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El futuro médico: Bone-Ology

En este campamento los estudiantes aprenderán la composición y partes del hueso. Habrá una anatomía comparada de los huesos de varios animales presentada por el instructor.
Patricia Valdez Certified Teacher
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Qué está incluido

4 reuniones en vivo
3 horas 20 minutos horas presenciales
1 hora por semana. There may be an occasional coloring sheet to help learn the parts of the bone and skeleton.
Assessment is oral. The teacher will ask the student periodic questions throughout the lessons.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 3 - 6
Nivel Beginner
My teaching style is to touch on the senses of hearing and seeing. We will begin with various vocabulary at the start of our lesson. We may have a 2-3 minute video from Youtube on some lessons that will help their understanding of the lesson. Students will learn about different physiology and anatomical parts of mammalian bones through micro and macro observational studies. Then document our findings through sketching and modeling. For example, at the microscopic level, we will dive into a Haversian canal. At the macroscopic level, we will observe the different parts of a long bone. I will exhibit several mammalian bones I have collected over the years. Then we will proceed to discuss our labs. Labs will consist of worksheets or hands-on activities that may require some supplies. Bones will never be seen the same again after this in-depth study.
Metas de aprendizaje
*Please note that I prefer students to keep their video open while in my lab classroom and keep chatroom conversation to a minimum. 
Day 1 
Parts of the Skeleton
Students will have a fun activity using bone card labels to print and then place on their own bodies. 
They may use the Parts of the Skeleton diagram to follow along to do this hands-on activity.
How can you tell how old a person is by looking at its skull and skeleton?
Print out Bone Card Labels and cut out before class. 
X-ray observational study by reviewing online images.

Day 2
Parts of a Long Bone
Label a long bone using stickers. (save a turkey or chicken leg bone)
Lab: What does acid do to a bone? What does heat do to a bone?
Optional Lab: How do I make a rubber bone lab? This is a progressive lab since the student will need to leave the bone in a jar with the ingredient needed and then observed throughout a 2-week period. 

Day 3
Smallest Bones in the Body
Lab: Let's make a paper model of the three smallest bones in the ear. 
Materials: Color pencils, scissors, and tape for this activity.

Day 4
Mammalian Bone Comparative Study
Lab: Comparative study of Mammalian bones. Students will observe and sketch various skulls. They will view and sketch mammalian femur, pelvis, and vertebrae.
Materials: Sketch Pad and Pencil
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Please note that I do occasionally use Videos as a teaching tool.
Lista de útiles escolares
Day 1
Print  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GCanobJQt8S9xYJgE4vZrqYzRSOgoTKTRkstynjgR-M/edit?usp=sharing
Color pencils or markers
Day 2
turkey or chicken leg bone
small stickers 
Day 3
Color pencils, scissors, and tape for this activity. Plus, print the activity. http://www.scholastic.com/listencarefully/pdf/starkey_68_imallears.pdf
Day 4
Materials: Sketch Pad and Pencil
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Se unió el October, 2018
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Ciencia
I have taught Forensics to children for twenty years. So the study of x-rays and mammalian bones is one of my expertise. 


Clase grupal

58 US$

por 4 clases
4x por semana, 1 semana
50 min

Completado por 3 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-12
3-10 alumnos por clase

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