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The Lightning Thief: Percy Jackson Book Club

In this 6-week book club, students will read and discuss the first book in Rick Riordan's The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Lightning Thief
Janelle Fila
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What's included

6 pre-recorded lessons
6 weeks
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content
1-2 hours per week. Students will read approximately three to four chapters a week on their own time. Students will have access to the new video and a corresponding one page worksheet with discussion questions and places for fill-in-the blank answers. Each week, I assign a short writing assignment focused around that week's discussion questions and ask the students to share their responses in the classroom. There are vocabulary words and an optional Kahoot! quiz to test their comprehension from the weekly chapters.
The more questions, comments, and posts that students share in the classroom, the more I can understand their knowledge and comprehension of the topics we are discussing.
Please let me know if you would like a grade for this course.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Students will read approximately three to four chapters a week on their own time. Each week a new video will discuss the pages that the students have previously read. This class does not meet live. The prerecorded sessions will emphasize characters, their motivations, theme, story plausibility, and inferences about what might come next. We will also refer to the mythology surrounding the Greek gods as it relates to our weekly reading. 

Students will have access to a video that covers the important elements of the week's reading and a corresponding one page worksheet with discussion questions and places for fill-in-the blank answers. The worksheets will also address/remind the students of some of the important topics from each chapter. Each week, I assign a short writing assignment focused around that week's discussion questions and ask the students to share their responses in the classroom (so other students may view, comment, and interact as well). I also ask students to submit any vocabulary words the students didn't recognize or passages the students did not understand. The more questions the students ask, the more "discussion" we can have in the classroom after each chapter. 

Weekly breakdown:
Students will receive a worksheet and discussion questions for each weekly video. There is one weekly writing assignment to complete after the weekly readings. I will post a vocabulary word for the students to use in a sentence that showcases their understanding of the definition. I will post a link to a Percy Jackson Kahoot! quiz the students can fill out to further immerse themselves in this world.

Learning Goals

Week 1 Chapters 1-3
Week 2 Chapters 4-6
Week 3 Chapters 7-10
Week 4 Chapters 11-14
Week 5 Chapters 15-18
Week 6 Chapters 19-22
learning goal


6 Lessons
over 6 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Chapters 1-3
 Video, Worksheet, Writing Assignment, Vocabulary Words, Kahoot! review quiz 
Lesson 2:
Chapters 4-6
 Video, Worksheet, Writing Assignment, Vocabulary Words, Kahoot! review quiz 
Lesson 3:
Chapters 7-10
 Video, Worksheet, Writing Assignment, Vocabulary Words, Kahoot! review quiz 
Lesson 4:
Chapters 11-14
 Video, Worksheet, Writing Assignment, Vocabulary Words, Kahoot! review quiz 

Other Details

Parental Guidance
According to commonsensemedia.org: Parents need to know that The Lightning Thief is the first book by Rick Riordan in a long-running saga that includes five books in the main series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, five books in a spinoff series, The Heroes of Olympus, and five books in another spinoff series, The Trials of Apollo. Once kids get started with The Lightning Thief, they often blow through all three series. They're that popular. The best time for kids to get rolling is fourth or fifth grade. That's when most kids are ready for a main character like Percy Jackson. He's a sardonically funny 12-year-old with dyslexia and ADHD who is not so great with authority. In The Lightning Thief he finds out his absent father is a Greek god (Greek gods still inhabit the modern world and have affairs with mortals) and that he has powers of his own as a demigod. On a quest, his more heroic qualities come through. He's resilient, resourceful, and brave in the face of danger. There's a lot of mythology to keep straight and some tense monster fights. Usually the monsters turn to dust (though one is beheaded as a trophy) and the demigods get magically healed. There's other action violence as well, especially car accidents and exploding vehicles, and talk of animal abuse and spousal abuse. Percy's mom goes to the Underworld and is heavily mourned. Kids will learn a lot about the Greek idea of the Underworld. They will also have regular references to products, especially Coke and Oreos.
Supply List
The students will need a copy of The Lighting Thief to read on their own. It can be borrowed from the library or even listened to as an audio book. The students will not need a physical copy of the story in class, although they may find it helpful to have while filling out their worksheets or working on their writing assignment.
Language of Instruction
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • Kahoot
Joined June, 2019
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from Spalding University
I have an MFA in Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults. I was a substitute teacher before teaching on Outschool. I also teach English Composition for a local university. Percy Jackson is the first book series my reluctant reader son read on his own without any prompting from me. Because of that, it will always have a special place in my heart! I want to share that love and passion for Percy Jackson to all readers. I feel so fortunate that I got to know the Greek myths through Percy's fun, fast paced adventure!  It is such an immersive world and so much fun to escape to. There is so much to be learned from this series, especially for students who love Greek mythology, reading about creative worlds or who have any interest in creative and historical writing. This book particularly leads to good discussion about ADHD, new schools, feeling different, and Greek myths and gods. 


Self-Paced Course



6 pre-recorded lessons
6 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content
Completed by 6 learners
Ages: 8-12

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