) 

Nov 6-8 (No classes this week)
Nov 13-15 Boundaries
Nov 20-22 Fair/Equal 
Nov  27-29 (No class for the Thanksgiving Holiday) 

Dec 4-6 Understanding
Dec 11-13 Avoidance
Dec 18-20 Courage
Dec 25-27 (No classes for the Christmas Holiday)

**Refunds are not provided in this class because recordings of each missed class are available to all learners so any missed material will be completely accessible at all times to watch before the next class. Please try and find time to have your student watch our weekly video if they are sick, are going on vacation, or unforeseen events come up.  The time watching the class video could be just what your child needs the week they have to miss!
학습 목표
Students are encouraged to add the weekly affirmations to a personal notebook, read them daily to lift their spirits, and encourage positive, personal change and growth.
We will learn to be kinder to ourselves in turn being kinder to others!
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
If you can support your child with gentle reminders to say their affirmations often during the week, maybe even asking them to share them and a quote they might remember, that would be great!
수업 자료
Please come to class with a journal, notebook or lined paper strictly meant for positive words to be written in.  Don't forget a sharp pencil or a pen.  Your choice.  This notebook can serve you for years to build confidence, self esteem and self worth as you go back through its pages often.
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: March, 2020
366수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
I have been enjoying meditation, Naturopathy, and other natural health practices for years!  
I'm a Master N.L.P. Practitioner, An EFT Practitioner, have been a school teacher (of K-12) for 18 years, have had a private practice for more than a decade, and working on a certificate for a whole-food plant-based cook.  I am amazed every time I see children and adults alike recognize the potential for self-awareness and personal change they never knew they were capable of!  
My favorite part of working with students, young and old is to help them come away from our time together feeling lighter, happier and inspired to become their better self!  That is what I hope for students from this class!


실시간 그룹 수업


주당 1회

56 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 6-8
수업당 학습자 3-7 명

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