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Romeo y Julieta: un estudio sobre el romance y la tragedia en una obra shakespeariana

En este curso de ocho semanas, los estudiantes leerán, discutirán y escucharán Romeo y Julieta de William Shakespeare mientras se sumergen en el lenguaje, la poesía, las relaciones entre los personajes y el significado histórico de la obra.
Kaitlyn Fischer: Close-Reading Specialist
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Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

8 reuniones en vivo
5 horas 20 minutos horas presenciales
1 hora por semana. Students will be asked to complete all of their reading during class. If some of our writing work is unfinished after class, students will be asked to complete that work outside of class as well. But the majority of the work will be completed in class.
If students would like a more formal assessment in terms of an assessment (test) grade or even an essay, I do offer these options. Please reach out to me and I can make sure to provide them for your student!
I provide grades when requested for classes. Let me know if this is a good option for you!

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 9 - 11
"Two households, both alike in dignity
(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage—
The which, if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend". - A Citation is Provided Below!

This excerpt is from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, a famous play that has inspired love stories over hundreds of years. The story of two young lovers whose families are fighting a bloody feud that strikes at the heartstrings of people of all generations. In this course, we will take the opportunity to read the play together (both in class as a read-aloud and outside of class as independent reading). I firmly believe that Shakespeare should be read together in a class format because it gives us a chance to practice language; dive into the story, characters, relationships; learn about the cultural and historical significance of the play; and more! Join us for this class and see Shakespeare in a way that you have never seen before!

Below is a weekly schedule that our class will be following. It is flexible as student conversation, interests, and needs will often dictate our conversations and Socratic discussions. Let me know if you have questions about them!

Week One: Introduction
     - Introduction to the Play and Author
     - Capulets vs. Montagues
     - Read Aloud of the Prologue
     - Shakespearean Language
     - History and Cultural Significance
Week Two: Act One
     - Read Aloud from Act One
     - Discussion of the Story and Language
     - Understanding the Feud
     - Capulets vs. Montagues Continued
     - Tips and Tricks for Reading
Week Three: Act One Continued
     - Read Aloud from Act One
     - Discussion of the Story and Language
     - Understanding the Feud
     - Capulets vs. Montagues Continued
     - Tips and Tricks for Reading
Week Four: Act Two
     - The Famous Balcony Scene
     - Solilqueys vs. Monologues
     - True Love or Simple Lust?
     - The Role of Friar Lawrence
     - Roles of Mentors and Mentees
     - Friendship and Advice
Week Five: Act Three
     - Tybalt, Mercutio, Benevolio
     - Marriage and Fighting
     - Comedy Amidst Tragedy
Week Six: Act Three
     - The Words of a Prince
     - Still True Love or Simple Lust?
     - Friar Lawrence Continued
     - Enter Paris, Stage Left
     - The Story Gets More Complicated...
Week Seven: Act Four and Act Five
     - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures?
     - Misunderstandings
     - Friar Lawrence's Plans
     - Whose Choice is it Really?
Week Eight: Act Five
     - Finishing the Play
     - The Aftermath of Decisions
     - Is the Feud Over?
     - Who is to Blame?

After the course is over, students will have the opportunity to do a follow-up essay using multiple prompts of the student's choice. Prompts will be provided to students upon request!

     - Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. New York, Modern Library, 2009.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will be able to identify, analyze, or apply the following concepts:
     - Character Development
     - Conflict
     - Theme
     - Symbolism
     - Examine Shakespearean Language
     - Read Aloud
     - Translate/Transcribe the Play
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

Plan de estudios
Sigue en plan de estudios Teacher-Created
Alineado con Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
8 Lecciones
más de 8 semanas
Lección 1:
Week One: Introduction
 - Introduction to the Play and Author
- Capulets vs. Montagues
- Read Aloud of the Prologue
- Shakespearean Language
- History and Cultural Significance 
40 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
Week Two: Act One
 - Read Aloud from Act One
- Discussion of the Story and Language
- Understanding the Feud
- Capulets vs. Montagues Continued
- Tips and Tricks for Reading 
40 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
Week Three: Act One Continued
 - Read Aloud from Act One
- Discussion of the Story and Language
- Understanding the Feud
- Capulets vs. Montagues Continued
- Tips and Tricks for Reading 
40 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
Week Four: Act Two
 - The Famous Balcony Scene
- Solilqueys vs. Monologues
- True Love or Simple Lust?
- The Role of Friar Lawrence
- Roles of Mentors and Mentees
- Friendship and Advice 
40 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Here is the Common Sense Media Review for the play. Please review and let me know if you have any questions or concerns! - https://www.commonsensemedia.org/book-reviews/romeo-and-juliet
Lista de útiles escolares
Students will be asked to get a copy of the play. While there are many versions out there, this is the one that I recommend the most: Romeo and Juliet - Purchase Guide

Amazon (Folger Version):

Barnes and Noble:


Project Gutenberg (Free Out-of-Copyright Version): 
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el January, 2020
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Colorado Certificado de Docencia en Educación Secundaria
I have been teaching professionally for over 10 years in both Missouri and Colorado. I have been on Outschool for over three years and can provide links to classes where I teach the concepts of this semester-long class so you can look through them and look at the reviews to see how other parents and students have reacted to my courses. I am happy to answer any questions that you have!

Shakespearean Course:
     - https://outschool.com/classes/high-school-english-a-semester-aSOujVyl?usid=l0R3fRwf&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link
Classic Literature - A Novel Study (A course where students choose the novels we read)
     - https://outschool.com/classes/classic-literature-novel-study-V9NC71b3?usid=l0R3fRwf&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link


Curso grupal en vivo

18 US$

semanalmente o 140 US$ por 8 clases
1 x por semana, 8 semanas
40 min

Completado por 11 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 14-17
1-6 alumnos por clase

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