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Welcome to the World of ASL! American Sign Language for Beginners Part 1

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This class will focus on expressive and receptive skills in American Sign Language and an introduction to American Deaf culture. No prior knowledge needed. #Academic

Class Experience

Beginner Level
12 lessons//6 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction and Foundations
• Introduction to class rules and fellow learners with an icebreaker activity. • Learn the Manual Alphabet and practice Fingerspelling with double letters. • Understand ASL Parameters, Signing Space, and Indexing.
Lesson 2
• Understand the basic rules of fingerspelling.
 Week 2
Lesson 3
• Explore numbers from 1 to 100, including cardinal, ordinal, and nominal numbers.
Lesson 4
Questions, and Deaf Culture
• Master “WH” Questions and basic conversation skills. • Participate in ASL Bingo to expand vocabulary.
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Sentence Structure
• Study ASL Sentence Structure and advanced “WH” Questions.
Lesson 6
Colors, Clothing, & Deaf Culture
• Learn colors and basic clothing terminology. • Gain insights into Deaf Culture with a spotlight on Alice Cogswell.
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Express Yourself Through Sentences
• Strengthen ASL Sentence Structure skills. • Practice days of the week and basic Glossing.
Lesson 8
Deaf Culture
• Gain insights into Deaf Culture with a spotlight on Andrew Foster.
 Week 5
Lesson 9
Review and Integration
• Review and synthesize knowledge from previous weeks.
Lesson 10
Vocabulary Enhancement
• Enrich your vocabulary and reinforce food-related signs in a fun activity.
 Week 6
Lesson 11
Q & A Preparation
• Review and practice interview questions.
Lesson 12
Guest Speaker and Assessment
• Meet Teacher Joseph Keith, a respected figure from the Deaf Community, in a Q & A session. • Showcase expressive skills in assessments.
1 - 2 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Homework will serve as a crucial extension of classroom learning, reinforcing receptive and expressive skills, while also fostering a deeper understanding of Deaf Culture and history. Assignments, conducted on platforms such as Flip and Nearpod, not only contribute to individual skill development but also serve to prepare learners for upcoming class sessions.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Learners Progress will be assessed through the following: 🎯 Comprehensive Quiz: This is a comprehension quiz covering the topics that were taught. The quiz tests your ability to understand what is being signed to you. 🎯 Expressive Test: You will prepare your own autobiography using the vocabulary and grammar structures learned in class. Assessment in this ASL course will be conducted through quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and projects to measure learners' progress in receptive and expressive skills, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural understanding. Quizzes will be short and frequent, covering specific topics. Tests will be comprehensive and include written and practical components. Homework will reinforce learning outside of class. Projects will provide opportunities for deeper exploration of ASL concepts and cultural aspects. Assessment criteria will be clearly outlined, and feedback will be provided to guide learners' development. These assessments are crucial for monitoring progress and tailoring instruction to meet individual needs.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Grades are available upon request, but the focus remains on students' pursuit of skill mastery.
 1 file available upon enrollment
Paper Pen/Pencil
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
During this 6-week class, your learner will use the app Flip and Signing Savvy dictionary to complete homework & practice their ASL skills. 

Flip and Signing Savvy does not require the learners to set up an account.

Signing Savvy is a free ASL dictionary. Account sign-up is not necessary for usage.   
Flip is a required additional resource for this class. 
An online ASL Dictionary (https://www.signingsavvy.com) is required. The dictionary is a free resource. In addition, the students may need a separate device to play Kahoot. If using a computer the student will only need to be able to open another tab or split their screen. 
Joined June, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree from Troy University
Associate's Degree in Foreign Language from Troy Univiesity
I'm Jacqueline, affectionately known as Miss Jae by my students. Guiding individuals through the realms of ASL is a passion close to my heart. My aspiration is to introduce students to the captivating beauty of American Sign Language... 
Group Class


for 12 classes
2x per week, 6 weeks
60 min

Completed by 49 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 12-16
4-10 learners per class

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