
生物学実験と授業: 果物からの DNA 抽出実験

DNA について、また果物から DNA を抽出する方法について学びます。手元にある果物ならどれでも使用できます。このレッスンでは、学習者は自宅で実験を行い、語彙と DNA のラベル付けを練習します。
Abbie Butler
Rising Star


1 ライブミーティング
55 分 授業時間
週1時間. Optional homework is provided via online quizizz and interactives, as well as traditional worksheets.
Optional Quizizz quiz games/worksheets are available
A certificate can be made with an average of any work turned in or a completion status.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Beginner レベル向け
In this lab, you extract and isolate DNA from strawberries/fruit using household ingredients

Supplies needed- (optional)
strawberry or other fruit (fresh or frozen)
plastic ziploc bag
liquid soap 
A straw/ stirrer/ spoon 
isopropyl acohol/acetone/ nail polish remover 
2 empty cups 
coffee filter/ fine strainer

(the lab is optional to complete together, we will be doing the lab but it is okay if the student doesn't set it up. I  suggest they do it because it is entertaining and really fun).

Key concepts---
Base pairing 
DNA composition 
Multicellular eukaryotic cells
Laboratory techniques

I will be using a powerpoint slide, providing the lab sheet that doesn't need printed, setting up and modeling the lab during class, and reviewing concepts with vocabulary and practice problems. I will provide extension games to play after class and extension material to continue learning (All links will be provided the day of class- nothing needs to be printed.).


Learn about DNA Structure
Learn the base pair principles


Lab is optional to set up. I may be using my ipad therefore, I will not be using the chat box feature. This is lab 3 of 18 from my Biology Lab Semester Class.
Optional lab supplies
strawberry or other fruit (fresh or frozen) about a palm size 
plastic ziploc bag - sandwich size 
1 cup water
1 tsp salt
2 tsp liquid soap 
A straw/ stirrer/ spoon 
1/4-1/2 cup isopropyl acohol/acetone/ nail polish remover 
2 empty cups 
coffee filter/ fine strainer
teaspoon (optional) 
Suggested to bring more filter incase yours breaks 
Bring paper towels in case you spill
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました August, 2018
Rising Star
オハイオ州 教員免許 科学で
学士号 Muskingum University から 科学 へ
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Hello! My name is Abbie Butler. Take a look around and feel free to message me with questions or requests.  

Teaching Certifications and Specialties 
I have a B.S. degree in Biology, and an AYA grades 7-12 teaching license in Life Sciences.  I  graduated from Muskingum University in 2013. I student taught in grades 7-8 and substitute taught for a year in grades pre k-12.  I have taught High School Life Sciences (Biology/ Anatomy/ Zoology/ Oceanography/ Nutrition/ Botany/ Horticulture/ Environmental Science) and knit and crochet club for the past 10 years. I taught from 2013- spring 2019 in public and private schools.  I am currently teaching full time online, since June 2019.  This is my 4th year online teaching!  So far I love it! I enjoy all areas of Life Sciences, as well as crocheting.   Additionally, I have taught ESL online for a 2 years. I also tutored for exam prep - high school biology.    

My lessons will focus on Anatomy, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Environmental Science, lab based lessons, as well as crochet classes for various ages ranging from 12-18.  I also have private tutoring options.

Teaching Style
My teaching styles involve more of a hands on and student based practice/application process.  There will be many areas of interaction and practice in the lessons.  Most lessons are set up as a Quizizz lesson or powerpoint(large chunk of teaching the lesson), then do several practice questions (multiple choice, diagrams, matching), teach another small section, and then have another area of practice, finally review and summarize the lesson before saying goodbye.

I enjoy to go bike riding, fishing, going for walks and enjoying nature. I like to bake, or at least attempt to! My hobbies are crocheting and trying to make crafts with my cricut machine .  I love spending time with my family.  

Experience Crocheting 
I have crocheted for 14 years.  I am left handed.  I will do my best to explain and model as many techniques as possible in class. I will also provide crochet YouTube videos to assist you! Crocheting is fun and can act as a stress relief, motivating and inspiring creative ideas.

Experience tutoring for OGT, OAA, NCSE, Science End of Course exams aligned with Ohio state standards and which are generally modeled from NGSS standards.

My Teaching Philosophy and Future Growth
My philosophy is you learn best when you are involved in your learning.  My focus is for you to comprehend the content for mastery and long term use. It is easier to learn with practice and activities rather than lecture the entire lesson.  Therefore, class will have various dynamics and interactions.  

We will have a lot of fun in class.  You will leave my classroom confident with your new content knowledge. I will also ensure you have enough practice resources and variation to continue learning outside of class.  Items will be shared via hyperdocs made with google docs the day of class.

If a class does not have the minimum learners then,  I will contact enrolled students and discuss  how they would like to proceed.  Options:  run the class with the low enrollment or transfer to a different section.
If no students arrive when class starts, I will wait 5-10 minutes and then begin making a recording students can view anytime afterwards. 

Refunds and Transfers
Most classes operate under the 'Limited' refund model. Learners can withdraw with a refund up to a week before class starts, or within 24 hours of purchase. Refunds will not be sent for withdrawals outside this window, but transfers may be requested up to 24 hours before class.  
No-shows will not receive a refund, but may be offered video recordings.  

Class Recordings
I typically post the recording if the parents ask, in general, I try to weekly if I remember to post it automatically with no request.  Families can access this recording in the same classroom from which they launched the live course. 

Flex Classes
I do currently offer a few selected flex classes, but I am currently working on revamping the classes so most of my flex classes are not available at this time.  I post recordings of every class I teach, which can be used with class materials to complete the course on the learner's schedule.  Activities in flex classes are interactive and engaging still.  I actually model my flex classes off of a few of my popular live classes.  

Check out my class descriptions for specials and coupons!

Thank you! I hope to see you soon! 





55 分
207 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 1 人-12 人

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