
for 42 classes

"Grandes bolas de fuego" Inglés de secundaria: Literatura estadounidense y cultura pop S1

Completado por 18 alumnos
Edades 15-18
Curso grupal en vivo
Este curso único, de un año completo y dos semestres, basado en proyectos, combinará literatura con cine, música, cómics y la cultura pop estadounidense más emblemática. Un enfoque diferente con un profesor divertido y alocado que vive en un caos organizado.
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(116 opiniones)

Videoconferencias en vivo
3 x por semana, 14 semanas
6-16 alumnos por clase
50 min

Qué está incluido

42 reuniones en vivo
35 horas presenciales
2-4 horas por semana. Homework for this course will consist primarily of reading, watching films, and completing projects. In addition, students will complete three essays each trimester. Students will be provided with literary and film analysis worksheets and charts to complete as they read and view. These are designed as learning tools and may be collected periodically throughout the semester; however, they are graded for completion and effort. As an upper high school class, students are expected to pace themselves appropriately and complete all assignments as requested, even if the assignments are not collected or graded. Typical Workload -Read 1 novel a month -Write one essay a month -Watch 1-2 films a week (3-4 hours a week) -Complete one mini project each semester (2-4 hours) -Complete one major project each semester (10-20 hours)
Assessments will take two forms. The first being the three essays that students will write each semester. These essays will assess both their knowledge and writing ability. Projects will be their second form of assessment and the most important. These projects will assess their knowledge and understanding as well as their ability to apply that knowledge in a way unique to them.
Grade will be provided at the end of each semester. Essays will be graded based on the former 9-point AP rubric and then modified to the 5-point scale. All other assignments will be graded based on the 5-point scale, then weighted appropriately. The 5-point scale: A=5 (4.5-5): Far surpasses all standards and expectations B=4 (3.5-4.4): above average, exceeds standard C=3 (2.5-3.4): Meets standard expectations and requirements D=2 (1.5-2.4): Needs improvement/meets some expectations but falls below standard F= 1 (0-1.4): Does not meet standard expectations 0=0: did not turn in or did not complete (A note on grading: My classes are designed to be easy to pass provided students put forth the effort; however, I do not grade easily. I expect my students to always give me their best effort, but quality of a finished product and assessment of learning, knowledge, and understanding require more than just effort. In other words, I am an easy C, but a hard A.)

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 10 - 12
Nivel Intermediate - Advanced
*This is a full-year curriculum for grades 10-11, divided into two semesters. Separate enrollment is required for each semester. Semesters may be taken independently or consecutively; however, be advised that units will build on each other to some degree.  Semesters are subject to vary in length in an effort to schedule the course in accordance with traditional, American holiday breaks; however, each semester shall be priced equally. The full length of the course shall be 32 weeks, meeting three times a week. An optional “Honors Section” to accompany the course is also available.

**This course is aligned with core standards for grade 11 English Language Arts and is taught by an experienced and credentialed teacher.  Letter grades are available for each semester upon request.

Superheroes, fast cars, rock n roll, hip-hop, cowboys, gentlemen, athletes, ladies, murderers, movies, teen angst, great American novels, poetry, and awesome creative projects.... this is an American Lit course unlike anything you have ever seen. 

Course Description (Separate enrollment required for each semester)

Just because I spent most of my career in a traditional high school, doesn’t mean that my classes are traditional.  I do align them with the standards and include some of the traditional texts, but my classes always have a unique twist.  Combining project-based instruction with class discussion, my classes are anything but ordinary.  My often unorthodox and creative approaches to teaching require students to think in ways they never imagined, inspiring both critical and creative thinking. My fun writing exercises empower students’ voice and encourage them to develop as writers, both formally and creatively, without the burdens and limitations that often come with old school teaching techniques. But above all, it is the relationships that I build with the students that really drives the classroom experience.  

This course in designed to teach higher level critical and creative thinking skills through in-depth literary analysis of prose, poetry, and film, rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts and speeches, and project-based learning.  Students will also work to develop and hone their writing skills through a variety of creative and formal writing exercises and essays. 

In this course students will…
-determine theme;
-analyze plot and its various phases;
-examine how literary elements affect plot progression, assist in character development, and convey meaning, including: motif, symbol, foreshadowing, echoing, flashback, opposition, metaphor, irony, foil, choice of language; 
-understand the mono-myth (Hero’s Journey), The Heroine’s Journey, The Villain’s Journey, and character archetypes;
-develop an understanding of modern pop-culture.

This course provides opportunities to for students to develop the following skills:
1.Explain the function of character.
2.Explain the function of setting.
3.Explain the function of plot and structure.
4.Explain the function of the narrator or speaker.
5.Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbolism.
6.Explain the function of comparison.
7.Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of a portion or whole text.

Each unit will feature literary analysis with special attention paid to theme, interpretation, symbolism, figurative language and other literary devices. Writin will be a focus throughout the year, focusing on 1. voice, style, writing fluency and storytelling, 2. Literary analysis of prose and poetry, 3. Persuasive writing, 4. Rhetorical analysis, and 5. Synthesis/research writing. Poetry and nonfiction prose will be used throughout the unit in accompaniment with novels, films, comic books, and short stories.

About the books and films in this course:

Books and films have been chosen to cover a wide array of genres, styles, and time periods in American literature and society with an effort to include a combination of traditional classics and contemporary masterpieces. Books also have a wide range of reading levels, and some may be familiar or have been previously read; however, it is the analytical approach that makes the difference. In regard to the films, the majority have been selected because they are based on a novel or short story; however, in some cases it is their independent quality or the iconic nature in regard to American pop culture.

Basic Class Structure

In order to maximize student learning and allow for differentiated instruction, a thematic curriculum will be followed; however, specific daily lessons and timelines are liable to vary slightly. Our weekly class structure will, however, typically follow the same format. 

Each day will begin with a 5-minute warm-up writing activity (usually a MADE), followed by the daily class lesson, discussion, or activity. As a three day a week class, the typical weekly format will be as follows: Day 1, Reading discussion and analysis, Day 2 ELA lesson/activity (typically linked with our current reading), and Day 3, writing focus.


This course will contain an emphasis on writing; however, writing instruction is not traditional.  We will write essays, but most of our writing is done through fun and engaging writing activities designed to promote student learning.  The lessons within these activities are not always easily detected, but they do exist. As students hone their skills in these exercises and informal activities, their formal writing improves as well.  I have never been the type to bleed all over a paper with a red pen. Instead, I believe in encouraging students to write and empower their voice. Writing traditional essays and working on grammar exercises can be boring and often discouraging. My approaches may be a bit unorthodox, but my students always end up loving to write and are constantly getting better as writers.  


Homework for this course will consist primarily of reading, watching films, and completing projects. In addition, students will complete three essays each trimester. Students will be provided with literary and film analysis worksheets and charts to complete as they read and view. These are designed as learning tools and may be collected periodically throughout the semester; however, they are graded for completion and effort.  As an upper high school class, students are expected to pace themselves appropriately and complete all assignments as requested, even if the assignments are not collected or graded.

Typical Workload
-Read 1 novel a month
-Write one essay a month
-Watch 1-2 films a week (3-4 hours a week)
-Complete one mini project each semester (2-4 hours)
-Complete one major project each semester (10-20 hours)
Core Texts

Major Works

Novels (semester 1)
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Anthem" by Ayn Rand
-Plus one additional novel, student choice from a teacher provided list

Films (semester 1)

Some films are required, as they will be the focal point of lessons and discussions, while other films are optional, but recommended as supplemental viewing. These optional films will be discussed and referred to in class, but will not necessarily be the focal point.  Student viewing is highly encouraged as it will provide a greater understanding of our core topics and focus. All R-rated films are noted, with all other films being rated either PG or PG-13.
*Denotes required viewing. 

*The Shawshank Redemption [R]
*Forrest Gump
*Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Pretty Woman [R]
*Hidden Figures
Erin Brockovich [R]
*The Devil Wears Prada
The Blindside 
Do the Right Thing [R]
The Joy Luck Club [R]
Stand and Deliver 
*La Bamba 
Jailhouse Rock
*American Graffiti
Almost Famous [R]
*Beat Street
Straight Outta Compton [R]
Boyz N the Hood [R]
*Raisin in the Sun 
*The Color Purple 
*The Founder 
*The Fountainhead 
*National Treasure  
*The Crucible


Students shall be evaluated overall by a combination of engagement, progression, and learning.  Rather than waste time on trivial grading, much of the work in this course is designed as exercises in order to promote student development.  Students that are actively engaged and put forth the effort will excel with the assessments. That being said, it is the finished product that is more important when it comes to student assessment.


30%  Engagement, effort, and collaboration (including attendance and an open camera)
30%  Essays and writing
40% Knowledge and understanding (projects and assessments)

In lieu of formal exams, this course will use essays and projects as the primary form of student assessment. Essays and projects must be submitted on the date due. Work submitted after the deadline may not be evaluated or scored.

Essays will be graded based on the former 9-point AP rubric and then modified to the 5-point scale.  All other assignments will be graded based on the 5-point scale, then weighted appropriately.

The 5-point scale:
A=5 (4.5-5): Far surpasses all standards and expectations
B=4 (3.5-4.4): above average, exceeds standard
C=3 (2.5-3.4):  Meets standard expectations and requirements
D=2 (1.5-2.4): Needs improvement/meets some expectations but falls below standard
F= 1 (0-1.4): Does not meet standard expectations
0=0: did not turn in or did not complete

(A note on grading: My classes are designed to be easy to pass provided students put forth the effort; however, I do not grade easily. I expect my students to always give me their best effort, but quality of a finished product and assessment of learning, knowledge, and understanding require more than just effort.  In other words, I am an easy C, but a hard A.) 

***** This is a full year course in two parts.  Separate enrollment required for each semester******

Curriculum Map (full-year)

*please note that all of the films that are listed will be discussed in class; however, while students are encouraged to watch all of the films, not every film listed will be required.

Semester One

Essays: Personal Narrative, Literary Analysis, and Rhetorical Analysis
Novels: A multicultural or gender novel of their choice (list provided), Anthem, and The Great Gatsby
Mini-Project: Creating a superhero and his/her nemesis
Final Project: An artistic or musical representation of an American sub-culture

Unit 1: Course introduction and review of literary analysis
-The Hero’s Journey, character archetypes, symbolism, literary devices, music, and pop-culture.
Films: The Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump
Unit 2: Gender, ethnicity, and multiculturism in 20th Century America
*During this unit, students will select and begin reading their first novel of the course. For this novel, students must choose an American novel that addresses gender, ethnicity, or cultural diversity. A list of approved options will be provided, or students may request to read a different novel not on the list with the consent of the teacher.
2.1: Comic books and superheroes as folklore (part 1)
	-Independent research and viewing, The X-Men, Wonder Woman, and more.
	-Mini-project assigned: “Create a hero and their nemesis”
2.2: Rise of women in the 20th century
	Films: Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Pretty Woman, Hidden Figures, Erin Brockovich, The Devil Wears Prada, and The Blindside.
2.3: Multiculturalism and identity in 20th century America.
	Films: Do the Right Thing, The Joy Luck Club, Stand and Deliver, and La Bamba
	-Final semester one project assigned, “Gender, ethnicity, and culture: A representation of individual identity.” 
Unit 3: Music as Revolution
3.1 Rock and Roll, diners, and cars
	Films: Jailhouse Rock, Grease, American Graffiti, and Almost Famous
3.2 Oral tradition to Hip-Hop
	Folktales, toasting, and snaps: how hip-hop was born
	Films: Beat Street, Straight Outta Compton, Boyz N the Hood
Unit 4: The American Dream
*Students should select and begin reading a classic American novel of their choice. A list will be provided.
4.1: Novel: The Great Gatsby
4.2: Films: Raisin in the Sun and The Color Purple
4.3: Money Matters: Films: The Founder and The Fountainhead
Unit 5: Growth of a National Identity: From Revolution to Existentialism to Dystopia
5.1:  Revolution and growth
	Films: National Treasure and The Crucible
5.2: Transcendentalism to existentialism
	Readings from Thoreau, Whitman, and more
	Film National Treasure and The Crucible
5.4: Power and the creation of a dystopian society
	Novel: Anthem
Semester One: Final Project Presentation

Semester Two

Essays: Literary Analysis, Persuasive, and Synthesis
Novels: Shane, In Cold Blood, Catcher in the Rye, Slaughterhouse 5, and a contemporary American novel of their choice.
Mini-project: American Manor (group project)
Final Project: Students will create their own project idea under the guidance of the teacher.

Unit 6: Comic Books as folklore (part 2)
Heroes and crime lords
	Texts: The Killing Joke, Batman Year One, The Dark Knight Returns
	Films: Lego Batman, another Batman movie, and one MCU movie with Ironman
	6.2 mini-unit: Organized crime (a mafia movie)
Unit 7: Cowboys
	Novel: Shane
	Films: Tombstone, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Die Hard
	Redneck poetry and country music
Unit 8: “Damn Yankees!” sports literature and pop culture
	Films: The Natural, Rudy, 42, When We Were Kings, Secretariate, Rocky, and Air
8.1 Sports lit and pop culture
8.2: The greatest: sports icons and literature
Unit 9: Law, mystery and murder
	Films and such: 12 Angry Men, Colombo, Psycho, American Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, 
	Novel: In Cold Blood
Unit 10: Synthesis Essay
Unit 12: How to be a ninja
	Film: Dragon, a Bruce Lee movie, and a ninja movie
Unit 13: America at War 
	Films: Apocalypse Now, M*A*S*H, The Watchmen
	Novel: Slaughterhouse 5
Unit 14: Teen Angst and coming of age
	Films: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Footloose
Novel: Catcher in the Rye
Unit 15: Modern world, social media, and pop icons
	Films TBD based on student feedback, recommendations, and selection (SNL, Ghostbusters...)
Final project presentations.

Metas de aprendizaje

In this course students will…
-determine theme;
-analyze plot and its various phases;
-examine how literary elements affect plot progression, assist in character development, and convey meaning, including: motif, symbol, foreshadowing, echoing, flashback, opposition, metaphor, irony, foil, choice of language; 
-understand the mono-myth (Hero’s Journey), The Heroine’s Journey, The Villain’s Journey, and character archetypes;
-develop an understanding of modern pop-culture.

This course provides opportunities to for students to develop the following skills:
1.Explain the function of character.
2.Explain the function of setting.
3.Explain the function of plot and structure.
4.Explain the function of the narrator or speaker.
5.Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbolism.
6.Explain the function of comparison.
7.Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of a portion or whole text.

Programa de estudios

Plan de estudios
Sigue en plan de estudios Teacher-Created
Alineado con Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
5 Unidades
42 Lecciones
más de 14 semanas
Unidad 1: Course introduction and review of literary analysis
Lección 1:
Course introduction and Review
50 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
The Hero's Journey, Character Archetypes, and Symbolism
 The Shawshank Redemption 
50 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
Understanding Pop Culture
 Forrest Gump 
50 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Unidad 2: Gender, ethnicity, and multiculturism in 20th Century America
Lección 4:
Comic books as folklore Part 1
 -Independent research and viewing, The X-Men, Wonder Woman, and more.
	-Mini-project assigned: “Create a hero and their nemesis” 
50 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
This course is designed for mature teenagers, as we will often discuss topics of a mature nature including but not limited death, suicide, drug use, sexuality, violence, etc. Many of the works covered contain mature themes and often have strong language. Parents should screen all films prior to watching, as individual sensibilities vary. In addition, many of the films do have an R-rating (noted under sources). While it is my position that these films are acceptable for most teens, others may disagree. The R-rating is typically due to violence, language, and mature subject content. Please note that while we will discuss all of the films to some extent, students are not required to watch all of them. Some films are listed as required while others are listed as recommended supplemental viewing. Required films will be the focus of lessons and discussions, while supplemental films will serve to provide a deeper understanding. Parents may always exclude a film at their discretion if they object to the content.
Lista de útiles escolares
Students are responsible for acquiring their own copies of all novels (audiobooks are allowed) and their own access to all films.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Novels "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald "Anthem" by Ayn Rand -Plus one additional novel, student choice from a teacher provided list Films Some films are required, as they will be the focal point of lessons and discussions, while other films are optional, but recommended as supplemental viewing. These optional films will be discussed and referred to in class, but will not necessarily be the focal point. Student viewing is highly encouraged as it will provide a greater understanding of our core topics and focus. All R-rated films are noted, with all other films being rated either PG or PG-13. *Denotes required viewing. *The Shawshank Redemption [R] *Forrest Gump *Breakfast at Tiffany’s Pretty Woman [R] *Hidden Figures Erin Brockovich [R] *The Devil Wears Prada The Blindside Do the Right Thing [R] The Joy Luck Club [R] Stand and Deliver *La Bamba Jailhouse Rock *Grease *American Graffiti Almost Famous [R] *Beat Street Straight Outta Compton [R] Boyz N the Hood [R] *Raisin in the Sun *The Color Purple *The Founder *The Fountainhead *National Treasure *The Crucible

Conoce al profesor

Se unió el August, 2022
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
California Certificado de Docencia en Artes del lenguaje inglés
Licenciatura en Inglés desde University of California Santa Barbara
Credentialed teacher with almost 20 years of experience in education. Certified AP English teacher, forensics coach (speech and debate), with an extensive background in drama.  I have taught in multiple states in the U.S. and spent three years teaching in China.  I am traveler, chef, poet, and storyteller, specializing in writing instruction, literary analysis, creative projects, and above all, building student teacher relationships.


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