
分数、パーセンテージ、小数、掛け算の数学の世界 ヴァルドルフ教育に触発された

マジックトリックを使って6から12までの九九を暗記しましょう! 素晴らしい絵を描きながら、分数、パーセンテージ、小数、長除算の世界を簡単に征服しましょう。あらゆる数学の問題を解きます。 素晴らしい暗算のエキスパートになりましょう!
Waldorfunn Math and ABC with Melianna


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 50 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 6
Let's begin our journey into strategic math together. 
We will enjoy making math easy with magic tricks!

To fly with ease in the world of fractions, decimals, and percentages, we need to master our multiples of 6,7,8,9. So we will get those squared out right away in four condensed and super effective classes. Believe it or not, your child will once and for all be able to write down all times tables from 6 to 12 quickly to solve fractions, decimals, and percentages easily.
How? We will discover their magical pattern, build the Sieve of Eratosthenes, and so much more. Memorizing them will become EASY! We will also review one timetable from 6 to 12 in each following class; repetition is critical with rhythmical skip-counting.

Once we know our multiplications by heart, further arithmetical processes are more manageable. We will practice essential mathematical concepts of fractions, percentages, and decimals to find solutions to daily life problems. We will deeply understand the world of fractions and how to manipulate them to meet our needs. We will get comfortable calculating decimal numbers and what they reveal to us. We will comprehend why percentages are essential and so much more.
Math makes sense when applied to real-life events!

We will read and write small problem stories and draw the solution out.
We will draw and color our equations to create a one-of-a-kind mathematical piece of art!
The accent is not on quantity but on quality. 

At Waldorfunn, each class begins with a deep breath. We light a candle and say a verse to set ourselves up for a beautiful learning experience. Similarly, each class ends with gratitude, a share-and-tell of our work, and a farewell goodbye.

I am sincerely looking forward to meeting you and your child.
I guarantee my high-quality classes. I pour my heart into each class and cultivate a loving relationship with each student.
I love math, I love teaching, and children feel it!

Class  topics are as follows:
Wednesday's class starts the week of September 1
Monday's class starts the week October 1 

(Week of September 2)
* Mastering the multiples table of the number 6 ... tricky!
(Week of September 9)
 * Mastering the multiples table of the number 7...magic grid.
(Week of September 16)
 * Mastering the multiples table of the number 8 ...We got this.
 (Week of September 23)
* Mastering the multiples of the number 9...it's so easy!

(Week of October 7)
* The world of fractions and terminology. What fractions are for? 
We will explore this concept further to understand it truly.

(Week of October 14)
* Adding and subtracting fractions. We need to get that Ahah! 
  ( This is a new concept to master; it can be tricky at first)
* Important things to know, such as how to find a common denominator. But that becomes so easy when we know all our multiples well.

(Week of October 21)
 * Practicing adding and subtracting fractions, finding common denominators, and overcoming challenging calculations. Ensuring we did have that enlightenment moment!
* We will ensure our answer is simplified in proper fractions.

(Week of October 28)
 * Practicing multiplications and divisions with fractions and simplifying our answer. It is so much easier than it sounds!

 (Week of November 4)
The four arithmetical processes of decimals. ( + - × ÷ )
 * Understanding the decimal world is all about place value—how vital that decimal is and what it tells us. 

(Week of November 11)
 * Realizing how fun and easy addition and subtractions are with decimals.... keep it straight.

(Week of November 18)
 * The realization that multiplication and division of decimal numbers is as easy as regular multiplications and divisions, but with a dancing decimal.

(Week of December 2)
What are percentages really?
The four arithmetical processes of percentages. ( + - × ÷ )

 (Week of December 9)
* Are percentages and fractions closely related? How to transform percentages in fractions to make it easy to solve "big" problems.

( Week of December 16)
* Fractions numbers to the rescue of percentages problem-solving. Ah, it can't get any easier!
Building confidence with math and learning to love mathematical challenges.
Knowing how to calculate and compute fractions, decimals, and percentages.


It is needed for the child to know and be comfortable with basic additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions.
The supplies shown in the class image are essential to a successful class:

* Size A4 blank notebook for drawing, writing and computing.
children will build a beautiful and artful mathematical book to keep as a knowledge resource.
* Wooden color crayons
* Color block wax crayons or color stick crayons 🖍
参加しました February, 2024
準学士号 College de Sainte-Foyから 林業 へ
I am deeply invested in anthroposophy, and I acquired the foundational knowledge and the practical art skills of Waldorf Education. 

Mathematics is my passion, and I specialize in  Classical Greek geometry and arithmetic.
I crafted my math classes to trigger the genius in each student.

I speak four languages fluently.
I also teach reading and spelling classes at the elementary level because I believe in the power of classical literature. I crafted these classes for children to fall in love with writing with perfect spelling.

Like in Math, if a class is meaningful and emotionally captivating, "Difficult" academics become satisfying!
I strive to create those "AHH" moments in children...they are the delights of academic work!

The purpose of my educational classes is to inspire students.
I know how important this is for children and their future academic life.

I have a Canadian Advanced Degree in the Natural Science of Silviculture and Forest Management.
I have taught Waldorf Waldorf-inspired curriculum for my four delightful daughters for over five years.




50 分

10 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-13
クラス人数: 4 人-9 人

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